The Diaries of Ay'esha

The Diaries of Ay'esha tell the story of Michael Forbin's abduction and training by a member of a secret society named Ay'esha. The avowed purpose of this group of women is to bring peace to the world by training the men in the world into submission and manipulating them into doing the bidding of the group.

Quick Reference

The Diaries of Ayesha

Around the World and Home Again
That's the Sailors Way

It isn't over until the Fat Lady Sings..and Mistress Minx and Michael are listening for her.

The Stately Homes of England

Author: Dr. Charles Forbin
©Copyright 2004

The Stately Homes of England,
How beautiful they stand!
Amidst their tall ancestral trees,
O'er all the pleasant land.

By the time we got to Saarbrucken Airfield later that day Mistress Jazmyne and Timothy were waiting as well as Mistress Miriam and to my surprise, Saphra.

Before I could introduce her to the Mistress, she introduced herself and added, "I wanted to meet the person attached to that DNA structure."

There was a moment of hesitation and then the Mistress laughed.

"I'm much more erotic in person," she said and hugged her. "Thank you for all of your help."

"It's been an interesting experience for me," Saphra said. "As well as an educational one."

"Educational?" the Mistress asked.

"I learned a lot watching how Miriam and Michael interact. I'm still not sure I understand how his submission to her and you works, but I'm learning."

"The basics of science," the Mistress agreed. "Observe and build the theory."

"Then watch it destroyed by an ugly fact," I finished.

"Thomas Huxley," Saphra replied.

"Milo Bloom actually, at least in the version I read," I said blinking.

"Get on the plane Michael," the Mistress said with a sigh.

We arrived in London at about the same time as a rainstorm, but as Mistress Jazmyne had called ahead, a limo from the Bank was waiting at the hanger so I avoided getting too wet, although the Mistress insisted on standing in the rain for a few minutes before getting in the car.

"What was that all about?" Saphra asked.

The Mistress looked embarrassed and then explained.

"I've been in the desert for almost half a year now. I really needed to feel rain on my face again. You just wait until I get a chance to go running across a meadow skyclad."

"I'd suggest you wait and do that at the Institute, because you running naked across Hyde Park might raise an eyebrow or two," I said blithely.

"I'll take it under consideration," she said.

The limo driver informed us that he had instructions to deliver us to Wallaby Street which seemed to annoy the Mistress from the way she snorted at that statement, but she seemed reluctant to discuss it when I asked, so I let the matter drop knowing I'd find out sooner than later.

We drove for some time, following the Thames until we reached a gated property some miles outside of London proper where the limo halted and honked it's horn at the gatehouse.

The gates swung slowly open and the car drove through into the grounds of a stereotypical English manor house right down to what looked like a hedge maze in the distance and trees grew everywhere.

"Well now you know where I grew up," the Mistress announced as the rest of us stared at the house.

"I'm just glad I don't have to mow the lawn," I said as the limo rolled to a halt in front of the house.

"We used to have four gardeners, but Father now has a flock of sheep brought in once a month to trim the lawn."

"You're kidding," Saphra said.

"I don't think so," Mistress Miriam contradicted.

Wendolyn sat waiting for us at the door and after mother and daughter hugged and Wendolyn kissed my cheek she indicated we should all follow her into the house.

"Your father wants to talk to you privately for a few minutes Minkin darling. He's in the library. If the rest of you would follow me into the sitting room, I'll have drinks brought in," Wendolyn announced.

I started to follow Wendolyn when the Mistress turned towards me and uttered one word.


I changed course to the amusement of Mistress Miriam and Wendolyn and the blush of Saphra.

The Mistress led the way down the hall, turned left then knocked on the oak double doors at the end of the passageway.

"Come in," I heard Wallace growl.

She opened the door and walked in with me trailing behind her.

The room was lined with leather bound books, floor to ceiling and smelt of old leather and good tobacco. Wallace Dawes was sitting at a desk in the exact center of the room smoking a cigar and frowned upon seeing me.

"I'd intended to speak to my daughter privately Michael," he grunted. "I'd prefer you wait outside. This won't take long."

"Anything you have to say to me, can be said in front of my husband," the Mistress said calmly.

"Sit down, both of you then," he said. "I'll make it brief."

We both sat down while Wallace relighted his cigar and tossed the match into the wastepaper basket.

"I'm glad you're home safely Minkin," he started, "but I feel that this incident should serve as an object lesson. It's time you settled down and stopped traipsing all over the world."

"Well thank you Father, but I'm not ready to retire yet, despite what happened," the Mistress replied with amusement in her voice.

"I'm sure you're not, so I'm not giving you a choice. You're fired from your position at the Bank."

The Mistress looked surprised for a moment and then laughed softly.

"Do I get separation pay or am I just out on my ear?"

"You're not being kicked out Minkin. I want you to take a seat on the Board of Directors here in London."

The Mistress shook her head.

"I'm not coming back to London. I like where I live and I'm going to stay there. I'll take a seat on the board, but I won't move."

"As you wish," Wallace agreed.

"Did you have a successor in mind?" the Mistress pressed.

"I intend to appoint the Earl of Stanley to take over for you. He's very well qualified for the post."

"Gardner? He's about as creative as a rock, but he's adequate for the task," she agreed and then looked at me. "Well Michael, welcome to the idle rich."

"If you say so Mi'lady. I'd planned on continuing to work," I said cautiously.

"Actually you'll get your old job as an analyst back when you return, but reporting to the Earl instead of Minkin. He'll need your help to become familiar with operations in your facility," Wallace expounded.

"And if I don't want to work for him?"

"Then you don't. Michael, you can work or not as it pleases you. I'm sure Minkin won't mind supporting you."

"We can discuss that later Michael," the Mistress said sharply. "Is that all you planned on saying Father?"

"Yes, actually."

The Mistress rose from her chair and bowed in her father's direction.

"You can't fire me Father, because I quit," the Mistress replied in reasonable tones to my surprise. "I had a lot of time to think in that cell and I'd already decided that I didn't want to stay fettered to an office stool. I'll accept the seat on the board to keep peace in the family, but that's all."

Wallace just nodded agreeably.

"Perfectly understandable under the circumstances. I'm glad you're being sensible about this."

The Mistress smiled.

"I'm always sensible Father."

He looked thoughtful for a moment.

"Yes. And that's what's worrying me. You're far too cooperative."

"Why shouldn't I be cooperative Father. Your mind is obviously made up so there is no sense in arguing with you about it," the Mistress said lightly.

"Indeed," Wallace grunted. " Well, if you're accepting the position on the board I have an assignment in London, I'd like you to deal with."

"What is it?" the Mistress asked suspiciously.

"The Bank has been asked to invest in a bioengineering firm in Scotland, and frankly, I'm not on solid ground on such things. I have a meeting in Geneva with Credit Suisse, so I'd like you to represent the Bank and accept or reject on my authority," Wallace explained.

"I'm not an expert myself Father, but I do know Saphra is well qualified to act as my assistant. Assuming you don't mind paying her the appropiate consulting fees."

"I'll probably regret saying yes later, but if you need her, hire her," he grumbled picking up a file folder and handing it to the Mistress. "Everything you need to know is in here."

The Mistress thumbed through it quickly and then handed it to me. "As soon as we've finished the meeting Father, Michael and I are going home. Is that understood?

"Perfectly. I think we should join the other guests now," Wallace said standing up.

"Why not?" the Mistress agreed and led the way out.

