The Diaries of Ay'esha

The Diaries of Ay'esha tell the story of Michael Forbin's abduction and training by a member of a secret society named Ay'esha. The avowed purpose of this group of women is to bring peace to the world by training the men in the world into submission and manipulating them into doing the bidding of the group.

Quick Reference

The Diaries of Ayesha

A Kali Flower
Michael has a duel with one of Kali's more poisonous blossoms with fruitful results

Melancholy Baby

Author: Dr. Charles Forbin
©Copyright 1997

Picture if you will, cantaloupes. Say about half a dozen. Got that in your minds eye? Good. Now try it again, only this time picture a truckload of cantalopes. Hold that thought.

We were inspecting a farm that was in the process of being forclosed, not I might add, by the Bank we worked for.

A rumor had come to the attention of the Mother of Many that some group with less than honest intentions intended to bid on the property. The facts were still a bit unclear as to who, but the purchaser was using funds funneled through a company named Hindu Partners Inc.

The same company that I had become involved with in Hong Kong. The company that Kali controlled. Perhaps it was just a coincidence. Then again....

The Mother of Many suggested that Minx and I should visit the site and see exactly who the bidders turned out to be.

Before I could question the necessity of doing so, Minx stopped me.

"You don't need to know Michael. I know why."

The trip to the auction hall in the small town was an uneventful one, despite the fact Minx was driving.

Trust me, if anybody from Disneyland ever rode with her, Mr Toad's Wild Ride would be renamed to Minx's Wild Ride.

The bidder turned out to be an lawyer from Los Angeles named Samuel T. Morris who had a sachel full of cash, and no intention of disclosing who's money he was using.

"My client instructed me to bid on the property and gave me the cash. Period. And what exactly is your interest?" , he snarled when asked.

Minx started to answer, but I beat her to it, although the answer I gave him differed considerably from the answer she might have.

"Well sir, we represent the Friends of the Yellow Bellied Thrush, and want the land for a bird sanctuary. We're filing an injunction in court to stop the sale.", I said in a confident tone of voice.

"What kind of birds?", he asked

"The yellow bellied thrush . Have your ever heard of it?"

"No. What is it?"

I looked over my shoulder as if I was checking to see who else was listening. Minx was standing there with a disapproving look on her face. Oh well. I walked away from him quickly with Minx close behind.

When she caught up with me in the parking lot and we had turned the corner she started laughing.

"The yellow bellied thrush", she laughed.

"Hey, it sounded like he was from the Bronx. When you say bird there , you pronounce it boid"

"But what is it?", she pressed.

"Nonexistant.", I said with a grin." Now, let's see what our little cash carrying bundle is going to do now."

We looked back around the corner in time to see him holding his cell phone and speaking quickly and with a bit of anger.

Minx watched him closely and then when he finished she turned back to me and summerized the conversation in a short sentence.

"He's pissed off and his client doesn't believe him about the birds or the injunction. They're coming out here to bid themselves."

I shook my head in wonder.

"I wish I could read lips as well as you do. But at least I can read things that are upside down.", I said.

"I have tried to teach you. Do you have any ideas what to do now?"

"I'm making it up as I go along. I just figured I'd stall them off and see what happened."

She looked back towards our pudgy friend as he headed towards the small cafe across the street from us.

"We may be about to find out.", she said leading the way across the street.

The cafe was small and occupied by a couple of men who looked like farmers, our pudgy friend, a highway patrol officer, and a rather bored looking waitress.

We sat down in the high backed booth ahead of our new friend and ordered coffee from the waitress, and sipped it slowly watching the street. The reflection of our quarry in the window showed his frustration with the turn of events.

"By the way, while we're waiting Mistress, may I ask a question?", I said softly.

"You may.", she said not taking her eyes off the street.

"What is so important about that piece of property, and why doesn't Ay'esha just buy it."

She turned back towards me and smiled.

"That's two questions. The answer to the second question is a bit complicated, but let's just say, we can't. People would start asking questions about the owners. Questions that Ay'esha would prefer to avoid.

"As to the first question . . ."


"You still don't need to know."


I must have had at least a gallon of coffee and the waitress was getting a bit annoyed at my drinking habits when a sports car pulled up and a young dark skinned woman, got out.

She walked in the door and every eye turned towards her as she stalked her way past us and into the booth behind us.

