Author:Dr. Charles Forbin
Copyright 1997
Alaska. The 49th State. Famous for gold, oil, salmon, and baby harp seals.
One of the common misconceptions is that it's covered in ice and snow and people live in igloos. Well, parts of it are and some people do, but it is also one of the last unspoiled parts of the world . Mistress Minx's major hobby, besides collecting admirers, is photography, so she decided after our Safari trip to do some nature photography in Alaska and asked if I would like to come with her.
"Go to Alaska with you to take pictures?", I responded when she asked.
"To take photographs Michael, not pictures. There is a difference.", she scolded.
"Well I do know the difference between an Ansel Adams photograph and an Eric Kroll photograph at least.", I replied unbowed.
"That's only because you like the photographs Kroll took of me. Do you want to come or not?", she repeated.
"Of course. I've never been to Alaska before.", I agreed.
Three days later we were in Anchorage and I was carrying enough camera equipment to photograph a Martian invasion. 35 millimeter cameras, Polaroid cameras, two digital cameras, one 8 mm video camera, and enough film, tape and batteries to restock a camera store.
"Miss Dawes, is all of this equipment really necessary?", I asked as I dragged the cart of equipment through the hotel lobby.
"Yes.", she said shortly.
I wanted to collapse on my bed after moving all that gear, but she wouldn't hear of it.
"We have a dinner appointment with our guide in an hour, so you don't have time for a nap. Besides it's still daylight outside.", she reminded me.
"Yes Mistress. And that condition will continue for most of the next four months. Remember, we're so far north the Sun almost never sets at this time of year.", I said. "Matthew and Julia would hate it here."
She laughed.
"Well at least you know that vampyres would be uncommon."
The guide that Minx hired turned out to be an attractive young woman named Melissa. She was dark haired and well muscled. A swimmers body, if you will. She was also a Native American.
"I can take you and your assistant anywhere in the state. If you want to photograph wildlife, Denali National Park is only a day from here by train. Mount McKinley is there as well if you want mountain photographs. ", she said.
"I'm a pilot so if you want to take photographs from the air, we can do that as well."
I sat quietly, impressed by her confidence and watched Minx's reaction to her.
"Perhaps a fly over of the mountain. I'm also going to want to see some of the glaciers as well.", Minx said.
"If we're going to do that, you two will probably want to pick up some special equipment, like parkas. It may be spring, but the winds on the glaciers are near freezing.", Melissa warned.
"Michael can take care of that.", Minx said nodding towards me." But why take the train to Denali?"
"The scenery is why. You'll see things from the train you wouldn't see from the road or the air. Trust me on this.", Melissa said, lighting a cigarette.
Minx frowned at her.
"As long as I'm paying you, you don't smoke around me. Agreed?", she warned.
Melissa took a long sensual puff and blew the smoke into the air and put the cigarette out.
She had the same grace and sensuality that the woman in Providence had and I felt a pang of desire. "Deal. But when we're outside and away from each other, I can."
"I don't care what you do away from me.", Minx responded.
That issue settled, Minx and Melissa discussed costs while I sat and waited for the two of them to decide my fate. Now I say that because, between you, me, and the lamp post I hate to fly in small planes.
I'm also not very fond of roller coasters either.
Blue skies, a little bit of cloud, and a whole bunch of cameras were in the air early that next morning, along with a very nervous Michael. Also a dose of Dramamine.
After a little while though with the distractions of the scenery and the demands of Minx's cameras I relaxed and started to enjoy the flight.
The mountains gleamed whitely from the air and the early morning sunlight glinted from the glacier below with hints of blue sparking from the ice. The forest below was a blur of green, cut off by the river of ice from the mountain slopes. We dropped lower and soon all I could see was the ice and snow below, the forest far behind as we turned around the mountain.
"Can you slow us down a little?", Minx shouted over the roar of the engine.
"Yes, but if I lose too much speed we'll stall.", Melissa replied, retarding the throttle.
The engine roar muted and I became aware for the first time of the wind rushing past the cabin of the plane. The difference was startling as it felt like we were gliding across the sky instead of clawing our way across it. The calm was suddenly broken by the plane suddenly dropping from under me leaving me in free fall. The metal of the wings groaned as we fell and then the engine roared back to full power and I fell back into my seat with a thud.