When we got to the sitting room, Saphra and Mistress Miriam already had drinks in hand, Saphra an iced tea and Mistress Miriam was working on a glass of white wine.

"What can I order for you dear," Wendolyn asked the Mistress

"Just sparkling water with a twist of lime for me, and I assume you'll have coffee as usual Michael," she said.

"Why break a habit," I agreed.

Her mother spoke to the maid and a few moments later we were all seated comfortably, fresh drinks in hand while Wallace stood at the fireplace and tried to make polite small talk, although obviously uncomfortable with the company.

He did succeed after a fashion when Wendolyn got him to start talking about Minkin's early childhood.

"I remember one time when one of her little friends was staying the weekend with us, who was that Wendolyn, the Dalton boy? Anyway," he continued, " I saw her sitting in her wagon with him pulling it and her ordering him to go faster. I'm the Queen and you must obey me, she was telling him."

I glanced at the Mistress who sat there with a strained smile on her face while the rest of the group chuckled softly.

We all understood the joke far better than Wallace ever would, but it did call to mind the old nature versus nurture arguments as applied to Dominas.

We were rescued at that moment by the maid announcing dinner.

The meal was very good, roast chicken with vegetables. The Mistress ate very little by comparison to the rest of us, but Miriam and Saphra and I made up for it.

She finally pushed her plate aside and excused herself from the table and walked out of the room to the disapproving glare of her father.

I looked at Wendolyn who nodded slightly so I excused myself and followed the Mistress.

I came around the corner just in time to see her reach the top of the stairs and disappear down a long hallway. I climbed the stairs two at a time and reached the top just in time to see a door at the far end of the hall close.

I knocked on it softly and was invited in.

The room was well furnished and had a bed much like the one in the Mistress' rooms at the Rancho, right down to the black silk coverlet. The Mistress was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the bed holding a large purple stuffed rabbit wearing of all things an army helmet and a bandoleer of Easter eggs.

"Who's your friend?" I asked.

"Rambo Rabbit," she said looking at me with a small smile. "It's a long story, but he's always been here when I needed him."

"I feel that way about my books," I said sitting on the end of the bed. "They're the only friends that have always been with me no matter what."

"I remember that you always wanted books when you were in training," she said a smile creeping across her face.

"I didn't need music as much with you there. You were the music in my life then as now," I said reaching for her hand.

"Flattery will not avail you sir," she said coquettishly.

"I never flatter. Flirt, tease and on occasion tempt, but never flatter."

"Liar. I've seen you work before."

I shrugged and kissed her hand.

"I'm old and I'm vile, I'm no stranger to vice, I'm base and I'm bad and I'm mean," I countered.

"I am far from young, pure, new or nice and just as far from sweet seventeen as you are," she said withdrawing her hand and holding the rabbit tightly again.

"I take it dinner was fine, but the company wasn't?" I ventured.

"Something like that. I'm still not really comfortable with groups yet. Part of me wants to be alone and the other part needs someone around me," she admitted.

"Would you like me to leave you alone?" I asked honestly.

She shook her head.

"No. I need you here, but quietly."

"Of course."

She lay back on the bed and held the rabbit against her chest and closed her eyes. Her breathing slowed and she was soon asleep.

I sat and watched over her that night after moving to a rocking chair in the corner and covering her with a quilt.

Early the next morning there was a soft tap on the door and I opened it to find a different maid than the one from the night before waiting outside with a breakfast cart.

I had her roll it in quietly, then thanked her. She curtsied and left, closing the door silently behind her.

I had just poured a cup of Earl Gray when I heard the Mistress stir and then yawn.

"Good morning Mistress," I said pouring her a cup and kneeling by the bedside as I had every morning since we met. She wiped the sleep from her eyes before sitting up and taking the offered cup and sipping it.

"Good morning slave," she said ritually. "Did you sleep well?"

"No Mistress I did not," I said. "I was on watch last night."

She snorted into her tea and then glared at me.

"Am I to understand that you watched me all night?"

"Yes Mistress. It's an old Mimbari tradition to watch the one you love sleep. They say your inner self comes out in your sleep."

"Watching me drool is hardly what I'd call an endearing trait, but as you wish. You should have slept though."

"You needed me nearby, and I didn't have permission to sleep with you."

She finished her tea and indicated her need for a refill.

"We're going to have to discuss that when we get home. I was thinking that perhaps a set of twin beds would be workable rather than you sleeping on the floor all the time."

"I'd be honored," I said pouring her another cup.

"I dare say you would be," she said with a spark of her old self coming through.

"I would indeed," I agreed. "I was thinking that perhaps you're right and I shouldn't go back to work at the Bank. That way I could serve you full time."

"There are a couple of very good reasons for you to stay there for now," she said.

"Like what?"

"I'll explain it all to you later after we see Dr Ruth ," she deflected.

"Yes Mistress," I said disappointed.

"Michael, I do want you to serve me full time again, but there are things at the Bank that will still need the attention of someone from Ay'esha. If I'm not there, you'll have to be my eyes and ears," she said kindly.

"The needs of the many..."

"As always mine sklave. You serve me, I serve the Daughters."

After breakfast we went down stairs and found Mistress Miriam and Saphra having breakfast with Wendolyn.

"Good morning children, "Wendolyn said cheerfully. "Did you sleep well?"

"Well enough Mother thank you," the Mistress said with a warning glance at me.

"Good. Your Father went to the office to make the arrangements for your permanent replacement and to draw up the papers to put you on the board. I must say I'm surprised you didn't object," she continued.

"I have my reasons for agreeing with Father this time," the Mistress said reaching for the teapot and a cup. "I also agreed to help with an evaluation of a biotech company before I leave."

"How interesting," Wendolyn said cautiously.

"Isn't it though," the Mistress replied pouring a cup for herself and then for me to my surprise and Mistress Miriam's amusement. "Father would like you to join us Saphra, if you're willing."

"I'd be happy to help in any way I can," Saphra agreed happily.

"Will you be staying with us for a bit this time darling?" Wendolyn asked switching to another subject.

"I'm not sure yet. I was planning on visiting the Institute for a short while, but I hadn't really thought about anything else."

"A little time in the country will do you good after all that sand," Wendolyn said approvingly. "Build your strength up, get used to being a free woman again."

"I'm glad I have your approval," the Mistress said sweetly. "In fact, if there are no objections, I was thinking of leaving as soon as I finish my tea, if the others are ready."

I looked at Mistress Miriam and Saphra who both nodded in agreement.

"Looks like a go from the rest of the staff," I said.

"Than I shall have the car brought around for you," Wendolyn said standing up. "I'm sorry you couldn't stay longer."

"Thank you for the excellent meals Mrs. Dawes," Saphra said. "I do hope that perhaps I can come back for a visit during the school year."

"You're always welcome," Wendolyn said graciously." And you too of course Miriam."

"Thank you Ma'am", Mistress Miriam said with a smile.

"I'll go arrange for the car," Wendolyn said and walked out.

"Excuse me for saying so, Mistress, but that was rather abrupt," Mistress Miriam ventured.

"I have my reasons for being in a hurry Miriam," the Mistress announced. "I need to speak with Dr. Ruth and inform her of the change at the Bank. I also want to file a full report of what happened from the time I was abducted to the point where you recovered me."

She paused.

"And after that I'll be resigning my position in Ay'esha."

For the entire journey the Mistress refused to discuss her resignation which made for a long, quiet ride to Herfordshire. I finally fell asleep about an hour into the trip and woke up as we pulled into the grounds of the Institute.

