The Diaries of Ay'esha

The Diaries of Ay'esha tell the story of Michael Forbin's abduction and training by a member of a secret society named Ay'esha. The avowed purpose of this group of women is to bring peace to the world by training the men in the world into submission and manipulating them into doing the bidding of the group.

Quick Reference

The Diaries of Ayesha

Odysseus returns to Ithaca
Michael finds it's not as happy a homecoming as he expected

Taking Care of Business

Author: Dr. Charles Forbin
©Copyright 1999

My return from the dead so to speak caused more than a few ripples in the Bank, mostly on the subject of my returning to work.

Susan Bellamy didn't have any objections to my return, as she'd signed on for a short-term job that had stretched into almost three months and was frankly glad to quit.

I learned that there had been a financial crisis in Asia that had cost the Bank dearly. And I learned upon calling the telephone number I had been given by Dr. Ironbender, Dominique's (nee Erato's) sister that Dominique was out of the country and not available.

"Can I leave a message? It's very important. I really need to speak to her." I insisted.

"We're just her service sir. You may leave a message, but I don't know when she'll receive it," the operator informed me.

"Fine. Take this down. Tell her that Doctor Forbin called and needs to see or speak to her at her earliest convenience," I said.

"Thank you sir. I'll make sure she gets the message."

And that was that. All I could do now was wait yet again.

The unexpected problem came when I started to relieve Susan of her Ay'esha related duties. I was told no.

" Why not," I asked surprised.

"You'll need to speak to Minx about that, but my orders were that you were not to see any Ay'esha data until I was told otherwise," she said apologetically.

I had to wait until the end of the regular business day before I could get Minx alone in her office and ask what the problem was.

She sat in her chair, looked out at the city lights for a moment and then explained why.

"Michael, you were missing for almost six weeks. During that time you made contact with a group that may be a threat to Ay'esha and upon your return refused to provide definitive information about their location. We have no idea what you may have told them. Frankly, you're a security risk and until proven otherwise, you are restricted from handling any Ay'esha matters. You'll find that your security codes have been disabled for the files and that you no longer have access to the main computer network."

"And this was your idea?" I said hotly.

She leaned over the desk and in the coldest possible voice confirmed that she was indeed the one responsible.

"You may not be wearing my collar, but you are still under my authority so far as Ay'esha is concerned. Until we have better information about the Temple, you are not to be trusted."

"I gave my word to them that I would keep their secret or at least make sure that I hid it well when I wrote about it. Now you know how I feel about breaking my word to anyone. The Temple may be potentially the best ally we could find, but we have to respect their ways of doing things. I think in time they'll join us, but we can't force it or rush them into it," I argued.

"And if Lydia and Kali find them and persuade them to join their side, we could lose them. Michael, what you think in this case is immaterial. You are not in charge here, I am. We will make the decisions, not you. Have I made myself clear on this point?" she replied harshly.

"Ma'am, yes Ma'am" I snapped but not without a bit of sarcasm in my tone.

"Very well, you have your orders," she said and turned away from me.

"And if I have told them things I shouldn't tell them? Then what?" I asked unwilling to let the matter drop.

"Then you're a dead son of a bitch," she said without looking at me, but the anger clear in her voice. "If any of our operations have any problems that can be traced back to information in your possession at the time you left here, you will be held responsible."

I walked out of her office seething at the injustice of the whole affair.

I did my routine job at the Bank with a little less enthusiasm that I would have in the past and limited my conversation with Miss Dawes to those only in the line of duty. Susan stayed on to handle the materials I couldn't deal with due to my restriction but our conversation wasn't exactly sparkling either.

The office gossip circulated that I had let slip confidential information and that's why Susan was retained. People started avoiding me in the halls and even the security guards started keeping a closer eye on me to my annoyance.

"Security risk," I muttered to myself as I left the office that Friday night.

I was waiting for the elevator when Susan rolled up beside me and we both rode the elevator down together.

"She's right you know," she said suddenly as the lights for the floors ticked by.

"Who is? Minx? Minx is always right, the Mistress is never to be questioned," I said sarcastically." Well she's wrong this time."

"Michael, you think she's enjoying this? I wish you could have seen her when the news came back that you were missing. She was hurt as badly as I've ever seen anyone. She was overjoyed when you finally reported back in. Damn it Michael, she does love you, more than she can ever admit to you or herself for that matter.

