The Diaries of Ay'esha

The Diaries of Ay'esha tell the story of Michael Forbin's abduction and training by a member of a secret society named Ay'esha. The avowed purpose of this group of women is to bring peace to the world by training the men in the world into submission and manipulating them into doing the bidding of the group.

Quick Reference

The Diaries of Ayesha

Vengence is mine saith the Lord
An unsolved murder and the return of a damsel places Michael and his Mistress on the trail of a killer

Hotcha Cornia (Dark Eyes)

Author: Dr. Charles Forbin
©Copyright 1998

I awoke nestled next to Susan, a vast improvement over the last time we slept together, when I woke up and found she and Miriam had gone.

I slipped out of bed and pulled my shorts on and padded my way into the living room and then pushed her wheelchair into the room and parked it where I thought she could get into it. Then I found her kitchen and rummaged through the cupboards until I located the elixir vital to human life in the morning, or at least mine: Coffee. The nectar of the God, Juan Valdez.

Fifteen minutes later I had a cheese omelet ready for Susan and bacon and toast for me, then carried it to her on a tray.

I kissed her gently and she stirred then looked up at me with a sleepy smile.

"Good Morning Sir Michael.", she said with a small yawn.

"Good morning Mi'lady Susan, I bring you succulent vituals for thy morning pleasure.", I said helping her to sit up, then placing the tray on the bed.

"Oh my, breakfast in bed. I'm honored.", she said happily.

"Well don't expect it all the time.", I said. "Have to pay for the bed somehow."

"If I order you to, you will.", she said smugly.

"Ask Minx about that. She might loan me to you, but I don't think she'd give me away. Sell me maybe.", I said with a wink.

Susan stopped with a bite of egg halfway to her mouth.

"She could sell you?", she asked in surprise.

"Damned if I know. I don't think I can be, but I've never asked. I like to think I wouldn't exactly be a bargain.", I replied seriously.

"I'd say not. How long were you married by the way?"

"My wife would have said six and a half pretty good years. Living with me is not a picnic. I can be stubborn, annoying, and sloppy. And those are my minor flaws."

She shook her head in disagreement.

"And you can be loving and gentle and gallant and romantic. And that's why Minx keeps you around, and why your wife married you. She knew what she was getting."

"Perhaps.", was all I said.

I called Mistress Minx and asked if Susan could borrow Miriam to take care of her until she could find a replacement for Mr. Hahn, and she graciously agreed.

"Miriam would love to do that. She's really taken quite a liking to Susan. Don't forget to call the Hammet Agency and talk to Miss Danger today.", Minx reminded me.

"No Ma'am, I hadn't forgotten. Incidentally, who's paying her?", I asked.

"I suppose I am. If you can develop any solid information about Kali's activities at Rudenko Imports, I think the Mother of Many will reimburse me. If not, you'll be working for food stamps for the rest of your life.", she sighed.


"Exactly. I'll send Miriam over after I have my breakfast."

I contacted the Hammet Detective Agency and asked for Gerl Danger.

When she answered I reminded her who I was and asked if she was interested in working on the case.

"Are you serious?", she asked.

"You know, nobody thinks I'm serious about this. Yes, I'm serious.", I said exasperated.

"Why? I know that Rudenko's in jail.", she replied.

"Let's just say I know a little more than the papers are printing. My company still has an interest in the case and Miss Dawes insists that I work with a partner this time."

"So why me?"

"Let's just say what Miss Dawes wants, she gets. Are you in?"

"I'll meet you at Hamburger Mary's in an hour. And you're buying.", she replied.

"Somehow I expected that.", I sighed.

Hamburger Mary's is one of the best places for burgers in the City as well as having an eclectic clientele.

I pushed my way past a couple of spike haired, pierced lipped teenagers and joined Gerl at the table she had selected.

She was already three quarters of the way through a chili size when I sat down and she waved for a waitress to come over and take my order.

"Just coffee for me.", I said.

"I figured this was the best place to meet you.", she said around a mouthful of burger.

"How so?", I said, sipping the coffee.

"Because Rudenko's place is only a few blocks from here. And I figured you wanted to get a quick start. So we eat and then we pay Rudenko's a visit.", she explained.

"Are you always this one step ahead of everybody?"

She laughed.

"Usually. Pisses a lot of people off when I am, but I figured in your case you wouldn't mind."

"You're right. There's another person who will be working with us by the way. She's a lawyer.", I advised.

"OK , not a problem."

"She's also in a wheelchair.", I added.

She stopped eating and whistled.

"Time out. We're taking a handicapped lawyer with us?", she said curiously.

"Not today, but I need your talents and I need hers. I'm just the pointman on this job.", I explained.