As the regular school year was in session, rather than the special semester for Daughters of Ay'esha we were greeted by one of the regular teaching staff and escorted to the Headmistress's office and offered tea while we waited to see Dr. Ruth.

It took a little time and I had almost dropped off to sleep again when the Headmistress' door opened and she escorted a young girl out of her office.

"Ah Saphra, nice to see you back. Would you please go over to the biology lab and talk to Dr. Morris. He's been very anxious to discuss some odd reports from Scotland with you and get your opinion. Miss Dawes, a pleasure to see you as well. I take it this meeting involves your overseas trip," she said warmly while handing an envelope to her assistant.

"Yes it does Doctor. Do you have a few minutes to spare?" the Mistress asked.

"I have an appointment in a few minutes, but I believe they can wait for a bit while we talk," she said indicating her office.

"I'll see you all later." Saphra said heading for the exit. "Duty calls."

"Angela, would you hold all my calls please," Dr. Ruth instructed her assistant," and tender my apologies to the Rector for the delay in our meeting this morning."

The three of us started to follow Dr Ruth into her office and were stopped by the Mistress short of the door.

"Michael, why don't you give Miriam a tour of the campus while Dr. Ruth and I talk?" she suggested in her "not a suggestion, but an order" tone of voice.

"Yes Ma'am. Should we meet you back here, or at the Alumni club?"

"The club I think. We can have lunch and still make it back to London today."

With that she walked into Dr Ruth's office and closed the door behind her.

Mistress Miriam was silent until we were outside of the building and walking across the grounds towards the stables.

"I can't believe the Mistress is resigning from Ay'esha," she finally said.

"Since she was missing for so long, she'll always be under suspicion as I've been since I visited the Temple. She'd never be assigned to the field again, and she's not a desk jockey any more than I am," I replied.

"Still, there's a lot she could do," Mistress Miriam insisted.

I stopped her and looked into her eyes.

"She has the right to live as she pleases Mi'lady probably more so than you and I ever will after what she's been through. All we can do is support her and love her, as she supports and loves us," I said softly.

Mistress Miriam gazed back at me and then kissed me in a sudden blur of motion.

I just blushed.

I made sure our tour of the Institute covered the high points, such as my stall in the barn and then we walked across the grounds and into the woods where I had done my imitation of a fox many years before.

"The woods are lovely dark and deep," Mistress Miriam said as we walked through the spring greenery.

"But we have promises to keep and miles to go before we sleep," I finished.

We walked along in silence for a few minutes until Mistress Miriam stopped me.

"I've been thinking about us Michael. Now that the Mistress is back, what's going to happen?"

I looked at her and shook my head.

"I don't know Mi'lady. She may just loan me to you to keep me out of her hair at times. We'll just have to discuss it with her when the time seems right," I said kissing her softly.

"I don't mind sharing at all," she replied.

We walked back to the main grounds of the Institute and I escorted her to the Alumni club where after identifying myself, we were escorted to a table in the corner of the old oak paneled room where the Mistress sat waiting for us.

"I was beginning to think you had deserted me," she said lightly as we sat down.

"Hardly. I was showing her some of my old haunts in the woods," I said as the waiter came to the table.

"That was a time, "the Mistress said taking the offered menu from the waiter." I'm just sorry that the girls aren't here right now to see you."

She ordered poached salmon and I took a safer course by ordering prime rib while Miriam ordered chicken vindaloo.

After the waiter left to fill our order, I broached the subject of the meeting with Dr. Ruth.

"So what did Dr. Ruth have to say about your resigning?" I asked nervously.

"She asked me to hold it for a few weeks. She has an assignment for us," the Mistress said. "And as a matter of fact, it has to do with the company that my Father asked us to meet with."

"Really? That's an odd coincidence," I said.

"The Universe is littered with odd coincidences," she said with a wry smile. "You'll recall that Dr. Morris wanted to see Saphra and show her some odd test results. The test results are why I've been asked to hold my resignation."

"What is the assignment?" Mistress Miriam asked.

" There are reports of increased sterility in the area near the facility run by the company in Scotland. It may be toxic waste, or it may be something else," the Mistress said quietly.

"By something else are you suggesting a deliberate toxin?" I responded in the same tone.

"Only the male animals in the area are affected. And the ones that aren't rendered sterile are developing female characteristics."

"A toxin that forces a sex change? Now there's something not found in nature," I said grimly.

" The British Health people are already doing an investigation of the company, however, being owned by a gentleman with, shall we say, connections, the investigation is going rather slowly.

"The information we have, was received from a local newspaper report. A farmer started complaining about his boar becoming sterile. And the local townspeople have never liked the lab anyway.

"So far no reports of humans being affected, but no one has actually checked yet," she concluded. "And your opinion is?"

"Biologically, pigs and humans are much alike. We do need to find out what's going on there," I agreed.

"On two fronts. One is the Bank and the second is of course Ay'esha business. One more item is that the Director of Research for RoslynLabs is an old acquaintance of Dr. Pappas. You remember her I'm sure," the Mistress said warningly.

I remembered her all right: She was the mad, oh all right, angry scientist that tried to infect England with Mad Cow disease in the incident I refer to as Ragtime Cowboy Joe.

"Well that's a comfort ...not," I said.

Our lunch arrived about that point in the conversation and was soon followed by Saphra carrying a laptop computer.

"Dr. Ruth briefed me," she said pulling up a chair. "I've got all of Dr. Morris' data in the laptop."

"So what's the plan?" I asked the Mistress.

"Two parts: You and I will go to London and meet with the people at RoslynLabs and Miriam and Saphra will go to Scotland and do a little snooping before we arrive."

"Dr. Ruth is one step ahead of you Ma'am. I've got a job at the facility starting on Monday," Saphra said.

"Then I guess I blend in with the locals and see what I can find," Mistress Miriam commented." Do we know each other Saphra?"

Before Saphra could answer, Mistress Minx shook her head no.

"I think not. At least not to start with. Pick a cafe or someplace to eat at everyday and then gradually drift together. Less suspicious over all, except for the chance you'll be mistaken as lovers."

"Oh now wouldn't that be terrible," Mistress Miriam smirked.

"I don't know. Might be a great cover story," Saphra added wistfully.

"Uh, I don't think I want to know about this part," I said. "A promise made is a promise kept."

"What does that mean?" Mistress Minx asked curiously.

"I'll tell you later," I said thinking of a conversation between Mistress Miriam and I in London weeks earlier.

"Yes, you will," she said grimly.

With the plan set in motion, Mistress Minx and I proceeded back to London for our meeting the next day with the representatives of RoslynLabs. During the drive she napped, while I took the time to review all of the information in the dossier that her Father had given her.

The company had been in existence for a few years and the work they had done on wheat fungus had established their reputation as an up and coming biotechnology firm.

It seemed that in a very short time they had produced a treatment called TritFung that killed a fungus that thrived on triticale based wheat. What I found interesting was that the Director of Research had spent time working for the United States Government at a place called Plum Island.

Plum Island is a plant research station for the Army Chem-Bio people to study plant diseases, as well as to create new ones.

Digging into the files further, I discovered that the founder of the company, Angus Sinclair, had worked at one time with the British Government at Pordon Down as a virologist.

Two biowarfare experts and an association with a third untrustworthy one was enough to make my figurative ears perk up.