"But Ay'esha always comes first for her as it should for you."

I looked down at Susan and shook my head.

"I know it should come first, but right now it doesn't. Perhaps I'm just becoming a little too selfish in my old age, but I did give my word. And I have to make sure I could keep it. Destroying the map was the only way I could think of. In fact I'm still not sure what made me do it. I just felt I had to."

"Then you have to decide if you still want to serve Ay'esha. If you can't do it any more, then you owe it to the Mistress to say so."

"Right. You know the Mistress told me that if anything happened that I could be blamed for, I would be. The term she used was dead son of a bitch. Well it doesn't sound like my resignation would be cheerfully accepted," I said.

She reached out and pressed the stop button halting us between floors.

"Now you listen to me. The last thing anybody wants to do is kill you. But they are concerned about you and a little suspicious," she said.

"Does that include you too?" I asked meanly

"Michael, I owe you my new life. You did something for me that no one else could. No, I trust you. And I'm sure in her heart the Mistress does too. She's just following policy and it's a good and necessary policy."

I reached over and started the elevator again.

"It doesn't make it any less painful to me," I said.

The doors opened and George the security guard looked in curiously.

"Was there a problem Miss Bellamy?" he asked, regarding me suspiciously.

"No it just stopped on us for some reason. You should probably have maintenance check it out before Monday morning," she replied coolly.

"Yes ma'am," he said and walked away after giving me a fish eyed look again.

"That's what I've been dealing with Susan. That attitude. If there's that big a problem, she should probably just fire my ass and get it over with," I said as we walked to her van.

" She may have a lot of control over what happens here, but she doesn't control wagging tongues and stupid people. Try and deal with it as well as you can," she said rolling to a stop.

She activated the ramp and rolled into the van.

"Why don't you go to Sin this weekend. Maybe find someone to play with or just enjoy the show?" she said rolling down the window.

"Maybe. Anyway, thanks for listening to me bitch," I said.

"You've got a little bit to bitch about this time. Just try and relax about it," she advised.

She drove off leaving me in the garage with my thoughts and a cloud of exhaust to deal with.

I spent the next morning doing housework and clearing up the email that had stacked up during my absence. I was still brooding that evening when I decided the hell with it and dressed in my blacks for a trip to Sin.

Susan was probably right; a night out would probably cheer me up a little bit anyway. At least at Sin I could sit in a corner and watch the fun.

It was a quiet night at Sin that Saturday; most of the regular patrons being occupied somewhere else. I watched a few people play and was about to call it an early night when I was joined at my table by someone I would rather not have seen; Isis Khambata.

"I thought you were dead," she said mockingly.

"I thought you would have gotten the hint now and would leave me alone," I replied.

"But I find you fascinating. I always have," she said ordering a drink.

"Get to the point," I said bluntly taking another coffee from the waitress.

"I understand you're having some problems. It's a pity that they don't trust you to keep your mouth shut. I can tell them that you're totally trustworthy," she said slyly.

"Thanks for nothing," I said finishing my coffee at a gulp. "Now if you'll excuse me, I was just leaving."

"Just remember," she called after me," you know where to find me."

I had just gotten back to the car when Tia stepped out of the shadows and blocked me.

"You're wanted," was all she said.

I just looked at her and shrugged.

"And if I'm not interested in being wanted?"

She actually pulled her jacket back and wordlessly showed me her gun.

I held my hands up in surrender.

"No need to get pushy about it."

She escorted me to Minx's limo and put me in the back seat none too gently then locked me in.

It was a long silent ride out of the City and across the Bridge. I could see the lights fade into the distance as we headed north. I wasn't wearing a watch so I couldn't be too sure how long we drove, but we had gone far enough where I didn't see anything familiar when she turned into a side road and then came to a stop.

She unlocked the car door and ordered me out at gunpoint.

"Is this really necessary?" I objected.

"Take your clothes off," she demanded.

"What? It's freezing!"

Her only reply was to cock the gun.

I stripped and she ordered me to throw my clothing in the back of the car.

"Stay here," she instructed and drove off leaving me shivering in the cold night air.

I looked up at the stars overhead and then disregarding the dampness I sat down on the ground to wait.