"Sorry about that.", Melissa called back to me." Down draft caught us."
"Michael are you all right?", Minx asked from her position in the front seat.
"Yes Ma'am. But these pants will never be the same again.", I replied looking out the window to port. A fine mist of fluid was spraying from under a panel on the wing.
"Captain, I think we have a problem. Check the port side wing.", I called to Melissa. Melissa turned her head and watched the mist for only a minute and then switched the engine off.
The silence was startling.
"Fuel leak. I'm going to land us on the glacier.", she said shortly
. "What?", Minx asked.
"If we keep flying, we could explode. I'm going to land us on the glacier and see if I can fix the leak with some sealant.", she explained, flipping the circuit breakers off as well. I wasn't scared strangely enough; Melissa's confidence in her own ability had it's calming effect. We had good weather and enough altitude, so I wasn't too worried.
Then I saw the surface below. The smooth river of ice from above turned into a broken mass of ice, snow and occasional rocks.
"Oh shit.", I muttered under my breath, looking at the terrain.
"No shit.", Melissa replied softly.
She pulled the nose of the plane up and we started slowing. I hoped that the landing gear wouldn't hit anything big. If we were lucky there was solid ice under the coating of snow and we'd be able to take off again. If not, it would be a long walk home.
"Crash positions!", Melissa ordered.
I put my head between my legs and prepared to kiss my ass good bye as we touched down on the surface. We bumped and rumbled our way across the ice and then slowed sharply, skidding sideways to a halt, the snow almost reaching the belly of the plane.
"Out! Get away from the plane!", Melissa commanded.
She kicked her door open and fled to the left while Minx and I dashed to the right. The parka I wore seemed too thin as the first winds blew across me from the ice and I shivered as we waited to see if the plane was going to explode or not. I was glad I'd remembered to wear my thermal underwear. Mistress Minx on the other hand didn't have the mass I did and I could she her shiver as well.
"I thought you spent a few years up in Colorado? This isn't cold at all.", I teased.
She looked at me and sneered,"We'll see how you like sleeping outside tonight."
"But baby, it's cold outside.", I replied as Melissa walked in a wide circle around the plane and joined us.
"Well we didn't explode. I've got a shovel in the cargo compartment of the plane, so he can clear the debris around the gear and see if we can take off again.", she said.
"What about the radio?", Minx asked.
"I'll put out a Mayday call and we should have some help in a couple of hours.", Melissa said walking back towards the plane. Minx pulled a digital camera from the pocket of her parka and started taking pictures of the plane with Melissa's fur clad figure trudging towards it as I watched in amazement.
"We make a crash landing, and you grab a camera. I don't believe it.", I swore.
"When you were a reporter, did you miss a chance to get a story?", she said snapping another shot
. "OK, point taken.", I conceded. I walked towards the plane and arrived just in time to hear the response from Anchorage.
"That's a roger Whisky Oscar Poppa two seven. We have a location and should have someone to you in a couple of hours.", the voice said.
"Roger, Anchorage Center. We'll maintain a listening watch on this channel. Next contact two hours from now.", Melissa confirmed. "Whisky Oscar Poppa two seven , listening out."
"Sounds good.", I said, reaching into the cabin for the camera bag and the thermos.
"Well, I hope Miss Dawes isn't too angry about this. It's not like I planned it.", Melissa said defensively.
"Judging from her reaction so far, I wouldn't worry. She wanted pictures of the glacier and the mountains. Now she even gets the human interest part of a forced landing.", I comforted
. We walked back to Minx and Melissa explained what was going on. "So, we're here for a few hours at least until a rescue plane arrives and we can fix my plane. When it arrives you can fly back with them if you want.", she said.
"Hell no. Miss pictures like that? Not a chance.", Minx said.
Another gust of wind blew across the ice, raising a cloud of snow from it.
"I'd like to suggest we take shelter, ladies.", I said holding the thermos up, "Or at least a coffee break."
We climbed back into the plane and shut the doors against the increasing winds and I passed out the coffee. The body heat of the three of us soon took some of the chill off the cabin, but it was still miserable as the steam of the coffee condensed on the windows and froze solid in little brown droplets of caffeine.