Now before anyone accuses me of paranoid tendencies, I am well aware that people who can do that kind of work are few and far between and there isn't any reason they wouldn't use their talents in the civilian world for the betterment of all mankind.

Except one of their friends had already proven that she didn't exactly give a shit about mankind.

Still, I had to be fair and objective.

It just bothered me was all.

I was still dealing with the file and the misgivings when she awoke from her nap and directed the driver to an address at 18 Cherry Tree Lane.

"Cherry Tree Lane?" I asked the Mistress as I slid the papers back into the portfolio. "Dr. Ruth mentioned Cherry Tree Lane."

"There are two places on Cherry Tree Lane associated with Ay'esha. One is a small Bed and Breakfast that caters to unusual tastes and the other is the hotel I use when I'm in London on business. They deal with more mundane people and are less overt, although the staff is all Ay'esha trained. You remember the one. It was across from the park."

I remembered the hotel. I remember being taken naked into the park in the fog and damp for a walk and how much I loved her attention.

"Could we go for a walk later?" I asked wistfully.

"I think so, if you're a good boy. In fact, I might take my naked run with you."


She smiled at me.

"Go go Gadget shoes."

We didn't get our naked run in the park that night due to the weather. No, not rain this time, but a strong, cold north wind that would have made frostbite possible and windburn a sure bet. Instead we spent the night snuggled together in front of the fireplace.

It was an interesting snuggle as the Mistress was more receptive to being touched by me than she had been in the past few days, even including the time in Germany.

When I commented on it she surprised me with a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"Enjoy it while you can Michael. I realize that I haven't always treated those who love me as well as I should sometimes. I know I've hurt you in the past, emotionally, and I probably will again."

I stopped her with a touch on the arm and looked into her eyes.

"You probably will. But I had a lot of time to think about things too. I made the decision to stick with you all the way back in New Orleans when I could have gone to the police and just trusted them to take care of things.

"I stuck with you when you decided to marry Fort and I was happy when the whole thing collapsed into a pile of guano I'm not sorry to say.

"And when you asked me to marry you, even though it wasn't out of love, I still hung in there.

"I'm not leaving you no matter how hard you kick and even when you do finally settle down with the right guy for real, I'll still be there if you need me.

"You love me in your own way and you have loved me in different ways as we have been together. Sometimes very physically, sometimes not.

"But through it all, you have loved me for what I am and who I am.

"That's all that counts."

She smiled and wiped away the slight tears that had formed in her eyes.

"Dr. Ruth and I discussed a potential problem in our meeting. She felt that I might suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome because of the amount of time I was imprisoned. She advised me that I might be rather moody at times."

I thought about that in conjunction with the discussion with the medics in Germany and had to admit a more than slight chance that there would be a problem of some kind.

"Well I knew the job was dangerous when I took it" I said lightly.

"Well for the time being, I'm not going to be playing with you very much. It's very possible I could over react and you could be seriously hurt. I know that Miriam has been spending time with you and I do approve, really I do," she explained kindly.

"Your psychic abilities haven't been harmed at all. Mistress Miriam was wondering how you felt about it. She's gotten rather fond of me," I said blushing slightly.

"There's a lot to be fond of Michael. Just remember that you are MINE before anyone else's!" she declared taking me firmly by the head with both hands and driving her tongue deep into my mouth to punctuate her words.

"Yes Mistress," I gasped upon being released.

We took a cab to the Bank the next morning and on the way the Mistress briefed me on how she wanted me to act.

"You'll be functioning as my PA, and not my husband during the meeting," she cautioned.

"I'm always happy to play Prince Albert to your Queen Victoria " I replied.

"We are not amused," she replied primly. "Pay attention."

"I am a giant ear."

"I'm sorry, " she said after a moment of hesitation. "I know you know what you're doing in a negotiation like this."

"Not a problem, " I assured her. "I don't think that they need to know that anyway. The question is, how many people at the Bank know it?'

"Not many. "

Minx was out first and on her way into the bank by the time I got out. I started to pay the driver and realized that I didn't have any money. A gentleman in a suit with a well-trimmed beard cut my embarrassment short by walking up and paying the driver for me.

"Miss Dawes will meet you in the old boardroom, sir", he said to me with grave dignity, leading me towards the door.

I followed my guide to the rear of the bank and up a flight of stairs to an oak paneled office that smelled of old leather and aging paper. The polished oak table would have served well for a dining table for Henry the Eighth and the leather chairs were well worn. Mistress Minx sat at the head of the table, a tape recorder on the table in front of her, with two older men on her left and a young woman on her right.

One of the gentlemen sat stiffly in his chair. I decided that he was probably the ex-military man.

The other gentleman, I wasn't sure of, but he had the feel of a lawyer about him.

"Ah, now that my associate has arrived, we can start." she said. " This is my associate Michael Forbin. The gentleman on my left is Dr. Jason Moore, the head of RoslynLabs research department, and next to him is the head of the legal department at RoslynLabs, Mr. Alex Josephson. The young lady is Miss Daphne Sinclair, representing her father's interests."

I nodded to the gentlemen, and bowed to the young lady and took my place at the foot of the table where a laptop computer sat idling along with a flask of coffee, a large cup, and a notepad.

The woman does know what I need to get a job done.

"I understand that your bank is interested in making a sizable investment in our company. I can say that Mr. Sinclair would entertain such an idea." Josephson stated.

"If RoslynLabs has something to offer to investors of course. Your work in genetic engineering has promise, but a one-time product like TritFung is not enough. We're interested in details of your other research." Minx advised.

"I am not prepared to discuss our research in detail at this time," Dr. Moore said in a tone that refused argument.

I stood up at that point.

"Well, then it's obvious we have nothing to discuss. Miss Dawes, I think we should contact Biocorp and make them an offer." I said picking up the laptop.

"Just one moment." Miss Sinclair interrupted. "Just how much of an investment was being considered?"

"My firm was considering an initial investment of 100 million dollars. But if I can't take a good reason to the board for the funding, I suppose we'll have to contact another company." Minx said, also standing.

"Wait a moment, please. Doctor, I'm quite sure that my father would authorize at least a small demonstration of our new products. Mr. Josephson, I want you to call him right now. Tell him the offer." Miss Sinclair directed.

"Miss Sinclair, I really don't think that..." Josephson started to say. He was cut off abruptly.

"My father sent me to represent his point of view. Now, call him." she said with an edge of steel in her voice.

Josephson excused himself and left the room to use the phone.

"Please sit down." she invited. " My father's associates are reticent to discuss matters without his permission."

Minx slowly settled back in her chair, not breaking her gaze from Daphne Sinclair. There was an aura in the room of two female animals circling the same prey.

"Well, I can understand that. Especially in light of the publicity the company is receiving." I said as I typed a few notes into the machine.

"Publicity he says", snorted Doctor Moore. "Rabble rousing is what I call it. There is no proof that our facilities had anything to do with it."

"What publicity were you referring to?" I asked innocently. " I was talking about the soccer team the lab sponsors."

Doctor Moore looked like a small boy with his hand caught in the cookie jar.

"Well, there have been a few rumors published. Nothing of consequence." he ground out between clenched teeth.

"Well, then. I take it that we will be able to tour the facility. We are very concerned about our image. We certainly wouldn't want any negative publicity, I'm sure you can understand that." I prompted.

"Of course," he agreed.

"Oh I also read that you worked with the people at Plum Island when you were in the Army, is that right Major?"

He hesitated for a moment looking at Miss Sinclair and then looked back at me.