"It's your money. Standard rates apply, just like in a taxi cab.", she said taking another bite.

"Don't I know it. If I can't prove anything, Miss Dawes has threatened to take it out of my pay if I don't come up with answers.", I agreed.

"She sounds like she can be a real bitch to work for.", Gerl said looking out the window.

"At times. She's very demanding but to be where she is at her age, it takes that drive. Me, I generally putt."

"Putz?", she said with a smile.

"Putt you twit!", I said finishing the coffee.

I paid the check and we walked over to Rudenko's office to see what we could see and planned the approach.

Rudenko's receptionist was more than a little startled to see me walk in the door, which pleased me no end.

"Mr. Rudenko isn't here.", she said, looking towards the closed office door.

"I'm sure he isn't, considering he's in jail right now. But I'm still working on the Zilenski and Podgorni matter. This is my assistant, Ms. Danger.", I said introducing Gerl.

"I'm not sure I can be of any assistance to you.", she said hesitantly.

"Oh I don't know about that.", Gerl said. "If we could just look at the business records for the last five years."

The receptionist's attitude changed at that point to a far more defensive posture.

"The company records are not open for the general public.", she said, her Russian accent diminishing as she became more angry.

"Honey, I'm not the general public. I am trying to determine if there are grounds to pull the insurance from this company. If you cooperate, we can probably take care of any discrepancies. If you don't want to do this the easy way, fine.", I snarled.

Gerl touched me on the arm and I stepped back slightly.

"Look, Ms. Oppengak", she said reading the nameplate on the desk, " my partner is a bit edgy about this whole situation. He could have been shot instead of your boss. Now his boss is on his back about the whole affair. I know you have your limits, but if we could just talk to whoever has taken over in Mr. Rudenko's absence, I'm sure we can wrap things up and leave you alone.", she said in a more moderate tone than I used.

The receptionist just looked at her for a moment before pressing the intercom button.

"There are two people here from TransUnion Insurance.", she said clearly.

"Send Mr. Forbin in.", was the quiet reply in a voice that sounded vaguely familiar.

"Ah, my reputation precedes me.", I said and walked into the office.

I closed the door behind me and faced an old friend.

"Isis, how nice to see you again. It's been what, a year or two at least?", I said sitting down.

Isis Khambata, member of Kali, and a woman who had once buried Minx and I under a truckload of fruit, sat behind Ivan Rudenko's desk, a pen in her hand.

"Mr. Forbin. I'd like to say it's nice to see you, but it isn't. What do you want?", she said coldly.

"After all we've been through together, how can you say that? After all Minx didn't bill you for the car repairs.", I said sweetly.

"If you have business here, tell me. Otherwise, get out."

I leaned forward and gazed at her levely.

"Isis, did you or anybody involved with Kali shoot Rudenko?"

She looked at me like I'd crawled from under a rock.

"Why? His men were the ones who broke Susan Bellamy's back, not Rudenko.", she said.

"Why didn't Lydia do something about it if you knew that?", I asked.

"Why should she? It didn't affect us directly. What Rudenko did was his business, not ours.", she rebuked.

"Nice having a selective set of morals.", I retorted.

"Was that all you wanted?", she said putting the pen down.

"Just one more question. Does your receptionist know about Kali?"

Isis considered the question carefully before answering.

"I honestly don't know how much she knows about Rudenko's business affairs. And I'd still like to know what you want here."

I thought about it for moment before replying.

"Because I as much as I dislike Ivan Rudenko, I still want to know who shot him. And killed the two men in the clock tower at Ghirardelli Square."

She blanched at the last few words.

"Two dead men in the tower?", she asked.

"Yes, the police found two dead men in the tower, shot at close range.", I replied." It seems that they might have been Marcus Bellamy's bodyguards."

That got a reaction.

She stood up so suddenly that her chair slammed against the wall with a bang. Almost before I could react myself, the door was kicked open and Gerl stood there with her gun aimed at Isis.

"Freeze!" , she shouted.

Isis did, as I looked at Gerl who stood ready for action.

"What took you so long?", I said casually.

Gerl didn't bother with a reply, just looked at Isis.

"Problem, boss?", she asked.

"Oh no, not at all. It seems that murder bothers her is all.", I said watching Isis squirm at gun point.

"I promise you, we had nothing to do with the murder of those two men.", Isis stammered.

"Do you believe her?", I asked Gerl.

"I think so. Look at her hands.", he said nodding towards Isis.

She was right. Isis's hands were shaking like a belly dancers navel.

I stood up.

"Isis, do yourself a favor. Find out who did, before the police show up. Because they won't be understanding at all. You know my name, look up the number.", I said and walked out, with Gerl holstering her weapon, following right behind me.