"Even done this before?", Minx asked Melissa.
"Sat in a freezing airplane on a glacier. No. But I have spent some time on the ice before. My father spent time at Point Barrow when I was younger, so I know what cold is.", was the casual reply. I kept an eye on the conditions outside as the wind increased making the plane shiver in response. The light from outside dimmed as the snow started to drift over the windows slightly.
"I hope they can find us if the snow covers us up.", I said in sudden concern.
Melissa frowned at that , and flipped a switch on the radio panel. "I've just turned on the crash locator beacon. I kind of hate to do that, but you're right. If the wind keeps up, they wont be able to spot us from the air.
"Whisky Oscar Poppa two seven, this is Anchorage Center.", the radio crackled. Melissa picked up the microphone and replied.
"Anchorage Center this is Whisky Oscar Poppa two seven. The wind is picking up, so I've activated the beacon for homing.", she responded.
"Roger, two seven. Be advised that the weather conditions are getting worse in your area. We may not be able to get to you. You'd better plan on spending the night up there.", the voice announced.
I looked at Melissa and Minx each in turn.
"Center, confirm that we may be here overnight.", Melissa questioned.
"That's a roger. Is the aircraft intact for shelter, over."
"Yes, but we have limited supplies of food aboard, over."
"Roger that two seven. We'll make sure we bring lunch when we come. Anchorage out." The radio went silent and only sound of the wind could be heard.
Melissa dug through the survival kit and pulled out a set of thermal blankets and a roll of duct tape. "Start taping these over the windows. They'll help trap the heat in.", she said.
Minx started taping the blankets up while Melissa and I started removing the seat locks to lower the seats to make a kind of bed for us all, with some clear space in the center for the heater.
"We don't need to worry about it for now, but it will be too dark to do it later.", she said, as I pulled the cotter pins out with a pair of pliers.
Minx tossed the roll of tape back into the tool box and shivered again despite herself. I leaned next to her and spoke quietly into her ear.
"Mistress, do you need my parka? I'm wearing thermal underwear, so I can do without it for a little while.", I murmured.
"No, I'll be all right.", she insisted. I moved away unconvinced and finished my work with the seats, but all the while keeping an eye on Minx. Mistress or not, I wasn't going to let her freeze to death without trying to protect her.
Day slowly turned into twilight which was the closest to night we were going to get. Anchorage continued to check in and confirmed that we would not be rescued until the next morning . I fished out the lunch I'd packed and rationed food out to the others, as well as the last of the coffee.
"I hope you two don't need coffee in the morning to wake up.", I said as I poured the last of it out.
"What I need right now is a cigarette.", Melissa complained, taking a bite out of her sandwich.
"Lots of fresh air outside.", Minx commented wryly." Maybe you can take a walk."
Melissa frowned, before realizing she was being kidded.
"Well I need to go outside myself.", I said, reaching for the door on the leeward side of the plane.
I looked at Melissa and smiled.
"Watch out where the huskies go ....", I said.
She giggled as I slipped out the door as quickly as possible and made my way a few yards from the plane. I had just unzipped when I heard the door of the plane slam again and Melissa made her way to my side.
"I've got to have a cigarette, and you can be my windbreak while I light it.", she said, over the rush of the wind. I turned away slightly and pulled my cock out to relieve my bladder. The shock of the cold air hitting my bare skin reminded me of my experience with Lydia and my bladder emptied in a rush onto the ice. I heard the ice split from the heat of the piss hitting it, sounding like a small group of firecrackers, as Melissa laughed.
"Don't leave it out, or it'll get frostbite.", she laughed blowing out a cloud of smoke and warm breath.
"I hadn't planned on it.", I said zipping up again.
"Do you mind answering a personal question?", she asked, looking back towards the plane.
"Go ahead.", I said.
"Are you and Miss Dawes, uh, involved?", she said in a rush.
"Well, not in the way you think. Why?", I asked, looking into her face in the dimming light.
"I was just wondering.", she said waving her cigarette offhandedly.
The feeling I'd had about her became more intense, and I smiled. "You want to sleep with her don't you.", I asked kindly.