"I hired you to do a job you fool, and instead I have to do it myself.", she hissed to Mr. Morris. " Kali will not be pleased at all."

My ears pricked up. Kali? Minx just sat listening intently to the woman as she continued berating the lawyer.

"Mistress, if they have filed a court injunction, I would also have failed."

We heard the sound of a slap and the cop looked in our direction.

I nodded politely towards him and he turned back to his lunch.

"We must have that property. We have gone to considerable trouble to drive the owner off the land. I want to go to the county courthouse right now and check." , the girl continued.

Now that was interesting. A little claim jumping perhaps.

She got up and walked out with Mr. Morris trailing behind her like a whipped dog.

We watched them leave , get into her car and drive away.

"Well, what now Mistress?", I asked as the dust settled in their wake

"We know where they're going, so we don't need to follow them. Are you hungry?", she replied picking up a menu.

"Not really. I need to pee though. You don't buy coffee, you rent it."

"Hold it. I have use for it later.", she directed.

"But Mistress...", I started to whine.

"M-5... " , she said warningly.

"What happens when they find out there is no injunction?", I asked, changing the subject away from my overstressed bladder.

"By the time they get there, there will be.", Minx as she pulled her cell phone from her bag with an evil smile.

Dinner seemed to take forever and Minx took her time.

It was dark by the time we finished and went back to her car. She took a blindfold out of her bag and placed it over my eyes.

"You don't need to see right now. I'll remove it at our destination.", was all she said as she started the car.

It was another one of Minx's fast wild rides and the full bladder added to the excitement as she drove across some railroad tracks, judging from the sound of the tires. We went uphill and downhill and then slowed down to a crawl as we changed from a paved road to gravel road.

We stopped and Minx opened my door and led me across gravel to pavement and then up a short flight of stairs.

Somehow the trip seemed familiar. Like coming home.

I heard a door open and close behind us.

Minx removed the blindfold and I dropped to my knees with my head bowed to the floor.

We had returned to Minx's room at the rancho where I had first been trained to serve Ay'esha.

"I'm going to put you back in your cage in the lab to sleep tonight.", she laughed.

I thought about it for a moment, and then barked once sharply in agreement.

She walked away and then returned and I felt a collar being fastened around my neck.

"Strip! Animals don't wear clothes.", she snapped.

I peeled off my clothing and got on all fours , again barking to signify my compliance to my loving Mistress.

The leash was attached and she led me like a dog to the cage I had first occupied in my training.

Before she put me in it, I whimpered at her. I had to piss. The ride and the coffee was making me crazy and you can't cross your legs when you're on your hands and knees..

"Did you need to pee little puppy?", she asked sweetly.

I whimpered again.


Once more I was left and she returned with the same tree I had pissed on all those months ago during my training.

It had actually grown a bit and had been repotted, so I was more sucessful in confining my piss to the tree unlike the first time, when I had dribbled on the floor and been forced to lap it up.

As the hot stream slowed to a halt she patted me on the head and told me I was a good dog before locking me into the cage.

"Good night, M-5", she said as she turned off the light, leaving me caged in the darkness.

Unlike the first night I occupied the cage, I had no fear of abandonment.

I knew my Mistress loved me.

Thomas Wolfe said 'You can't go home again"

He wasn't totally correct. You can go home again, but it will have changed a bit.

For example, I didn't fit in the cage quite as well as I once did, so sleeping was a bit more uncomfortable than before. But when I did fall asleep it was a good one, the best one in many months.

Minx awoke me with a ringing bell rather than the water hose she had used before. She unlocked the cage and helped me crawl out to kneel at her feet.

"Good morning M-5. I trust you slept well.", she said stroking my head.

I barked once sharply.

"You may speak this morning. There are things you need to be told now.", she said raising my head to look into my eyes.

"Yes Controller."

She ordered me to my feet and led me back to her room and ordered me to leave my collar on and get dressed again.

A slave girl came into the room and served Minx her breakfast and knelt beside her waiting silently.

"Girl, fetch him food as well. Steak and eggs, Steak medium rare, eggs scrambled, hash browns crisp, biscut and strawberry jam, and coffee.", Minx ordered.

Why did that breakfast order feel like "The condemmed man ate a hearty meal"?

My food arrived and Minx let me eat in peace, talking of unimportant things while the girl knelt at her feet.