"Do you always come on that strong?", Gerl asked as we walked back towards Hamburger Mary's.

"The young lady that you sent quivering into a corner is an old friend of Miss Dawes and I. We nailed her on a bank fraud case a couple of years ago. ", I said glibly.

"And the murder bit?"

"I told you I knew a little more about the Rudenko shooting than most people. It seems that the shooter killed two other people. There were two guys who were in the tower to start with, both shot at close range. And a rifle was found that didn't match the ballistics of the one that shot Rudenko."

Gerl stopped walking and looked at me.

"Are you telling me that somebody shot the people that were planning on shooting someone?" , she asked.

"You got it."

"That's fuckin weird.", she said.

"Hang around for awhile and you'll find out that weird r' us.", I said opening the door to Hamburger Mary's

I sat down next to her at the counter as she ordered a beer and took a long pull at it when it arrived.

"You didn't say anything about murder when you hired me.", she finally said.

"I'm sorry.", I said. "I've never worked with a professional detective before."

She looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"I thought you were an investigator for Transglobal Insurance?", she said.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Actually, I do research for Dawes, Jones, Mosley and Grubbs. Miss Dawes had me assigned to the case because we were planning on hiring the lawyer's daughter. The background check turned up a few odd things and, well here I am.", I admitted.

"Does this lawyer that you're working with know anything about working in the field as an investigator?", she asked.

"Probably more than I do. I've learned a lot, but I've never taken a formal class."

She finished the beer and ordered a second one.

"Who's paying?", the waitress asked.

"I'm buying, he's paying.", she said as he looked at me for conformation.

I put a twenty on the counter.

"When she's finished that much, cut her off.", I said, "And get me a cup of coffee please."

She poured me a cup of coffee, picked up the twenty and walked away.

"I don't work with amateurs and kids as a rule." Gerl said, putting the bottle down.

"I may not have a fancy license but I don't consider myself an amateur by any stretch of the imagination.", I retorted, standing up.

"Wait a minute. Let's talk.", she said and waved me back down

I sat back down next to her again, still piqued by her attitude.

"Look ," she started, "I've worked with my share of partners who were too dumb to come in out of the rain. But you're expecting me to protect you and a woman in a wheelchair."

"You've got a problem with that? I'm the client and I'm paying the bills. You can assign my associate to do the phone work and the research. But I will be in the field with you. My leads and my way. Got it? ", I snapped in my best New York accent.

"Fuck you.", she replied finishing the beer.

"Not my style.", I replied.

She grinned at me and stuck a hand out.

"Let's meet your partner. This is going to be fun.", she said as we shook hands.

Susan and Gerl had no trouble getting used to each other as Susan was accustomed to dealing with police officers and in fact I was ignored while they started talking in copspeak.

I finally decided that enough was enough and raised a hand.

"Excuse me, I hate to interrupt this tea party ladies, but time's a wasting. We need to check out my theory about who the dead guys are.", I said.

"And how do you intend to do that?", Susan asked.

Gerl and I just looked at each other and smiled.

"I don't think I want to hear this.", Susan said.

"I haven't said anything yet.", I protested.

"How do you look in black?", Gerl asked her.

"Fine, why?", Susan said with a wary glance.

"Well, your husband has been missing and presumed dead for some time. There's some chance that one of the unidentified men in the morgue may be your missing spouse.", I said.

"You are really sick, you know that?", Susan replied with a wry smile.

"You knew that before you married me.", I replied automatically.

Susan and Gerl both looked at me oddly

"Married?", they chorused.

"Sorry, reflex. My wife used to say that.", I explained with a slight blush.

"Miriam!", Susan called." Get my black dress out of the closet. It seems I'm going to a funeral."

Miriam appeared from the bedroom with a curious look on her face.

"Who's funeral?", she asked looking at the three of us.

"If he's wrong, his.", Susan replied pointing a thumb at me.

Two hours later the deputy medical examiner was escorting Susan and Gerl and I into the storage area. I was dressed in a dark gray suit and Gerl was in a dark pants suit. Susan was in her wheelchair, dressed in black and occasionally dabbing at her eyes with a hankie.

"I've been trying to find my husband for months now and so has his brother," Susan said nodding towards me," ever since he disappeared.", she said in a choked voice "I've searched every morgue from Seattle to San Diego so far, and nothing."

"Ma'am, what makes you think he may be here?", the examiner asked, opening the door to the holding room.

"This was his favorite city.", Susan explained through the tears.

I wasn't sure what was making her weep, I just hoped she could keep doing it.

Going through the John Does in the morgue was akin to playing "Let's Make A Deal" at the Addams Family's house.