I was rewarded by Melissa's blush making her face even redder than the cold wind had. I took judicial note of it before speaking again.
"I suspect she may be interested, but right now she's freezing to death and won't admit it. Maybe the Kwuckeutal Indian trick will work.", I said.
She looked at me in confusion and then smiled.
"It is going to be cold tonight.", she said.
"It's cold now.", I replied making my way back to the relative warmth of the plane as Melissa stubbed out her cigarette on her boot and followed me.
Minx was curled into a ball in the rear seat, her parka pulled tight around her, and teeth chattering.
I slipped out of my parka and wrapped it around her as Melissa fumbled in the survival kit the blankets had come from. She pulled out a pair of gloves with small pockets sewn in them and two metal pieces.
"Thermal gloves. They have little heaters that will warm you right up.", Melissa said, igniting the solid fuel. She slipped them into the pockets and stripped Minx's gloves off and put the thermal gloves on her.
I shivered slightly as the heat I had trapped in the parka escaped into the rapidly chilling cabin.
"Do we have enough power in the batteries to fire up the heater in here?", I asked looking at the cabin thermometer. "Not for very long. We'd lose the radio if we did.", was the reply.
"The beacon has it's own battery doesn't it? We need at least a little heat in here.", I said.
"Michael, she's in charge here, not you.", Minx said from under the pile of furs.
"Yes Mistress. But we may well freeze to death before they get here without a little additional heat.", I replied.
"Mistress?", Melissa said curiously.
"We'll tell you later. Assuming there is a later. Can you at least keep it above freezing without killing the battery?", I asked.
"I think so. Screw the radio anyway." She flipped the switch on and keyed the microphone. "Anchorage Center, this is Whisky Oscar Poppa two seven. We're freezing to death up here. I can run the heaters at low, but it will kill the battery. We're going off the air. Don't forget about us.", she transmitted.
"This is Anchorage Center. We understand and will drop supplies if we can't pick you up tomorrow morning. Good luck two seven."
She flipped the radio off and then pushed the circuit breakers for the heating system back in. There was a buzz and then the emergency light in the cabin went out and came back on dimly.
"Damn.", Melissa swore .
"Grounded out. Pop the breakers again.", I said.
She hit the buttons and the lights came back on at about half power.
"So much for that idea."
"Then we have to use that old Indian trick you were telling me about.", I said, looking at Melissa.
"What trick is that?", Minx said.
"Melissa was telling me about her ancestors. One winter, one of the tribe froze in his blanket. But two in the same blanket were warmer.", I said.
Minx peeped out from the furs with a hint of suspicion. "Are you suggesting that three in a blanket stand a better chance than one?", she said primly.
"Only in the interest of survival of course Mistress.", I said as innocently as I could.
"With you in the middle I'll wager.", she said, with just the hint of a smile.
"No, Mistress. I'll be on the outside keeping you both warm.", I said.
Minx just looked at me for a minute and then nodded towards Melissa.
"Of course that's if the lady would be interested.", she said, looking at Melissa in a way that caused the blush to return to her cheeks. Melissa's response was to strip her parka off and throw it aside, followed by her flannel shirt. The sudden cold made her nipples erect as she burrowed her way under the furs to join Minx and nuzzled against her neck. Minx kissed her softly on the forehead and stroked her under the furs, causing Melissa to moan from her touch.
"I want to be touched by you.
I've never wanted to be with a woman before until I met you.", Melissa moaned.
"Michael, turn around and don't look.", Minx instructed.
I started to groan and then stopped, knowing that when Minx told me to turn away, she meant it. A moment later, the shirt Minx had been wearing hit me in the back of the head, and I heard her draw her breath in sharply. I wanted to look and see what the two women were doing, but I couldn't disobey. I watched the reflections in the silvered metal thermal blanket over the windows, distorted by the wrinkles and the dim light. The noises continued, arousing me with the passion of their joyous noises, the exploration of each others bodies conveyed in little pants and grunts of pleasure and then the first scent of a woman's juices.
"Turn around Michael and look.", Minx said languidly.
I turned and saw the two women pressed against each other in the nest of the fur parkas, Minx's hand between Melissa's legs, stroking her as Melissa sucked on Minx's perfect breasts. I found myself becoming aroused by the sight of these two beautiful woman, intent on pleasuring each other.