I didn't wait very long before I was pinned in a circle of bright light that blinded me and made my eyes water from its intensity.

"M-5," A woman's voice said. "You are accused of betraying Ay'esha. How do you plead?"

I tried to focus on the source of the voice but failed.

"If this is a trial, I demand the right to see my accusers," I shouted getting up from the ground.

"You do not have that right here. You will answer to the charges, guilty or not guilty."

"Not guilty," I yelled.

"Do you deny discussing our existence with others who would harm us?" the voice continued.

"I deny everything. I have written with the approval of The Controller and The Mother of Many a number of stories. I did not discuss anything with the members of the Temple that I did not have in print already."

"Did you meet with a member of Kali this very night?" the voice accused.

"I do not deny that I was spoken to by a member of Kali. All of you know the circumstances under which Isis and I have dealt with each other over the years. Are you now saying that I have broken faith and gone to the enemy?"

"We will ask the questions M-5. You will answer them," the voice continued flatly." You have over the years disobeyed your Mistress numerous times. Is it not true that your Mistress released you for such disobedience?"

"No! She released me to make my own way in the world," I protested. But then again, perhaps she had I thought.

"Do you love your Mistress?" the voice persisted.

"Yes, I love my Mistress," I replied.

"Then why do you betray her? Why do you betray the ideals she holds? Why have you refused to protect us?" the voice screamed.

"I haven't done anything wrong!"

The lights went out leaving only the naked stars to witness the scene. I heard Mei Ling speak.

"I know this man. I know his heart. Will you permit me to seek the truth in him?" she said.

"You have been a Mistress to him and even a lover. Your judgement is clouded," the accusing voice charged.

"He says he has not betrayed us. I can find out if he speaks the truth. If he doesn't, then we will take steps to deal with his lies." she replied.

"And what does his Mistress say?" the voice asked.

Minx's voice came clearly out of the darkness.

"If he has lied to us, we must know. And if he has lied to us, I will deal with him. I brought him into our world and I shall excise him from it if necessary."

"Very well," the voice agreed.

Before I could say anything else I felt the sting of a dart gun and fell into a starless void.

When I awoke I was lying in Mei Ling's bed in her apartment above her father's tailor shop. She sat in her peacock chair in the candle lit room and looked in my direction when she heard me stir.

"Are you all right?" she asked kissing me softly.

I sat up and looked around before answering.

"What was that all about last night?" I asked.

"It's all over now, you're safe," she said stroking my head.

"But what was that? It felt like the Spanish Inquisition," I continued.

She shook her head sadly.

"We do have people in Ay'esha who do not believe the truth when they hear it. They fear the unknown," she said. "But you have never lied to your Mistress or I in all of your time with us."

"And I swear I'm not lying now," I said sweeping the silk coverlet onto the floor and standing up." I didn't say anything that I haven't already written and posted to the Diaries."

"I believe you Michael. Please sit down and have some tea before you go," she said indicating a teapot on the nightstand.

I started to refuse but considered the events of the previous night and her expression of faith in me when even Minx was against me.

I sat back down on the bed again and let her pour me a cup of tea. I started to sip it when it occurred to me that one of her magic potions might well be in it too.

She looked at me and then laughed.

"I'll drink it first. I can understand your concern, but I'm really on your side Michael," she said and drained the cup.

"I'm sorry. Then again, how do I know you didn't take an antidote or something before you made the tea?" I asked warily.

"You don't know. You have to trust in me. I took a great risk in defending you last night," she warned.

I accepted the second cup although a bit embarrassed by my suspicions.

"Paranoia. In this case I think justified paranoia. Why doesn't anybody believe me when I tell them I didn't say anything?" I demanded.

"I trust you. And I'm sure that Minx does too. But she has to be sure," Mei Ling reminded me.

I sipped the tea and nodded in agreement.

"I just wish I could talk to her about it," I said.

Mei Ling passed me the plate of almond cookies on the table and I took one and started nibbling at it nervously.

"Perhaps you will be able to. But for right now, I'm the only one who you can talk to," she reminded me. "Tell me everything that happened while you were there with the Temple."

"I already told Minx everything," I objected, shaking my head to clear the sudden dizziness I felt.

"Please tell me," she repeated.