The examiner opened each drawer in turn and each time I didn't know who the body was, I heard the word "ZONK!" in my head.

He finally reached the last two freezers, each door bearing a red tag and stopped.

"I can't open these two , ma'am. The police are investigating the case right now.", he explained.


"Do you know what they look like? If I described my brother, would you be able to identify him?", I asked.

"I can show you the pictures we took.", he said and walked out of the room, leaving us alone with the corpscicles.

"You can stop weeping now, he's gone.", I said to Susan.

"Easy for you to say.", she said, opening her hankie and showing me the large slice of onion concealed in it.

"Honey, you are good.", Gerl said admiringly as the attendant walked back in with a set of Polaroids.

"Mr. Forbin, is your brother either of these two men?", he asked handing me the photos.

I looked at them.

Zonked again. Twice.

Whoever these two guys were, they were not Mr. Howard and Mr. Johnson. The two men were dark complected, one had a mustache and the other a bushy black beard.

"No, neither of these men are my brother.", I said with an apologetic look at Susan.

She kept playing her part, but I could tell that when we got outside, I was going to be roasted alive over a slow flame.

We thanked the examiner and he promised to watch for Susan's mythical husband as I somewhat shamefacedly led my little group of tourist ghouls out to the street.

"Well that was an adventure.", Susan said throwing the onion slice into the gutter.

"OK, I was wrong.", I admitted, hanging my head.

"Hey, science is the destruction of a beautiful theory by an ugly fact.", Gerl quoted.

"Thomas Hobbs." I said in surprise.

"Who's Thomas Hobbs? I read it in Bloom County.", she replied.

Before I could reply to that comment we were joined by Mr. Howard and Mr. Johnson in the undead flesh.

"Miss Bellamy, Mr. Forbin and ... friend.", Mr. Johnson said politely.

Gerl shifted automatically into defense mode and moved ahead of me, slightly blocking both of the men.

"Can I help you.", she said with the same level of inflection.

"Mr. Bellamy would like to see Mr. Forbin and his daughter.", Mr. Howard explained.

"Fine, I'll go with you.", Gerl said.

"Be my guest.", he said with an inviting wave of his hand towards a nearby car.

I walked back to where Miriam was parked waiting for us and gave her instructions to follow us, and then joined the others at the car.

It was a reasonably short drive to Mr. Bellamy's office and he was even cordial to me, although I think the sight of a six foot woman in black gave him pause.

Actually if I didn't know better, it would give me a pause as well.

Marcus Bellamy went out of his way to be polite, in fact almost too polite to suit me, but I didn't want to spoil his mood.

"Susan, I'm sorry I wasn't honest with you. You deserved the truth and I hid it.", he said leaning across the desk.

She just shrugged in her wheelchair and let him continue without commenting.

"As to you Mr. Forbin, I understand your feelings and I do appreciate your efforts to find the people who hurt Susan. Through your efforts, the two men responsible will be punished."

I started looking at the floor to see if the bullshit was hip deep yet, and waited myself for him to continue.

Gerl was less subtle than I was and snickered slightly.

He continued on with his mea culpa's and after a few minutes of meandering, I finally stopped him.

"Mr. Bellamy, I appreciate your change in attitude, and hate to ruin your good mood, but I'd like you to get to the point please.", I interrupted politely.

He sat back in his chair and smiled.

"I just wanted you to know that I understand why you've taken the attitude you have and now that you know that I'm not involved, I'm sure you can leave this matter in the hands of the police.", he said with a reassuring tone in his voice.

"But why would I want to? I love a mystery! Especially a locked room one.", I said cheerfully.

His expression changed from congeniality to annoyance.

"Don't you think it's a bit dangerous to be doing this?", he asked sharply.

"So is crossing Market Street at rush hour.", I replied. "Marcus, trust me, Gerl is not with us for just her looks and as to your daughter's welfare, I've already made arrangements for a new caretaker for her. So just sit back and relax.", I assured him.

He frowned at me and turned to Susan.

"Honey, would you please try and talk some sense into him.", he pleaded.

She smiled.

"Why? I'm having a pretty good time too. I've gotten into the morgue on false pretenses, been shot at or at least towards, performed at a very disreputable club, and have actually had someone make love to me for the first time in years.", she responded.

Marcus Bellamys face turned almost purple with suppressed anger and he reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a bottle of Maalox.

"Mr. Bellamy, I think you should take a stress pill and think things over.", I said in a soft voice.

That did it.

"Get out!", he almost shouted, taking a swig from the bottle and grimacing at the taste.

"We're going. But we'll be back.", I said, pushing Susan towards the door.