When I had reached the second cup of coffee stage of the meal she ordered the girl away and led me to the Chamber of Ay'esha, where I had sworn my loyalty to Minx and Ay'esha.

She took her place in a chair and ordered me to kneel before her.

"Now Michael, I will tell you why the property is important. You were not permitted to roam freely outside while you were here, and you still don't know exactly where here is.

"The property is... close to where we are now. Our water is actually provided from that property and has been for many years. The owner doesn't know anything about Ay'esha and has provided the water as a kindness.

"We were unaware of what was going on until the forclosure sale was announced. By then it was too late to help discreetly.

"And if Ay'esha buys the property, the county clerk becomes involved as well as the Water Management Board."

I could see the problem. Buy the land and Ay'esha is exposed. Don't buy the land and Ay'esha loses it's water supply.

"Mistress, what if I buy the land using Ay'esha's money?"

She smiled at my ignorance.

"And how would you explain where you got the money? The problem would be the same.We need to keep anyone else from buying the land, and we can't buy it ourselves."

"What about loaning the owner the money to catch up the payments?"

She shook her head in the negative.

"The bank is refusing to accept the back payments. They have that right, of course. Although judging from the conversation of last night, a little undue influence was used on the loan officer."

Time to take the bull by the horns.

"Mistress, are you sure Kali, I mean the same Kali is involved?"

Minx sighed and reached out to stroke my head.

"Yes, and we've learned more from your episode in Hong Kong. Lydia is the leader of Kali."

That was not an answer I wanted to hear.

"So, in summation the members of Kali are the people trying to kill me, and buy the land, cutting off Ay'esha's water supply.", I said.


That was a short enough answer.

"Has anybody checked up on the loan officer at the bank yet? If he's playing some games with Kali, we might be able to find out."

"The Mother of Many is having someone look into it right now, but it will take a bit of time.", Minx said. "Do you have any other ideas?"

"Check into the young lady with the hot temper and nice ass.", I suggested.

Minx looked at me with a shocked expression.


"Mistress, I'm not dead yet. And you never said I couldn't look.", I said teasingly.

"I need to spend more time working on your deportment.", she clucked, leading the way out of the room.

Blindfolded again, we returned to town.

A check of the parking lot of the only motel in town provided us with the room number of the lady in question, assuming she parked in the right space.

The theory was confirmed after a short wait , as the target of our interest exited the room, got in her car , and drove to the cafe.

We parked outside to discuss our next move. Short discussion.

I walked up to the table where the young lady was sitting and introduced myself as Luthur Burbank, her competition for the land.

She looked up at me and smiled, the same way a mongoose smiles at a cobra.

"Please join me , Mr. Burbank. I am Isis Khambatta", she invited with a slight accent. Just enough of a tonal change to indicate that English was a second language.

I put on my best innocent look and sat down across from her, and ordered coffee and a muffin from the waitress, as Minx passed by and sat in the next booth.

"So, you want the land for a bird sanctuary. How thoughtful.", she said.

"Well ,our little feathered friends need protection. Too much land has been paved over or plowed under.", I said passionately.

"But why that piece of land? And getting a court injunction must have been difficult.", she said picking up her cup.

"I have friends shall we say, in high places.The current owners have been very kind in allowing us to use some of the land and water. The birds expect to find trees and fields. Not pavement. And our offer to assist the owners with the back payments are being refused by the bank. Of course you know all about that."

"Do I? ", she smiled with an innocent tone in her voice. "I assure you that the land will not be harmed. The group I represent has only the highest respect for life."

"And who exactly do you represent? Which group of thugee that want to destroy the countryside?", I said raising my voice

"That's an interesting word you used. Rather uncommon.", she said looking into my face steadly.

"The word comes from your country. Over time, it has turned into the word thug. But I know the real meaning.", I said looking her directly in the eye.

She never even blinked, but her expression changed to a slightly less pleasant one. She was as cool as the Ganges, and about as crocodile infested.

"I can see why you wear a dog collar. You lack the manners of a civilized man. Are you always this rude?", she asked setting the cup down carefully.

The damned collar again. I'd forgotten it again.

"Think of me as an attack dog. Especially with people I don't trust.", I said smiling.

"And what reason have I given you for mistrust?", she said.

"Oh, I don't know. The cheap lawyer, the influence over the bank, and most of all...", I paused.

"Yes?", she said picking the cup back up.