I realized in that instant that the tea may not have been drugged, but I'd never considered the cookies.

"You…" I started to say and then felt myself go limp and fell back onto the bed

"I'm sorry," she apologized " but it is necessary. I want you to tell me everything you told them"

Under the influence of the drug and Mei Ling's gentle probing I repeated everything I had told the members of the Temple.

"Tell me everything they told you Michael," she suggested.

I repeated everything I could recall that I was told while I was with the Temple.

Then came a question I didn't know I had an answer to.

"Why did you destroy the map?" she asked.

"I was told to," I replied without thinking.

"Who told you to destroy it?" she continued.

"The black maharani," I replied.

"Why didn't you tell me that?"

"I was told not to tell anybody that," I replied becoming more aware as the drug wore off.

She sat back and poured another cup of tea as I woke all the way up again with the realization I'd had part of my memory tampered with.

"You see Michael you did lie to us," she said handing me the cup. "But not willingly and not knowingly. We shall have to probe deeper."

I didn't know how to respond to her. I was angry about being tricked by her and even angrier about being programmed to forget by the Maharani.

"Michael, we will find out together what you have lost." she said holding me against her despite my resistance.

The rain boomed against the temple roof and the first trickles of rain made their way in through the gaps in the stonework. The candles started to flicker out under the relentless wind. Only the newly lit red, yellow and white ones remained alight, illuminating the altar.

To my dismay the yellow one started to go out and I rose to protect it from the wind with my body.

"Do not interfere student. If it is the will of the Goddess that it fail, it shall," the dark Maharani said stepping into the pool of light from the remaining candles.

I looked towards her and bowed.

"Her will be done," I agreed.

We sat silently, listening to the sound of the wind and rain and the water drops on the stone floor of the Temple itself, focusing solely on the triad of candles.

I noticed her shiver slightly and offered her my robe.

"You need your robe student," she refused.

"And you need to be warm Maharani," I replied.

She didn’t speak for a long time, just continued to gaze at the altar and the candles that still continued to resist the wind.

"Do you know what the candles mean student?" she asked finally.

"The yellow is for the Goddess, the red is for love and the white is for purity or truth," I replied after thinking for a moment.

"Is truth more important than love?" she asked.

"Does it have to be more important or at least as important as love? I loved my wife; gone to the Goddess many years ago and I still feel that love. In truth she died by her own hand, her drinking leading to her death. It took many years before I accepted that truth and that truth did not change my love.

"I love my Mistress, but not in the same way. I have sacrificed for her and would protect her with my life if need be. But in truth she loves me as her submissive and her pet, but no more. We tried to have a deeper relationship but there are factors that make it impossible for her.

"This doesn’t change my feelings for her even though she released me from her service. I will always serve in my heart.

"Love and truth are not exclusive of each other."

"Would you sacrifice part of yourself to return to her side. The most important part of you?" she asked.

"Yes," I replied without hesitation.

"You say that without knowing the sacrifice I am asking of you. I may demand your genitals," she said with a hint of amusement.

"You may. But I don't think so. What would you ask of me?" I said as the thunder rolled outside.

"Will you sacrifice your memories of this place if permitted to leave?"

I thought about it carefully. I remembered my confusion and fear at being returned to the world after my time at the Spa. I still didn't know where it was for sure, just a vague impression of its location.

"All of them Maharani? Even the things I have learned about myself?" I asked cautiously.

"Even those things. You would be returned to the world without any idea where you've spent the last few weeks."

I thought about her words. Would it be worth losing what I had learned about myself? Worth losing my regained self respect?

But to balance all that there was Minx.

"Yes Maharani. With regrets, but I would give those things up too for the chance to return to the one I love."

She motioned me to her and from her robe took a small vial.

"Drink this," she said.

I took it gingerly and drank from it. It was bitter and I gagged on it a little.

I soon felt very drowsy and I could hear her speaking to me but couldn't make out the words clearly. I was supposed to forget something, but couldn't remember what it was. That was funny and I wanted to laugh but couldn't.

The door to the Temple opened and a wet figure entered then struggled against the force of the storm to close the door and secure it behind them.

"Michael, wake up," I heard Mei Ling say sharply.

"What? Sorry, I must have dozed off Master," I apologized. "I had a weird dream. I was back at the Temple again and…"

The realization of the reality of the dream startled me into silence.