"See you later Dad.", she said gaily waving over her shoulder.

Miriam picked up all up and drove us back to Susan's house, where we split up and went our own ways.

I promised Gerl I would keep her informed about what I found and then drove back to the Bank to bring Minx up to date on the results so far.

Minx sat and sipped her late afternoon tea as I briefed her on the investigation so far, including my abortive theory of the identity of the gunmen.

"So you were wrong. Now, find another lead. Go back into the Russian community and poke around. Talk to the priest, what was his name again?", she advised.

"Father Alexi. ", I replied in a slightly depressed tone.

"Yes. Talk to people Michael, it is something you're good at."

I sighed and reached for my own cup of tea.

"I just feel like I'm wasting my time and your money on this."

"This isn't a TV show where you have an hour to solve the mystery. This is the real world. You might not even find the answers.", Minx comforted. "If I didn't think you had a chance to solve this, I wouldn't have told you to go ahead."

I reflected on her words and considered that random shootings without pattern were the bane of law enforcement everywhere.

"I guess you're right.", I mused. "Life is not so simple as walking across a field."

"So finish your tea, go home and start again in the morning. I'll arrange a leave of absence with the HR department for you. Take a week off to follow this up. If you don't have it solved by then, give up.", she ordered.

I gulped the last of the tea and headed for the door to her office.

"Michael.", she called after me.

"Yes Miss Dawes?", I said pausing at the door.

"Be careful. Don't poke around without letting Ms. Danger know where you are."

I raised my eyebrows.

"Would I do anything dangerous?", I asked, and ducked as she threw a rubber eraser at me which bounced off the door next to my head.

I left before the next item hit the target.

It was late next morning before I returned to the church to seek out Father Alexi.

He was talking with a group of older women as I entered the chapel and nodded in my direction as he continued speaking.

As they filed out, he approached me and greeted me warmly.

"You have come back to visit me Mr. Forbin.", he said.

"I've come to confess my sins to you Father, and ask for your forgiveness.", I said.

"My forgiveness?", he said in surprise. "What for?"

I indicated a confessional nearby.

"We need to speak in private.", I said and walked to the booth.

I sat down and drew the curtain and a moment later the window of the booth slid open.

"Forgive me Father for I have sinned.", I said.

I may not be Catholic, but I know the drill.

I told Father Alexi everything, from how I got involved in the Podgorni matter to the fact I was looking for whoever shot Rudenko. I carefully left out the facts about the dead bodies in the clock tower though.

"So Father, I have committed the sin of omission, and the sin of lying.", I concluded.

There was a long silence from the other side of the booth and then a sigh.

"I can not give you penance for your sins, nor can I absolve you of them.", he said. "Your intentions were good, but the road to Hell is paved with good intentions."

"Yes Father.", I said my head down in submission.

"You asked me if I knew Zilenski. He too had his secrets as do you. Perhaps you should seek out his wife and ask her.", he continued. "You will make an offering to the poor when you leave here as a token of your repentance."

"Yes Father, thank you.", I said and opened the curtain.

I slipped a pair of twenties into the poor box and left the church to find a phone.

Zilenski had a wife. That wasn't in the booking papers or any of the other documents I'd seen so far. Susan hadn't mentioned a wife either.

This was getting more and more interesting all the time.

A quick call to Susan was indicated.

Miriam answered the phone when I called and told me that Susan was having breakfast.

"That's fine. I just need to talk to her for a minute.", I said.

She put the phone down and a minute later Susan answered.

"Good morning lover.", she said happily.

"Well skin me alive and call me luggage. You're in a good mood this morning.", I commented.

"A beautiful woman in my house and a handsome man on the phone. Why not?"

I shook my head in amusement.

"Well, I've got work for you today. Did you know that Zilenski had a wife?", I asked.

"No!", she said in surprise. "He never said anything to me at all about being married."

"Well according to Father Alexi, Zilenski's married. He suggested I talk to his wife about the shooting."

"So where is she?"

"That's where you come in. I need you and Gerl to start digging through the records at City Hall. I'll start checking the INS records and see where that leads.", I explained.

"OK. Meet you for lunch at the deli on Polk about one?", she asked.

"Got a better place.", I said thinking for a moment. "Meet me at a place named Katia's. It's on Sixth St. "

"Sounds good. I'll see you there about one. I love you.", she trilled.

"Love you too sweet cheeks. Bye!", I replied and hung up.

I placed a call to Minx to ask her to start an INS inquiry about the reputed Mrs. Zilenski.

"I don't know if he was married before or after coming to the City, so I need the INS files checked.", I said.

"I understand. I'll call the Rancho and have someone start the search. Not bad for a morning's work Michael.", Minx replied.