The cup dropped onto the table with a clatter, and the expression turned into one of utter hate.

" How much do you know?", she hissed.

"Enough ", I said quietly.

"You can't prove anything you know ."

"I hardly need to. Just the publicity would be enough."

Her hands dropped below the level of the table and I stood up quickly.

I've seen Star Wars enough times to know that when the bad guy drops their hands under the table, a loud kaboom is usually right behind it.

"I don't think you want to do that. People might start asking questions. And I might be useful to you. Think about it." , I said.

She took her handbag from under the table and took out a card.

"Call me. I think we need to talk... privately."

I bowed and walked away with the card.

I expected a knife in the back, or at least a well thrown blueberry muffin, but I made it out and waited around the corner.

Minx arrived a minute later.

"Well, I'd say you got her attention from what I heard.", she said. " But what did that accomplish?"

"She knows that I know. She doesn't know how much I know. So, she will attempt to find out how much I know. Which is of course ...nothing."

"I've been saying that for years."

A moment of silence for my wounded ego, and I continued.

"So, I let it be known that I might be open to an ... arrangement. Bribery or possibly blackmail seems to be the preferred method of operation. She bribes me or tries to blackmail me, I go public, they go down. One,two,three.", I said easily.

"And what if she doesn't? What if she finds out who you really are?"


"I thought so. Michael, you are an occasional genius. This is not one of the occasions.", Minx commented.

"Ha. Abuse!"


Minx vetoed the idea of making the call.

"Michael, I think that this plan is getting out of control. You are exposing yourself to unnecessary danger, and I won't permit it.", she scolded.

"Mistress, if you have any better idea, I would be happy to do it. But time seems to be of the essence here. The injunction won't last forever. And any check on the Friends of The Yellow Bellied Thrush, is going to come up negative. How long do you think it will take before Isis and her people dig that fact out and bring it to the attention of the judge? We are talking serious trouble here."

Minx smiled indulgently.

"Michael, how little you have learned. An hour after I made the phone call, the Friends of The Yellow Bellied Thrush was chartered as a nonprofit organization in this state. They have a phone number and even a membership if needed."

In the words of Homer Simpson: DOH!

"And why didn't you tell me?", I said embarrassed.

"You were having too much fun playing detective. You had a good idea, and that's why I called the Mother of Many and set it up. Now the lawyers can fight it out and we can go home."

"And once more a beautiful theory is destroyed by an ugly fact." , I sighed.

"Thomas Hobbs said it first. "

We started back towards the City at Minx's usual high rate of speed , passing trucks of produce at eighty .

We soon found ourselves behind Isis's sports car. As Minx started to pass, Isis looked over and saw me.

I could see the anger as she accellerated to keep pace with us.Minx and Isis fought each other like race drivers trying for the finish line with me as a helpless and frankly terrified passenger.

We passed trucks by driving on the shoulder of the road with fenceposts nearly scraping against the car. Minx and Isis fought for control until one curve where Isis got the advantage and pulled sharply ahead of a loaded produce truck causing the driver to slam on his breaks and jack knife the rig across the two lane road.

Minx hit the brakes and turned, sending us skidding sideways towards the truck.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as we slid towards the truck. I thought of how much I loved Minx and waited for the impact. Noise, burning rubber, the sun flashing across the hood were all impressed on me.

Then we stopped abruptly, the body of the car crumpling as it snuggled against the tires.

We sat there stunned. I looked at Minx and saw her looking at me.

"Are you all right?", we both asked, then laughed.

The laughter was broken by a cracking sound as the wooden side of the truck collapsed and buried us in cantalopes, shattering the glass of the windshield and pounding dents into the body.

The rain of fruit continued unabated as Minx and I fought to free ourselves from the seat belts. She and I finally suceeded, falling sideways from the car as the ripe fruit poured out from the wreck, hammering us with their weight, the fruit pulp choking me as I was pressed face down in the mess. I crawled out from under the mounds and made my way staggering to Minx's side of the car and found she was half buried under the fruit.With the help of the truck driver , I pulled her free and carried her to the side of the road.

She was groggy, but the first coherent thing she said to me was;"I'm going to remove her eyes with a melon scoop."

We both looked towards the wrecked car and smashed fruit and shuddered at how close we had come to death.

The sheriff took the report and gave us a ride back to town , Minx's car following on a flatbed truck.