"Yes I did work there. I can't discuss the nature of the work however as it was classified.,' he explained.

"Of course Major. I have a little experience with national security issues myself," I agreed. "But you never get away from it do you Major?"

"Mr. Forbin, I'm not a Major since I retired, so I prefer to be referred to as Doctor," he said.

"Frankenstein or frokenstein?" I said with a smile.

"Michael…" the Mistress warned." We do have a number of questions about the background of your research. We wouldn't want to become involved with any potential patent issues."

Daphne Sinclair looked at me, and I could see the steel under the silk glove.

"I am quite sure we can satisfy your request."

Minx caught my eye and her eye dropped in a slow wink. Game point to us.

After a few more minutes Josephson returned to the room and sat down next to Daphne. After a few minutes of low voiced conversation, he announced that arrangements had been made to discuss the new research, provided that no notes were taken or recording devices used.

Minx shut off the tape recorder, and I pressed a few keys on the laptop, before closing it.

"Now, that we have agreed to your terms for discussion, what do you have to offer?" she said

Doctor Moore stood up and walked to the front of the room and started to lecture.

"Genetic engineering has many possibilities. Our TritFung product is only the tip of the iceberg. You have read about genetically altered fruits and vegetables, and even some animals are being genetically engineered for better production of food.

"There are now genetically engineered medications, such as insulin on the market as well that have been very successful as well. Genetically modified viruses have been used for cancer research and treatment."

"Dr. Sinclair and the rest of the research staff, including Miss Mackenzie have set a new course in genetically engineered medications. We are developing a virus that blocks the reproduction of the common cold rhinovirus."

Minx and I both sat waiting for the Major to continue. The silence grew longer.

"Doctor, I don't claim to be a biologist, but as I recall there are actually two hundred different viruses that cause colds." I finally said.

"More than that. And we are very close to developing an antiviral agent that wipes them all out by actually modifying it's own molecular structure to the type of virus involved. In fact, you would only need to be injected once to retain the protection." he affirmed.

"If it works, the value of the patent would be worth - - ", Minx started to say.

"Billions. Your bank would be well rewarded by investing. But we realize that others are working on the same sort of vaccine. And the investment would be highly speculative." Josephson advised.

"How close are you to human testing?" I asked.

"Close." Daphne said.

"Days, weeks, or months?" I pressed.

"I'm sorry, but we can't say anything more than close." Doctor Moore deferred.

"Major, excuse me, Doctor in the computer business they say R-S-N. Real Soon Now. That sometimes means never." I continued.

Daphne frowned at me and then turned her attention to the Mistress.

"Miss Dawes, you and Mr. Forbin will have all the information you need by the time you visit the facility." Daphne said abruptly.

Major Doctor Moore and Josephson stood up, glared at me as well and walked out of the room.

I could see the fire building in her eyes. She was developing a dislike for me. Which was too bad, but war is hell, be it financial or traditional.

"Miss Sinclair, I realize that my associate can be somewhat abrasive. However he does have his uses." Minx pointed out.

"Of that I'm sure."

Minx decided to pour a little oil on troubled waters. I just hoped someone didn't set it afire.

"Perhaps you would like to join me at the theatre tonight? I have a box at Albert Hall and understand the program tonight includes a number of Wagner pieces." she suggested.

"I would enjoy that, thank you." Daphne agreed. "Wagner is inspiring."

Minx turned her attention back to me.

"Michael, arrange with the hotel for a limo this evening. Order my formal dress delivered to the room. And make sure that a late supper is delivered when we return." she ordered giving me the hand sign to submit.

"Yes Miss Dawes. Will there be anything else this evening?" I asked in my most submissive tone of voice lowering my eyes and bowing my head.

Daphne's reaction to my response was one of bemusement. From abrasive tech geek to purring sub is quite a transformation for those unfamiliar with it.

"No Michael, that will be all. You may go."

I bowed to the two women and left the room with my equipment, both computer and otherwise intact.

When I left the boardroom and went downstairs the gentleman who had escorted me in greeted me.

"I didn't have the chance to introduce myself when you arrived," he said." I'm Nigel Canby, the senior manager of the bank here."

"Michael Forbin. I'm pleased to meet you." I said shaking hands with him.

"Miss Dawes can be quite a handful sometimes. I learned some years ago not to be in the way when she's in a hurry," he said leading me towards his desk.

"How long have you known her?" I asked.

He stopped and looked thoughtful for a moment.

"I have known her since she was a little girl. She came in here with her father. Her family was one of the founders of this bank, you know." he continued.

"I was a bit surprised when she hired me to learn that."

We stopped at his desk and he pulled out an envelope and handed it to me.

"Miss Dawes ordered me to give this to you before you left. She said you hadn't had time to exchange any money, so she ordered me to draw some from her account for you."

I looked inside the envelope and found myself looking at a bundle of five-pound notes.

"Thank you Mr. Canby. I have some errands she wanted me to run, so I must be on my way. But I've enjoyed talking to you." I said heading towards the door as I saw Minx and Daphne descending the stairs.

I hadn't quite reached the door when she called my name.

"Michael, wait one moment." she called.

I stopped and waited.

"I want you to attend the concert tonight as well," she said as she walked up.

"Miss Dawes..."

"You have a problem with that Mr. Forbin?" she said coldly.

I looked about casually before replying softly.

"Actually, yes I do Mistress. I haven't got anything to wear. I'd hate to embarrass you with my lack of sartorial elegance."

"I understand but I won't let your fear of embarrassment become a problem. You will attend, and you will serve the both of us as instructed. Is that very clear?" she replied quietly.

I bowed my head and apologized for my reluctance.

"I don't want to embarrass you. You know that."

"Yes I do. You are my slave and you will do as I order. Besides, I need you at your submissive best for dealing with Daphne. If anything, she'll underestimate you and that gives us an advantage."

She turned towards Nigel, and called for him.

"Mr. Canby, I want you to take Mr. Forbin to Trubshaw's and have him outfitted. New suit, formal tuxedo, shoes, tie, everything. When Trubshaw is done, I want Mr. Forbin to be able to dress to meet Her Majesty. Bill it to my fathers account there." she directed when he arrived.

"Yes Miss Dawes." he replied.

"And Mr. Forbin..." she added turning back towards where Daphne was waiting for her," I will expect you to do your best work tonight."

Nigel Canby smiled, nay smirked, as Minx and Daphne left the bank.

" Shall we be on our way?" he suggested.

I allowed myself to be led to a taxi, and was once more thrust into the bustle of London traffic.

The trip was rather short, and mercifully silent.

At Nigel's direction, I was measured, chalk outlined, pinned, patterned, poked, prodded, and pulled. All that was missing was to be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, and numbered.

Although at the rate one of the people was writing down clothing sizes, numbered was not far off and I supposed the removing of my underwear could be called debriefing.

The situation was not helped by Nigel's enjoyment of my discomfort.

"Cheer up lad! You're going to the theatre tonight with a beautiful woman, nay two beautiful women. What could be more romantic than that?" he comforted.

"Nigel, she's my boss. So this is business."

"She's also your wife."

"Not right now. Right now she's Miss Dawes and I'm Mr. Forbin. We keep business and personal lives totally separate. It's much safer that way. As to the theatre, I hate having to dress up. The last time I had to dress up was for my wedding. Loved being married; hated the clothes I got married in. In fact I would have rather have had a Betazoid wedding."

"I don't know the religion. Is it a branch of Zen Buddhism?"