"Thank you Mistress. By the way, could you check with San Quintin and see if you can get a list of Zilenski's visitors if any?"

"Are you thinking that she might have visited him?"

"Stranger things have happened Mistress. You and I meeting for one.", I replied.

"It still doesn't measure up to the spontaneous combustion of the mayor of Warsaw in the 12th Century.", she said and hung up.

Or the rain of fish in Burgundy either.

The arrangements for the paperwork search being made, I settled down to old fashioned legwork.

I started at the bookstore of Andrei Checkov's father and this time met with a little less resistance, but only because Mr. Checkov wasn't there and a young woman was.

A few minutes of conversation with her proved entertaining, but useless for the purpose of finding Zilenski's wife. Although the lady did give me her own phone number and suggest I call her sometime.

My search for information led me upstairs, downstairs and ultimately to a lady's chambers.

My attempt to check on Zilenski's last known address turned out to be a house, now converted to a business, a massage parlor named Katrinka's.

I wasn't sure how far Minx intended me to go with this investigation, but I couldn't stop now.

I entered the house and was greeted by an attractive redhead with a terrific set of tits, just barely restrained by a bikini top, who asked what I would like.

"Well, actually I was looking for the wife of an old friend of mine.", I said.

"Does she work here?", the girl asked warily.

"This used to be their house.", I said. "You wouldn't happen to know how I can contact the landlord would you?"

She cut right to the chase.

"You a cop?"

I smiled at her.

"No honey, I'm just looking for Mrs. Zilenski as a friend.", I answered honestly.

She took a cigarette out of a pack on the desk and I lit it for her.

"Tell you what. Why don't you just sign up for a massage, and I'll see what I can do for you. , she said, puffing smoke at me.

I filled out the form she offered me and again resigned myself to the loss of privacy in the name of public health. Of course I used my real name as always. That actually confuses people more than signing in as John Smith.

She escorted me to a room in the back past four other rooms where I could hear noises of people making love.

"Get undressed and I'll have someone with you in a minute.", she instructed.

"You mean I don't get the pleasure of your company?", I said sadly.

She winked at me.

"Don't worry, I know exactly what you need.", she said and pulled the door shut.

I did as I was told and laid down on the massage table to wait for my inammorata to arrive.

A few minutes later I heard the door open and a woman walked in dressed in a nurses uniform.

She was big, Russian tractor driver big, and had an enema bag in one hand.

Before I could react she had me by the back of the neck and was holding me down as she fastened a strap around my head and cuffs on my hands.

I protested that I wasn't there for an enema, and that didn't slow her down for an instant. And I'll tell you right now, I haven't got the slightest idea how to say enema in Russian. All I could say was Nyet!, which she ignored.

Once I was restrained, she strapped my legs down so that I was exposed for the greased enema nozzle.

I moaned and swore as the tube slid into my tight ass, and then as she added warm soapy water I gritted my teeth against the cramps that rapidly assaulted my poor colon.

I was going to kill the girl who got me into this.

I started panting from the pressure that had built up in me and the nurse just looked at me with a neutral expression.

I closed my eyes and tried not to think about the pain when I heard the door open and close.

I opened my eyes to see a new person in the room, smoking a black cigarette in a holder. She was dressed in a leather vest without a blouse, a leather skirt, and held a riding crop in her hand.

"Before I make use of any slave, he must be clean inside and out.", she said in a soft Russian accented voice.

"Lady, I didn't come here for this.", I said through gritted teeth ." I came here looking for someone."

She looked towards the nurse and smiled.

" Looking for someone? Found someone you have. The girl said you were going to resist. That's good, because I enjoy a slave who fights.", she said tapping ash onto the floor.

I was really going to kill the girl at the front desk. Slowly.

The nurse stepped forward to release my legs and then unstrapped my hands and head. I started to fight her and then cramped up helpless to resist. She then half carried me to a toilet and pulled the hose from my ass.

A gout of foul smelling water spewed from my ass leaving me cramping still, but empty.

The nurse threw me into a shower then and turned on the water almost scalding me and then scrubbing me until I was pink all over from the abuse.

She then dragged me wet and sore back to the room and pushed me back down on the table, strapping me face up while the leather clad woman watched .

After the nurse left she walked up to me and looked down with an evil smile and brought the tip of her cigarette near my nipple making me cringe in fear.

" You're afraid of me aren't you slave?", she asked rhetorically.

I resisted the urge to reply. I didn't know the rules of this game, but I didn't want to find out the hard way that speaking was against them.

She stepped back and used the crop on my nipples making me gasp in pain and then she switched her point of attack to other portions of my body.