The truck driver placed the blame on Isis and for the most part left us out of his complaint.

Minx did offer to pay for the damaged fruit, but he refused saying the insurance company would cover it.

Minx's cell phone was damaged in the crash, so she made a phone call from the motel in town and soon a limo arrived to pick us up.

Minx didn't bother with the blindfold this time. She pulled the curtains instead.

She didn't say very much to me on the trip, and I was sure that she was planning on punishing me severly. That car was her pride and joy and my plan got it wrecked.

We arrived at our destination and she blindfolded me and led me inside.

Once back in her room I knelt and waited for execution.

She ignored me completly and went into her bathroom to clean up. When she returned and still found me kneeling she asked what I was doing.

"Mistress, I feel responsible for wrecking your car.", I said hanging my head down.

"You had a hand in it, yes. But I was driving and I let her make me angry enough to play her game by her rules. I won't make that mistake again. I'm sure she thinks we're both dead or in the hospital and that gives us the advantage."

"I'm not honestly sure what you mean.", I said.

She looked into my eyes with barely concealed anger.

"It means I want you to call the little bitch up and tell her that you're alive and well. Now it's personal."

I made the call from a phone that I knew was untapped: The one in the limo.

The phone rang twice before being picked up.

"555-9138", Isis's voice recited.

"It didn't work.", I said.

There was an audible gasp on the other end of the phone, before coherent words formed.

"Mr. Burbank. How nice to hear from you.",she said.

"I'll bet. You wrecked the car . But I'm alive. And I'm going public. You'll be out of business an hour after the news hits the papers.", I threatened.

"I'm still willing to pay you well for your cooperation.", she intimated.

"The price went up the second the car crashed."

"I'll pay it."

If I asked for gold I'd probably get lead. In my heart.

"Give me one fucking reason why I should trust you."

"Because I can give you what you want... Michael."

Blown, blown,blown

"And what do I want?", I asked snidely.

" A chance to live. Because otherwise you'll spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder, waiting for one of us to kill you. And a Mistress to serve that would truly appriciate you. One that would give you pleasure instead of neglecting you like Minx does."

"I see. All I have to do is keep my mouth shut and all the riches of the world will be mine."

"In a manner of speaking. If you're interested meet me at the farm tonight at nine."

"One more thing...", I said.

"Yes. I want to meet with Lydia."

There was silence at the end of the line.

I heard the click as she cut off contact and turned back to Minx who had been listening to the conversation.

"Well, there you go. Do I show up?", I asked.

Minx said nothing and seemed to be lost in thought.

"Mistress?", I prompted.

"Do I neglect you Michael?", she finally said.

I was shocked by the question.

"You're very busy Mistress, but I wouldn't say you neglect me.", I answered.

"I'm serious Michael. Do you ever feel I neglect you.",she repeated.

I hated the question. I mean yes, I did sometimes feel like she didn't spend very much time with me, but I knew she was busy. She had two lives to deal with, her life as Minkin Dawes of Dawes, Jones, Mosley, Grubbs , Chief Financial Officer and the life of Mistress Minx of Ay'esha.

We had always kept the two parts seperate, avoiding discussing our personal lives in the office.

But I always did feel a bit put upon when she cancled something she had planned to do with me for other business. Sometimes it was a Bank releated issue, sometimes an invitation to an event that I would look out of place in. I'm not much of an art gallery type or for that matter, even concerts.

In many ways we really did live in two different worlds linked by my love and devotion to her.

"Yes Mistress, sometimes I do.", I said honestly.

"Good, you're at least being honest about it. But you also know it can't be helped, even though I don't enjoy doing it." , she said with a slight smile.

"I know. You do include me when you can, and you try and spend at least a little time with me every week. I guess it's my fault that I fell in love with a successful and beautiful woman, who has to beat the admirers off with a whip." , I agreed.

"You don't really need me as much as you used to either.", she countered.

"That doesn't mean I don't want you as much.", I replied.

"Michael, you are on dangerous ground. We've discussed this before.", she warned.

She was right.

"Yes Mistress. I'm sorry.", I said with a nod.

She relaxed against the side of the car.

"All right then. Next move?"

"The ball is in your court. Do I show up tonight at the farm?"

She shook her head.

"No. It's still too dangerous."

"As opposed to looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life? As opposed to risking your life? If Lydia and her people kill me, that's one thing. But they may miss and hit you. I'm tired of it. "

"Michael!", Minx said in shock.