"Not exactly. The tradition calls for the bride, groom and guests to be naked."

He blushed slightly at that idea.

No sex please, we're English.

It was then I was struck by a thought and no it didn't leave a bruise.

"Nigel, I need a phone fast. I forgot to call the hotel and make arrangements for Miss Dawes!"

"Good heavens man!" he blanched, pulling a cellular phone from his pocket and handing it to me.

I dialed the operator and requested the number as Nigel hurried the tailor into finishing his work.

"Cherry Tree Lane", the receptionist chirruped

"This is Mr. Forbin. I need to arrange for a car for Miss Dawes to be ready at seven. She would also like her formal gown delivered to the room at five, and a late supper to be in the room at eleven. Do you have all of that?" I directed.

"Yes sir. And I have a message from the lady for you. Quote "Bring flowers for Miss Sinclair. Is that clear?" in a tone that was a pointed reminder that the people in the hotel knew who and what I was.

"Yes thank you. Do you know if the lady was expecting me for dinner?" I asked in a less hurried tone.

"Mistress Minx and Miss Sinclair will be having a light meal at 6:00. You will be in front of the hotel waiting with the car and driver at seven exactly." was the reply.

"I understand. Thank you."

I signed off and handed the phone back to Nigel who returned it to me

"Keep it," he said." It's company issue. I'll have it assigned to you."

"No, have it assigned to my wife. I hate the damned things. I need to find a florist before I show up there. Flowers for Miss Sinclair. And I'd better not forget a set for Miss Dawes as well."

"Am I to understand you are escorting both ladies tonight?" Nigel exclaimed.

"Well, yes. Why?"

"Well if Miss Sinclair feels the same way about you that the two gentlemen do, then we should have you fitted for a vest as well. A bullet proof one."

"Not happy were they? I'm terribly, terribly hurt." I replied sarcastically.

"If the one gentleman had his way, you would be. Something about tricking him."

"That would be the Major. Yes, I was a bit sneaky. ", I conceded," But he is a bit of a pompous ass. And frankly I don't care much for his former profession."

"Which was?" he prompted.

"He designed new and better ways to kill people. Better dying through Biochemistry."

"I see."

The process of outfitting me continued including the adding of accessories such as an umbrella and a bowler.

"I'm not trying to look like an English banker," I said. "No offense intended Nigel."

"None taken. After all you have to be born a gentleman to be a true gentleman," he said lightly as the tailor left with the new clothes to have them wrapped.


"Let me pose that question to Wallace and let me get back to you on that," I said sweetly.

The tailor returned followed by the owner, Mr. Trubshaw.

"I understand you are an associate of Miss Dawes," Trubshaw commented after greeting Nigel.

"I have the honor of being her husband actually," I replied.

"Congratulations are in order then," he said with a quick smile. "I hope that everything is to your liking."

"If you know my wife Mr. Trubshaw, then you also know my likes are not paramount. I am only concerned with meeting her instructions."

"Of course sir. I have your evening clothes ready now and the rest of the items can be delivered where you choose."

"Have them delivered to the Bank please Trubshaw," Nigel instructed. " And call a cab for Mr. Forbin. He has some other stops to make before returning to his hotel."

"Of course. My congratulations again Mr. Forbin," Mr. Trubshaw said and walked away.

"I'll leave you to deal with the rest of the items on Miss Dawes' list. I'll see you again soon I hope," Nigel said shaking hands with me.

"Assuming I survive the night, I should see you in the morning," I replied. "Thanks for your help."

"Any time old man."

One of Trubshaw's assistants grabbed an armload of boxes and carried them out to where a cab was waiting for me and placed them inside then hurried back into the shop.

"18 Cherry Tree Lane driver, and I need to stop at a florist shop on the way," I said settling in my seat.

"Of course Mr. Forbin. After we've finished our discussion," a familiar voice said.

I looked up to see Mr. Azir, the head of security for the Saudi Embassy sitting in the front seat with Ayishah sitting in the drivers seat.

"If the Prince didn't see fit to brief you, I don't see the need either," I said reaching for the door handle and finding it missing.

"I'm afraid I have to disagree with you on that point. Please tell me what happened after you left the Prince's residence here under somewhat strained circumstances," he said.

"Ok, start driving and I'll tell you," I agreed, seeing no real option to avoid it.

Ayishah started the cab and pulled into traffic while I gave Mr. Azir the plot synopsis of the last "American Pie" leaving out a few items such as RJ's involvement as well as much of Vicky's.

When I finished he shook his head in amazement.

"That is one of the most amazing stories I've ever heard. I don't believe a word of it, but you tell it well." he said.

"The last time I checked, it wasn't required that you believe me. I was asked for a report, and I've given you one. You might check the basic facts with the Prince if you really have doubts about it," I suggested.

Ayishah pulled the cab over next to a flower shop and parked.

"I'll get the flowers for you," she said.

"Two sets of a dozen roses each," I said as she stepped out of the car. "I have a heavy date."

She looked back at me with a slight smile and a nod to Mr. Azir and closed the door behind her.

"Now that we're alone, tell me the truth," Mr. Azir said.

"I did. You just don't believe me," I replied.

"And the American military had nothing to do with it?" he pressed.

"There was no official involvement by the government," I said thinking of the level of non-official involvement from RJ and his team.

"I know all about Sergeant Preston and his team," he said.

"That's nice. Who are they?" I said without flinching.

"The American military troops that assisted you," he said.

"I wish," I swore. "I'm not exactly an expert in these matters. Like I told you before, I'm not a spy or an agent or any thing else like that. I just do research and fix computers for a living."

"As you wish Mr. Forbin. I will be watching you while you are in London," he warned as Ayishah returned with the flowers.

"You're going to be very bored," I warned. "I'm going to a concert with my boss and a client tonight at Royal Albert Hall, if you'd like to be there."

"Another meeting with your Iraqi agent," he said. "We'll be very interested in that."

"My Iraqi agent? Surely you jest. If he's there I'm planning on giving him a wide berth."

"See that you do," he warned.

That pretty much killed the conversation until my arrival at Cherry Tree Lane where I was let out, packages, flowers and all.

"Please give my regards to Miriam and Saphra," Ayishah said as she opened the door for me.

"I will. Oh and I am sorry about that little fracas at the apartment, but necessity is a mother," I apologized.

"I understand perfectly. But I also never forget," she said evilly.

I have to say my enemies' list was getting longer than Nixon's was.

"I'm sure that a punch up behind the barn can be arranged if you like to clear the books," I offered.

"I'd rather wait until you're not looking, then savage you in a tender spot," she purred.

I took out a card and wrote the number 1,771,561 on it and gave it to her.

"Take a number and wait in line, there are a lot of people ahead of you."

With that I took my parcels into the hotel and started towards the elevator, only to be intercepted by the desk clerk.

"You have twelve minutes before your Mistress and her guest come down, " she said severely. "The car is waiting around the corner for your signal to pull in. You'll have to change in the office. I'll send someone in to help you, but you need to hurry."

I didn't waste time arguing, I just headed in the direction she pointed in and started flinging off my clothes and climbing into the new ones as soon as I closed the door behind me.

I was three quarters dressed when my helper appeared in time to assist with the tie.

"You look quite well sir," she said as she made the final adjustments.

"Thank you. Hopefully I look well enough for the Mistress and her guest," I said slipping on the jacket as she held it.