"No it wasn't a dream Michael. I know what happened to you and more importantly why," she said knowingly.

"What did I tell them?" I asked cautiously.

"Everything you could and nothing you shouldn't have," she reassured me. "I'm going to have Dr. Denoblis come over and listen to you. That should lay to rest the concerns about your trustworthiness."

Dr. Grace Denoblis had her doubts as to the effectiveness of Mei Ling's potions on me and suggested that perhaps I was repeating what she wanted me to say.

"Michael, I'm not calling you a liar. I just do have my doubts as to the results. Are you willing to let me use a more standard hypnotic on you?" she explained.

I surveyed her doubtfully then reluctantly agreed.

"I still hate needles despite all of the time Mei Ling has spent with me," I said as Grace filled a hypo.

"I know. You know, I don't care much for them myself either," she said as she injected me." Now this will take a little bit of time to start working. Why don't you just start counting backwards? We'll have you asleep in no time," she said softly.

I started counting as she rambled on about sleeping and how much people needed and how lucky I was to get as much as I did and soon lost count and gave up at last descending into the darkness again.

When I awoke I was alone and tied to Mei Ling's bed. There was no sign of the two women at all and I wondered what had happened. I didn't remember anything at all compared to Mei Ling's treatment.

It seemed like hours before anybody came back and to my disappointment it wasn't Mei Ling or Grace. It was Ming Chou, one half of the Dirty Pair as I thought of her two youngest sisters.

"You are comfortable?" she asked.

"Would it matter if I weren't?' I replied sardonically.

She shook her head in annoyance.

"You still do not understand. My sister has spoken for you, as your own Mistress can not. She will defend and protect you as her own family. Keeping you restrained is for your protection. Would you leave if you were not restrained? Answer honestly."

I thought about it and was more or less forced to agree with her reasoning. I wasn't exactly panic prone, but I was beginning to get more than a little concerned about the situation.

"Then you shall remain here until the question is decided," she said adjusting my pillows.

She left the room and closed the door behind her. I heard the solid click of the lock, so it was obvious that unless I was planning on breaking free and jumping out the window, I was going to remain in that room for the duration.

I had a lot of time to think about her words. Mei Ling had spoken for me, as my Mistress could not. Why couldn't Minx defend me?

That question was still gnawing at me when Mei Ling returned with Grace. I couldn't tell anything from their expressions at all and even after Mei Ling released the restraints I remained motionless, waiting.

"Michael," Grace said slowly. "You didn't have any memory at all of what you told Mei Ling under the drug. "

I sat up slowly and carefully.

"Are you saying that nothing happened to me? That what I remembered didn't happen at all?" I asked.

"You told exactly same story you wrote in the Diaries. You didn't remember anything about being told to destroy the map."

"But that's not possible. I remember it all. I swear by the Goddess. Master, tell her what you heard," I pleaded.

"You can't lie under the drug I used. So you must have dreamed the answers when you were working with Mei Ling," she explained.

"So, we're right back where we started. Damn it!" I swore starting to weep from frustration.

"Worse. I'm sure that your memory has been tampered with, but Grace isn't," Mei Ling said ruefully.

"So now what? Take me out and shoot me?" I said only half kidding.

"Not quite. We could use physical torture, except in your case we know exactly how much you can take, and I'm not convinced that you're deliberately hiding anything," Grace explained.

"So you think I'm hiding something?" I challenged.

"Well to quote an old country doctor, "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor not a psychic."

I grinned despite myself. If she was making jokes that bad there was still hope for the son of a widow.

"Well it's beginning to sound like I need a Vulcan Mind Meld," I replied.

"We don't make contact with them until 2065," Mei Ling commented, surprising me. I didn't think she was a Star Trek fan, but they come in all shapes and sizes.

"None of which addresses the concerns of the Matriarchs. Things are in a delicate position now and any possible conflicts must be avoided," Grace commented. " I agree that the Temple does not appear to be a threat from what Michael has said. But we must be sure."

The discussion was interrupted by the return of Ming Chou.

"My sister, the Matriarchs are demanding to know what you have discovered," she said.

Mei Ling looked at Grace for a moment before replying.

"We have discovered nothing of substance so far," she said.

Ming Chou started to leave and then turned back to face us.