"Mistress, you can order me not to go. And I will obey you. But if Lydia does show up, maybe we can bring this thing to an end."

"Michael, the only reason she didn't kill you the last time you met was because Tamara was there.", she argued.

"I don't think she really wants me dead. I'm much more fun to play cat and mouse with. I'm a symbol of everything she hates. What holds Kali together? Hate. Hate for me, hate for Ay'esha. If I was dead, what is there to hold them together then? Ay'esha would still continue to exist, and they would have created a martyr.", I explained.

"Michael, I think your ego is getting in the way. A martyr? Now really!"

"I know you would avenge me."

She stood silent for a moment and then nodded.

"Yes I would. And so would many others."

"And Lydia knows it. I'm actually not worried about her killing me. But someone else who isn't as smart may, like Isis. "

Minx looked at me for a long moment and then shook her head in amazement.

"You have been thinking about this haven't you?", she said.

"I've had a lot of time to think lately. Lydia is not stupid. But I'm not sure how much control she has over her people."

Minx stood there looking at me and I could see the struggle going on in her heart.

"You can do it. Under one condition."

"What? "

"I'm going to town first."

She started to walk back towards the rancho door and I followed her.

"Mistress, would you do me a favor please?"

"What?", she asked not looking back.

"Don't take your guns to town."

It was a dark and stormy night. Actually it wasn't, but I always wanted to say that. There was a bit of a breeze and some clouds, but the moon was almost full as I walked across the fields towards the figure waiting for me.

When I got there I realized I had been stalking a scarecrow in the middle of the melon patch. OK, it was dark and I was nervous. I looked around the field and saw a brief flash of light from the area of the barn and walked towards it.

It was a long walk and I almost fell a few times in the furrows but I managed to get across the field without breaking a leg and found Isis waiting next to her car.

"I see you decided to show up.", she said.

"I don't see Lydia, so I guess we don't have a deal.", I said starting to walk away.

"What do you want to see Lydia for?"

I kept walking.

"She wants you dead.", she called after me.

I continued my walk towards the fields.

"Wait!", she cried and I stopped. I waited as she caught up to me.

"Why do you want to see Lydia?", Isis panted.

I looked at her in the cloud dappled moonlight and smiled.

"I didn't. I just wanted to call her bluff. ", I said plucking a melon from the ground.

Isis looked at me not comprehending.

"I don't understand."

"Isis, what are you offering me? You know who I am and who my Mistress is. You should have killed me on sight, not tried to negotiate with me.", I told her toying with the melon.

"Lydia gave orders that you were not to be harmed.", she said.

"I see she still has the same low opinion of men. I will not be bought, bribed, bullied, or bitch fucked into submission. No deal." , I explained.

"I don't believe this. You came out here just to say that?", she said with more than a little bit of anger.

"Well, not quite."

With one swift motion I hit her in the face with the cantelope, and felt it squash.

"Here's another melon, Kali baby."

"This is the Sheriff. Stand where you are young lady.", a voice boomed as a set of car lights came on.

I walked back towards where Minx was waiting with a rental car.

"Did I do good?", I asked shaking the fruit pulp from my hands.

"Very good. Of course convincing the Sheriff that it was the only way to catch the person who caused the accident took some work."

"I'm sure you were very persusaive.", I said watching the officer escort Isis in handcuffs to the cruiser.

"A phone call from a District Attorney will generally inspire the police to action.", she said as the car pulled away.

"What about the farm?", I said looking over the field.

"When I showed the bank that the loan officer was being blackmailed, they agreed to give the owners more time to come up with the money."

"How did you do that? Conveince the bank I mean?"

Minx smiled at me in the moonlight and pulled a motel room key from her pocket.

"I showed a little kindness to the motel manager."

"How much?"

"Not much. He's eighty years old."

I shook my head .

"Isis had a most interesting set of photos in her room. I didn't think you could put a man in that position.", she continued.

"I really don't know about you sometimes Mistress. There are times I think you're almost as sneaky as I can be.", I said in mock disapproval.

"Thank you. I think."

She got into the drivers seat and we drove off towards the City.

As we passed the road leading to the farm, I saw the name on the mailbox and groaned.


With a cluck cluck here, and a oink oink there.

Chapter 9

Melancholy Baby

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