I relaxed into the slaps of the crop , forcing myself to drift into a submissive head space, one I hadn't been in for quite sometime.

She soon cast the crop aside and climbed onto the table straddling my face.

"Now slave, eat your Mistress. Give her pleasure with your mouth."

Under the skirt I saw her dark pubic hair and smelled the aroma of leather and woman scent.

I closed my eyes and followed her orders, licking and tonguing her clit, sucking on it like a nipple, teasing it with my tongue, concentrating all of my attention on her pleasure as I had been trained by Minx and others.

My whole function was to give her an orgasm. I had no other purpose, my mission was secondary to her pleasures and desires.

As I lapped at her, I felt her stroke my cock, teasing it to erection. I felt her mouth over the head of it briefly, her hot breath on my glans and then her tongue teasing the slit.

And she came with a moan and then forced her private parts over my mouth and nose, smothering me as I probed her hole with my tongue making her shudder and squeal with pleasure.

In that warped part of my mind that controls my sense of humor I heard a band start playing "The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming."

And then my own orgasm, a tensing of muscles and then the release of my hot cum. I heard it spatter onto her vest like a spray of raindrops as she milked me until I screamed into the smothering enclosure of her tight ass.

She climbed off me and smeared the cum from her hand onto my face then reached between her legs and smeared the juices from her hot pussy onto my upturned face as well.

She unstrapped me and lit another cigarette, then smiled and walked out of the room after ordering me to get dressed.

I pulled on my clothes and wiped my face with a towel that was hanging on a hook and the girl from the front desk came in to escort me out.

"What was that all about?", I demanded in a mixture of relief and anger.

"I told you I knew what you wanted Michael.", she said.

I stopped short. How did she know who I was?

"How?", I started to ask.

"I was at Sin the other night and saw you. I knew you were into dominance, so I thought I'd have Mistress Kat play with you. I just didn't know if you were a cop or not."

"And how much is that going to cost me?", I asked reaching for my wallet.

"Oh for that. Nothing. But next time you're at Sin, I'd like you to introduce me to the Master. She gets me hot every time I see her."

"She has that effect on a lot of people. What about Mrs. Zilenski?", I asked.

She pulled a slip of paper from her cleavage and handed it to me.

"This is the name of the company that manages the property. Maybe you can find her through them."

I read it and slipped it into my pocket as I walked to the front door.

"Come back again sometime.", she said.

"Don't worry, I'll introduce you to the Master as soon as I can.", I replied.

As I walked down the steps I thought of the old Klingon proverb: Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Mei Ling would settle the account for me with that young lady.

I made it to lunch only a few minutes late, but not late enough judging from the crinkled noses of Susan and Gerl.

"Jesus, what have you been doing?", Gerl asked sniffing me.

"Checking out Zilenski's last known address.", I said, trying to ignore Susan's stare.

"Was he living in a whorehouse or what?", Gerl continued as I started blushing.

"Well that's what his place is now.", I admitted. "I got the name of the property management company, so I'm hoping we can find Mrs. Zilenski from them."

"That's not all you got.", Susan said stiffly.

"Susan, it's a case, it's what I do.", I protested.

"Time out you two.", Gerl interrupted. "Have your family dispute on your own time."

I started to object and then retreated.

"You're right. Did you two find out anything?", I asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Not much. You'd think a name like Zilenski would be uncommon, but we found ten of them all in the right time period.", Gerl commented.

"I made sure we got the maiden names of the women. Mrs. Zilenski may be living under that name now with her husband in prison.", Susan continued.

"Good thought. I asked Miss Dawes to use her contacts with the INS to find out anything we could about Zilenski.", I said as the waitress approached to take our order.

After lunch I looked at the list of names and addresses and then called Minx from the pay phone near the men's room.

"I haven't heard anything yet from the Rancho. What do you have so far?", she asked.

I gave her a quick summary and then explained what had happened at the massage parlor.

"Are you all right?", she demanded.

"I'm fine, but I smell somewhat like a woman's juices and Susan is pissed about it.", I explained.

"I'd be mad too if you showed up with another woman's cunt juice on you.", she agreed.

"It was business.", I objected.

"I know that. But you need to remember that Susan isn't as secure about herself as I am. I know you wouldn't just get it on with someone without thinking about it. Just let it go for now, but you will have to apologize for it later."

"Yes Mistress. I'll track down the Zilenski's I can and hope I get the right one. Can you check on the property management company for me? It's called PMA, and they're located on California."

"I'll have the accounts department run that and report to me. Good luck.", she said and hung up.

I returned to the table and updated the two ladies on the results from Minx's side.

"Now what?", Susan asked brusquely.

"More legwork.", Gerl said. "We can look for these women under the name of Zilenski or under their maiden names."