"My sister, they speak of taking him from us and determining the facts for themselves," she said warningly.

"Then we must take steps to prevent it," Mei Ling said in a determined tone.

"Master, Doctor, why can't I talk to the Mother of Many about this? Surely she can decide. If she doesn't believe me, then you can do what you have to," I asked.

There was a long silence as the three women exchanged looks before Mei Ling spoke.

"Michael, the Mother of Many is very ill. The doctors are doing everything they can to save her, but there is a chance she's going to die. There has always been some disagreement as to who the next Mother of Many should be. Right now the Council is fragmented and sadly, fighting among themselves. Some wish to withdraw further from the world and have always resented your writing even with the permission of the Mother of Many. Others fear the Temple as a possible enemy," she explained.

" What happens if Kali makes a move right now? Who's in charge until things settle down?' I asked saddened at the news as well as shocked.

"Minx is acting as the Mother of Many. It is on her orders that you are being detained and questioned. That is why she is not defending you. She must know if you have said or done anything to endanger Ay'esha."

"The needs of the many," I quoted.

"The needs of the many," Grace confirmed.

"So I have a lynch mob to deal with."


"So even if you prove to her satisfaction that I'm innocent it won't actually matter a damn," I speculated. "They will still be out to get me and by extension her."


I shook my head.

"Maybe I should have just stayed lost. Coming home seems to have done nothing but cause problems."

I wasn't sure who hit me first, Mei Ling or her sister, but it was a close race.

"How dare you say that to any of us? Don't you think we appreciated your sacrifice to return to us? You could have stayed there and been safe for the rest of your life. Safe from Kali and Lydia. Safe from the cares of the world. You chose to return to us," Mei Ling hissed as Grace stood back and watched.

"I chose to come back for Minx. Not any high ideals or anything else. I did it for my own selfish reasons," I said harshly.

"Bullshit!" all three women chorused.

"Well, ok. Maybe I came back for a few other reasons too," I admitted embarrassed by their vehemence.

"You were carrying out one of your primary tasks. You had to return to us with the information about the Temple. "

"Yeah and get as warm a greeting as Joan of Arc. At least I'll die a martyr to the cause," I grumbled. "Incidentally, if I'm that big a security risk, why did you tell me about the Mother of Many?"

Mei Ling turned away to hide a smile and Grace didn't bother to.

"There wasn't anything in the hypo I gave you. I just let you hypnotize yourself. You did tell the same story as under Mei Ling's potion."

"You are the most deceitful doctor I have ever had the misfortune to be associated with," I growled but I was relieved at the same time.

"Well, I did enjoy watching you sweat," she admitted. "Now I know what you'll do in a case like this."

"Great. Add lab rat to my job description."

"That fact does not change the situation my sisters," Ming Chou observed." He is still under suspicion by many."

"We will present our findings to the Council. From that point on it's in the hands of the Goddess," Mei Ling replied.

I tried not to think about what would happen if they didn't listen.

Tia, who gave no sign of interest in last night's activities and stubbornly resisted all my attempts to start a conversation with her, transported me home.

There were two messages on the answering machine when I walked in, the first being from a towing company reporting that my car had been impounded and the second being a hang up call. I get a lot of those because most people do not like to talk to machines at all. I've always wanted to put a copy of Monty Python's Argument Clinic on my outgoing message tape. I figure if anybody can take the abuse, then the message must be important.

I didn't get a lot of sleep that night as every little noise caused me to spring awake and look around. I finally gave up around five o'clock and started my morning coffee hoping it would be enough to get me going.

When I went out to pick up the morning paper I found a note slipped inside it.

"My beloved slave

"I can not stand at your side in your moment of crisis even though you have stood at mine in all things. The forces involved are greater than our personal lives. As you would probably say "It doesn't take much to see that the problems of two little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world."

"Know that I love you and if things do not go well, remember we will be reunited in the world without shadows

"Love Minkin."

I stared at the note for long minutes standing on the porch in the cold fog that morning considering her words and my love for her. I put myself in her shoes and considered her pain and the risk she took to send me that message, a message that could cost her everything she held dear.

I took a cab to work that day ignoring the cost, anxious to see her even in her Miss Dawes persona, just to know she was there.

"'Morning George", I said as I signed in." Has Ms. Dawes arrived yet?"