"If I may venture to say, a haircut and a quick shave would help, but you are quite acceptable for the evening," she said looking at the clock and picking up the phone. "Four minutes to show time sir. I'll have the car brought around."

"Thank you miss...?" I said steeling myself for the night ahead.

"Carolyn, sir. It's a pleasure to serve you. If you like, I will assist you later this evening, with the permission of the Mistress."

I smiled at that thought.

"In the words of Captain Picard "Make it so".

The timing was flawless with the car pulling up in front of the door as I arrived to open the rear door, while simultaneously the elevator doors in the rear of the lobby slid open revealing Mistress Minx and Miss Sinclair dressed in their finest.

They walked across the lobby, Mistress Minx nodding to the desk clerk in passing, and then through the door to the waiting limo.

I presented the flowers to the two ladies, was rewarded with a smile from my Mistress and a somewhat frostier reaction from Miss Sinclair.

At least she didn't throw them in my face.

I closed the door and slid into the front seat alongside the driver and we set out for the concert.

It was a full house at Royal Albert Hall that evening with our party being seated in a box to the left and above the seat I occupied the last time I was there. That location put me on an almost direct line with the Saudi box and sure as taxes, Mr. Azir and Ayishah sat cool and elegant waiting for the start of the show. I was just wondering if it was the music or if they were waiting for some other show that I hadn't been invited to.

I did spot the Iraqi agent seated in the percussion section of the orchestra making adjustments to his drums and glanced towards the Saudi box where I saw Ayishah staring in his direction with her opera glasses.

Professionally, this was not a great position to be sitting in.

On the personal side, I was seated between Mistress Minx and Miss Sinclair, which was like being caught between hot and cold in terms of comfort.

I shifted in my seat and was rewarded by a glare from Miss Sinclair, so that precluded informing Mistress Minx as to the other players on the field that evening. A minor point, but one I felt she should be aware of.

The concert proceeded with the usual amount of Wagnarian bombast, which I generally enjoy, but find a bit oppressive when the other shoe seems poised to drop. No matter what, I couldn't help but watch Ayishah and Mr. Azir watch the timpanist.

Mistress Minx finally noticed my distracted air and leaned her head towards me.

"Bored?" she asked as quietly as Tannerhausen permitted.

"Yellow alert," I said in Klinhazi. "Two targets. One forward, one starboard."

"Action?" she responded in the short syllables of Klingon Battle Language


She withdrew and turned her attention back to the concert, but glancing on occasion towards the Saudi box as if assessing the target.

After the first half of the performance I was escorting the two ladies to the bar when I almost ran into a familiar figure.

"My unprepared American friend. How are you?' The old lady I had met at the Hall before said brightly.

"How nice to see you again, " I said. "May I introduce Miss Dawes and Miss Sinclair?"

The old lady offered a hand to the Mistress with a wide smile.

"Charmed. I met your young man here some time ago. He was soaked having forgotten his umbrella," she said. "I'm Aunt Jane, by the way. He neglected to introduce himself when we first met."

"You're right. I was rather distracted by the meeting I was going to have. I'm Michael Forbin," I said with a bow.

"I'm pleased to have your name at last. I watched you and your young lady friends follow the timpanist after the concert we met at. Did you find what you were looking for?"

I looked at the Mistress and then back to Aunt Jane.

"As a matter of fact yes I did," I said.

Aunt Jane then turned her attention to Daphne who was frowning slightly.

"You remind me of my cousin Mabel, " the old lady said. "She also had a tendency to frown when confronted with something unusual. Which really was a great pity as that reaction prevented her from making new friends."

That really increased the sour look on Daphne's face.

"Miss Dawes, may we move on now? " she said. "I would really like a drink."

"I'd suggest hemlock," I muttered annoyed at Daphne's rudeness to the old woman.

"If you'd like to chat with your friend Michael, we can meet you later," the Mistress suggested.

The old woman laughed for a moment.

"I wouldn't think of taking him away from you my dear. My nephew Raymond will be joining me shortly in any case. It was very nice to meet you."

And with that, Aunt Jane faded away into the crowd leaving me with the impression I should know who her nephew Raymond was.

I escorted the ladies to the bar where the Mistress had white wine and Daphne had champagne. Myself I stuck to Earl Grey, hot.

As the ladies sipped their drinks, I kept a watch out for Ayishah and Mr. Azir not wanting to have to explain them to Daphne Sinclair.

The second half of the concert proceeded without incident and we returned to the hotel unmolested as well as with the ice between Daphne Sinclair and I unthawed.

The late supper was waiting as ordered and I was relieved that the Mistress dismissed me immediately from the room leaving the serving duties to Carolyn who was waiting for the three of us when we arrived.

There was also a note for me that told me I would be sleeping in the suite next door to the Mistress that night rather than with her.

Ah well.

The suite next door was furnished in much the same manner as the Mistress' including the fireplace that someone had thoughtfully started.

On a table was a plate of assorted sandwiches as well as a vacuum flask of hot cocoa and a selection of biscuits or as we call them cookies including Oreo's.

One of my favorite things is hot cocoa and Oreo cookies so it was obvious the Mistress had a hand in the planning of my late meal.

My clothes had been moved into the room as well along with the computer, so grabbing a sandwich I started roughing out the notes from the meeting at the Bank that morning including the recordings I'd made using the laptop.

Most people don't think about the fact that a computer can also act as a tape recorder, so when I had closed the case of the laptop during the meeting, I started the recording system using the microphone built into the laptop case.

Of course, for the ultimate inconspicuous spy device, nothing beats a Furby.

I compressed the recording into an MP3 file and wrote up the notes on the conversation as I ate, then after hooking the laptop into the phone line, emailed encrypted copies to Dr. Morris and Saphra.

My work completed, I stripped off the formal clothes, changed into a robe and retired to a chair near the fire and sipped my cocoa until I fell asleep.

The Mistress awoke me early the next morning by nibbling on my ear startling me awake.

"Wasn't the bed good enough for you?" she asked

I got out of the chair and stretched with the usual popping of my old bones.

"Fell asleep watching the fire," I said.

"I wish I could have. After Daphne left I couldn't get to sleep at all," she complained.

"You could have come in and woken me up. I'd have been happy to keep you company. Maybe play a little poker, or I could have sung you a lullaby."

"Very funny Michael. Go take a shower while I order breakfast for the two of us. When you finish, I'll tell you all about my supper with Daphne."

I followed my instructions and after coming out of the bathroom found Carolyn just rolling in a food service cart.

"Good morning Mistress. Good morning sir," she said with a curtsy in her damned near nonexistent French Maid outfit.

"Good morning Carolyn. You may serve," the Mistress directed as I stepped around to pull a chair out from the table for her.

The Mistress has anticipated my needs again with a pot of Earl Grey hot, a large quantity of bacon, toast and marmalade and a jam tart.

She was also kind enough to include the Times in the order as well knowing that if I read while eating I don't gobble my food.

It's one of those nasty tech job habits I have of having to eat fast to get back to work, so if I read I eat at a more normal speed.

For her it was a large glass of orange juice, oatmeal with raisins, lemon poppy seed rolls and a second pot of tea.

Carolyn served us both efficiently and quickly and then with another curtsy left us to our meal.

I watched her go and then turned back to my breakfast with the Mistress wearing that little "I know what you're thinking" smirk on her face.

"Long lingering view of Miss Carolyn's departure while Michael's eyeballs fall out," she said picking up a spoon.

"And you weren't watching me watch her? You're as bad as I am. Probably worse."