"Both. You take half and I'll take half. We might duplicate each other's efforts, but that way we can't miss a trick.", I suggested.

"You aren't going anywhere smelling like that except home!", Susan remarked.

"Yes Mistress.", I replied instinctively as Gerl raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Don't ask.", I told Gerl. "Just accept it. Ladies, I'm going home. If you need me, call me there or call Miss Dawes."

I had just finished showering and was making coffee when the phone rang.

"Hello?", I said.

"Michael, where are Gerl and Susan?", Minx demanded.

"They're checking names on the list. Susan sent me home to get cleaned up."

"The INS report came in. The person they're looking for is an Irena Oppengak. ", Minx explained. "It gets better. That property management company you were asking about manages the property for a Mrs. Zilenski."

Oppengak! Rudenko's receptionist is named Oppengak.

She could have heard everything either through the open door when I was leaning on Rudenko, or by listening to the phone.

"Have Gerl meet me at Rudenko's. I know where to find Mrs. Zilenski.", I said.


"Sitting behind a desk. Purloined Letter method.", I said and hung up.

I finished dressing and then drove back to Rudenko's determined to get some answers.

When I got there I found the place deserted except for Miss Oppengak.

She sat behind her desk making notes and looked up when I entered.

"Mr. Forbin. I'm afraid everybody has left for the day.", she said.

"That's all right.", I said lightly. "I wanted to see you."

"Me?", she said in surprise. "Why?"

"I have some questions about your husband Mrs. Zilenski.", I said sitting down across the desk from her.

She didn't even blink.

"My husband? I think you're confused. I'm not married.", she replied.

"According to the INS records you are. Unless you falsified them. They show a Mrs. Irena Zilenski, with a maiden name of Oppengak." , I said gently. "I'm not here to arrest you or anything else. I want to know why your husband chose to go to prison and if you killed two men in the clock tower at Ghirardelli Square?"

She looked away from me for a minute and then stared me in the eye.

"My husband did it to protect me from Rudenko and his men. He discovered that they had been smuggling in guns and when Rudenko found out, he ordered Podgorni to kill him. My Yakov was just a bit faster with his gun."

"So he kept his mouth shut to protect you. Did Rudenko know you were Mrs. Zilenski?"

She shook her head no.

"No, he hired me as Miss Oppengak. I asked him to hire Yakov as a carpenter when he needed some work done.", she said, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Did you know about the smuggling?", I asked pointedly.

"Yes, but I kept silent as well. Rudenko's associates are not afraid to kill or maim to protect themselves."

"Did you kill those two men?", I pressed.

"Yes!", she spat bitterly. "And you should thank me. Those two men were going to kill you and his lawyer!"

"So you shot them to protect me, and then took a shot at Rudenko yourself.", I concluded.

"Yes. I wanted him dead. Not in prison to be released a few years from now, but dead. Dead for what he has done to me, to your friend, to many other people."

"And now you're going to prison yourself for murder.", I said standing up.

"No, Mr. Forbin I am not. I am going to Hell instead.", she said and pulled a gun from her desk and shoved the barrel into her mouth.

Before I could stop her she'd pulled the trigger and fell backwards, her head a mass of bloody tissue.

When Gerl and the police arrived a few minutes later they found me staring numbly at her lifeless body.

The days that followed were a blur, punctuated by the recurrent nightmare of seeing Irena Zilenski blow her head off.

The police confirmed that the gun she'd killed herself with matched the gunshot wounds on the men in the tower, so I suppose I'd done my job as a good citizen by helping to find a killer. A killer who had killed to save my life.

What could I tell her husband? That she'd killed two men to protect me and then took her own life.

Minx and Susan did the best they could to heal the wound in my soul, but it took Gerl Danger to make me see the truth.

"Look Michael, you did your job. Do you think I enjoyed seeing someone die when I was a cop? Do you think I didn't feel responsible when someone killed themselves? I had to watch as a man jumped off the ledge of a building. I saw him splatter all over the sidewalk and I puked my guts out.

"I had my share of telling the widow of a cop that her husband wasn't coming home, telling a little girl her Daddy was gone. And I hated it.

"You have feelings Michael. But she made her choice, you didn't put the gun in her hand and you didn't pull the trigger."

I just stared at her mutely.

"If I had just let it go, she'd be alive today.", I finally choked out.

"And you'd write off the men she killed? They may have had families too, people who cared about them. You can't pick and choose when it comes to justice."

Chapter 16 Section 1 to 4

Toucha Toucha Touch Me!
Pete Tchaikovski's Blues
Hotcha Cornia (Dark Eyes)
Amazing Grace

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