"No sir," he replied, but pronouncing sir as if it was spelled cur.

"Do you have a problem with me George?" I asked annoyed by his attitude.

"No sir. I have no problem with you at all," he replied stiffly.

"Do you want a problem with me George?" I probed.

"No sir," he responded adjusting his gun belt as he spoke.

"Good. When Miss Dawes arrives, please call me and let me know."

I got to my desk as Susan arrived in her wheelchair bearing a cup of coffee and a cinnamon roll for me.

"Though you might need it this morning," she said setting the tray down.

"Uh huh," I said noncommittally. "Thanks. How was your weekend?"

"Pretty boring really. Had dinner with my father, you know how much fun that is," she said rolling her eyes.

"A command performance I take it?" I said powering up my computer.

"I may have disowned him, but he's still trying to make amends for what he did. I don't know though. Maybe I'm being too hard on him," she speculated as her phone rang.

"Well think about this. You can't hurt him more than he's hurting himself," I said

"Susan Bellamy," she answered.

There was a slight pause and she frowned before hanging up.

"Who was that?"

"Seems our lord and Mistress won't be joining us today. What have we got on the schedule for her?" she said directing my attention to the work at hand.

That was the way it went for the following four days. She'd call in and hang up and Susan and I would make excuses for her absence.

On the fifth day the routine changed as Minx was already in her office when Susan and I arrived to start work.

I'd gone into her office to locate a file and discovered her sleeping, head pillowed on her arms and shivering slightly in the cool breeze of the air conditioning.

I took a blanket out of the closet in her office and tucked it in around her then stood looking at her. She slept untroubled and peacefully, the beauty of her face highlighted by the morning light.

I couldn't help but think of the times I had sat by her side watching her sleep and thanking the Goddess for the twist of fate that had brought us together. Those times seemed so far away after all I'd been through.

She moved slightly and the blanket started to slip off her shoulders. As I tucked it in again she opened her eyes sleepily and looked at me.

"Guten Morgen mine sklave," she said with a gentle smile.

"Bon jour Maitresse," I replied.

"Your French accent is still terrible," she countered as she sat up. "What time is it? And if you say Howdy Dooty time, I'll smack you."

"Is that a promise," I replied with an arch look.

"Not right now it's not. We have a few things to discuss, but before we do, I need to speak to Susan if she's here."

"Yep. Do you want me to go get your breakfast while the two of you talk?" I offered.

"If you would. I'll call you when I'm ready for you," she said agreeably.

I told Susan that Minx was already in her office and was on my way to get breakfast for her and headed down in the elevator.

I returned to find Susan packing her desk with a big smile on her face.

"Go in and see her. She's waiting for you," she said.

I entered Minx's office and set the tray down on the desk as she finished a telephone call and hung up.

"Sit down," she directed.

I sat in the chair as directed and waited for her to continue.

"There isn't an easy way to tell you this, so I won't bother. You're grounded."

"Excuse me? Grounded?" I asked confused by her statement.

"You are removed from field operations for Ay'esha. In other words no more travel. You'll do your work here behind a desk."

The disappointment must have shown in my face because she stood up, came around the desk then sat lightly on the edge of it facing me.

"Michael, the Council decided that the risk to Ay'esha and yourself is too great to allow you to work in the field any more. If the intentions of the Temple had been less benign, there would have been serious problems and I would have lost you forever."

I looked into her eyes and saw the concern for me reflected in their depths.

"Is this because of the Temple, or are you afraid of losing me?" I asked.

"A little of both. Michael, you've remarked jokingly that you're not stupid and you're not expendable and you aren't going. Well you aren't."

"Mistress, I took an oath the day you chose me for your submissive. And collared to you or not, I still serve Ay'esha. I know if you are ordered to go on an assignment that may mean your death, you will do it without thinking about it. And you would resent my trying to protect you.

"I don't think I need to be protected either and I do resent it," I said quietly.

She reached out and touched my cheek.

"This is as much for Ay'esha's protection as yours. Please do as I ask and accept things as they are," she said kindly.

I slipped out of my chair and knelt before her.

"By your command," I said looking up at her lovingly.

She ruffled my hair and slid off the desk.

"Always my pet, always."

Chapter 27
Taking Care Of Business

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