"Yes, Michael. Watch us love each other. And when we're done perhaps I will let you worship her with your tongue before we all sleep together.", Minx said, closing her eyes in pleasure as Melissa nibbled her nipple.
Minx moved her hand more quickly and probed with her fingers into Melissa's moist delicate flower of womanhood. Melissa moved against the hand, thrusting it deeper into herself as Minx kissed and sucked her neck and throat. As Melissa spasmed into orgasm, Minx nipped her throat and sucked deeply, drawing the flesh into her mouth as a vampyre devours her prey. She clung there for a long moment as Melissa cried out in passion and pain, and then fell back, her hand fumbling for the cleft between Minx's legs.
The cabin seemed on fire from the heat of these two passionate woman, and I felt my own body start to sweat from the excitement. Melissa's probing fingers found their mark between Minx's legs and Minx arched her back in pleasure as Melissa fingered her to orgasm, causing her to cry out and then lay back into the parkas. My own erection ached for release, and I turned away to compose myself.
"I didn't tell you to turn away Michael. Look at us.", Minx said sharply.
I turned back in embarrassment as Minx gestured for me to expose myself to the two women.
"Now my dear, " Minx said to Melissa, "you can see how turned on a man can get. Did you want him to jerk off for you, or did you perhaps want something else from him?"
Melissa looked towards me with sleepy content eyes and shook her head.
"I don't care, I just want you.", she said.
"You can pull your pants up Michael, and look away now if you like. Perhaps later I'll let you cum.", Minx said softly. I pulled my pants up and just sat gazing at the image of the two women, holding each other, the dark furs contrasting with the whiteness of their skins and the blood red of Minx's nails like droplets of blood clutching Melissa's breast.
I felt warm and content having brought pleasure to the two of them, making a dream come true for one and providing a warm comfort to the other, perhaps one of the last if we didn't make it through the night.
A few hours later our sleep was broken by the whup whup whup sound of an approaching helicopter. I rolled away from the two women I was nestled against and kicked the door open, rolling out half dressed, my parka flapping open. The howls of outrage at the blast of cold air from the girls were cut off by the roar of the down draft as the Huey bearing Red Cross markings settled to the ice a few hundred yards away, blowing snow in all directions until the blades slowed to a stop.
The trip back to Anchorage was uneventful, with Minx taking pictures all of the way back.
It seemed to me if she fell out of the thing, she'd take pictures all the way down.
Melissa stayed behind to fix the plane with the assistance of the rescue team. The damage to the landing gear wasn't too bad, but enough where the wheels needed to be replaced with skis for the flight back. It was late that evening when we all met at the hotel again, Minx dressed in her finest and Melissa looking like a picture from Vogue, sitting at her right hand. Me, well, you know.
"We'll go up to Matanuska Glacier tomorrow. We can drive up there in a couple of hours.", Melissa said, raising her glass.
"More pictures Mistress?", I asked Minx, shaking my head.
"Photographs, Michael.", she corrected.
"What's the difference?", Melissa asked.
"If you're not in them, they're pictures. With you in them, they're photographs.", Minx said lightly. "Me?", Melissa said in surprise.
"You. I think some modeling shots of you on a glacier would be a nice way to start a portfolio for you.", Minx said with a smile." I think you'd be a wonderful model."
"If it matters Mistress, so do I.", I agreed
"Of course, as nice as Melissa is as a name, it doesn't really suit a model. Have you ever had a name you wanted to be called?", Minx asked her.
Melissa hesitated for a moment before replying. "Well, I've always liked the name Jasmine. But I like spelling it, Jazmyne instead.", she answered.
Jazmyne. Jazmyne. I liked the sound of that myself.
"Jazmyne. My little bed pet ,Jazmyne.", Minx purred.
I saw the blush creep up Melissa's face and then slowly fade.
"Minx, can I ask a question?", she said softly.
"Of course."
"Why does he call you Mistress?"
I shifted slightly in my chair as Minx smiled that evil witchy smile at me that promised nothing but trouble.
"He'll be calling you Mistress soon as well. Then you'll know why.", was all she said.
Ice, Ice, Baby.