"Not probably Michael. I am worse."

It wasn't until after I finished the Times that the Mistress gave me the short synopsis of her late supper with Daphne Sinclair.

Nasty, brutish and short.

"She and I split a lobster, a bottle of champagne and then she bid me good night," the Mistress said pouring the last dregs of the teapot into her cup.

"Ok, now that's just plain weird. I expected at least she'd complain about my attitude or something, but nothing at all?" I pressed.

"Thanked me for the concert. But that was it. I don't know what to think. Am I losing my touch or what?"

I shook my head.

"There is no way you are losing your touch my love. There is something else going on with that woman. Maybe we should have Grace or Dr. Ruth do a psychological profile on her."

"Good idea. In the meantime we have a day off together. What would you like to do?"

"Captain's discretion. Even though I spent a little time here working on bringing you home, I didn't do a lot of looking around. Went to Hyde Park with Miriam. Did a bit at Speakers Corner and so did she."

The Mistress looked at me curiously.

"What did you say at Speakers Corner?"

"I told the masses about Ay'esha, and as usual they didn't believe it," I explained.

"And what did Miriam say?"

"Quoted Winston Churchill and Zed from Men in Black."

"Now that sounds like an interesting speech. I'll have to ask her to repeat it."

"Don't worry about that. It's in my notes for the Diaries."

The Mistress elected to take me on a tour of the East End including the Tower of London and the Crown Jewels.

I didn't realize how much area the Tower grounds covered until we passed through the gates and I saw the vast expanse of land inside the thousand year old walls.

"The first Tower of London was built in 1066 out of wood and then ten years later was converted to stone. This is probably one of the oldest seats of government in existence," the Mistress explained as we walked towards the Tower Jewel House.

"I can see what the expression "There will always be an England" stands for after looking at this," I said, honestly impressed by the structure. "The only things we have in the States as old are things like trees."

"Well we did start a little earlier than you did although Mei Ling reminds me on occasion that her ancestors were already decadent when my ancestors were staining themselves blue. You really need to go to China or the Middle East to understand how old civilization is. I mean right down to your gut," she said.

"I had my fill of the Middle East thank you," I said.

"As much sand and dust as we both ate, fill is right," she said.

"On the subject of ancestors I always liked the story of the woman who asked Will Rogers if his ancestors had come over on the Mayflower."

"I don't think I know him"

"He was an American Indian humorist in the 1930's. He simply smiled at the woman and said " No Ma'am my ancestors didn't come over on the Mayflower, but they met the boat."

She giggled at that.

"I take it the woman wasn't amused."

"Don't know, but everybody else was I'm sure."

I have to say seeing the Crown Jewels was beyond my expectations. Anytime you see a diamond as big as the Koh-I-Noor or the Imperial State Crown with enough diamonds to make a hell of a chandelier you have to be impressed.

"I always wondered what a two thousand caret diamond would look like. Now I have an idea," I said gazing at the Cullinan I diamond in the royal scepter.

"Why did you wonder what a diamond that big would look like?" the Mistress asked.

"Old TV show plot. The character was looking for a moon rock, which turned out to be a diamond, the size of softball. When he recovered it after a gun battle all he had left was a pile of dust. Two thousand carets worth of rotten glass."


"Has anybody every tried to steal these things?" I said looking around the room

"Once in 1671. A man named Colonel Blood tried it and got caught."

"Beheaded I trust?"

"Actually no. He admitted he'd done it and the King sent him back to Ireland where he came from. Not only that, he was granted a pension of five hundred pounds per year."

"So the guy steals the crown jewels, gets caught and then the King gives him money? That's just plain nuts."

The Mistress shook her head.

"Actually it seems that Blood was a spy during our Civil War and might have been a double agent. His reputation for trickery was so notorious that when he died his body was exhumed by the authorities to verify that it really was him."

"They probably should have driven a stake through his heart to make sure," I commented.

"I have no doubt that someone probably suggested it."

Besides the Crown Jewels, the Tower also holds a museum of weapons and armor including Henry the VIII's armor and the ax and block used to behead people, including a couple of his wives.

"I would have expected his suit of armor to be bigger," I said to the Mistress examining the Royal Armor.

"Why is that?" she asked.

"Well every painting I've ever seen of him makes him look huge," I said.

"Well he was the king. And considering his reputation, even if he was a little guy, would you want to paint him that way?"

"No, Ma'am."

"Good answer," she said." In fact, I have an idea for our next stop. Come along."

She led the way out and down the street until we reached Tooley St. towards a sign announcing the London Dungeon.

"Playtime?" I asked hopefully seeing the sign.

"You'll find out," she said.

The London Dungeon was anything but a play space. It was a recreation of some of London's "finer" moments including the Plague and the terror of Jack the Ripper.

During our tour we were condemned to death by a judge and fled the flames of the Great Fire of London.

The exhibit the Mistress delighted in showing me however was the Wicked Women, a display and exhibit of the famous Wicked Ladies of England from the warrior Queen Boadicea, who massacred 70,000 Roman soldiers and civilians, to Highwaywoman Lady Katherine Ferrers, who robbed coaches between Sandridge and Wheathampstead for money and jewels.

"You know they did a movie about Lady Katherine with Faye Dunaway didn't you?' I asked the Mistress while we looked at that exhibit.

"No, I didn't" she said. "Was it any good?"

"I liked it, but I like wicked women," I said.

"Really? And would you love me more if I was more wicked?" she said archly.

"I already love you more than you know. As long as you stay Chaotic Good, I'm up for it."

"I'll remember that, just in case I'm ever seduced by the dark side of the Force."

"Never the dark side of the Force. The dark side of the chocolate perhaps, but never the Force."

We paid a stop to the gift shop where the Mistress punctuated her statement about wicked ladies, by buying a shirt that stated she was one.

"It always pays to advertise," was all she said.

Dinner that night was at a fish and chips shop on Goulston Street in the East End where we dined surrounded by the inhabitants of the local neighborhood, who dosed their chips with vinegar and vigor filling the room with a warm malty odor broken only by the scent of the well cooked fish.

"You know this is actually a historic location," the Mistress explained.

"How so?" I asked.

"Well a little over a hundred years ago Jack the Ripper scrawled 'the Jews are the men that will not be blamed for nothing...' in the doorway to the right of the main entrance." she explained.

"I didn't know that Jack the Ripper was anti-Semitic,' I admitted.

"He may not have been. It was common to blame everything on the Jews in that time period."

I shivered a little thinking of the utter horror of the man that history refers to as Jack the Ripper.

"Five people dead and maybe more, and nobody was ever caught."

"No and everybody still has their theories as to who the Ripper was, ranging from Lewis Carroll to a member of the Royal Family," she agreed.

"Lewis Carroll is a new one to me," I said surprised.

"Actually there are some fragmentary records from that time period that seem to indicate that Ay'esha was involved in the investigation as well. "


"So I've been told. Never did get a chance to look into it," she said. "And don't you get any idea of looking at the archives. They're not story fodder."

"Everything is and you know it, but I understand your point." I conceded.

We took the 'Tube' back to the hotel where we found a message waiting from Mistress Miriam indicating she had arrived in Edinburgh and established herself as an American tourist and Nigel had the rest of my suits from Trubshaw's sent over.

"Tomorrow we'll off to the highlands," the Mistress said handing me the message from Mistress Miriam.

"Drive, fly or rail?" I asked.

"Rail of course. It's only a five hour run. We can book a hotel when we get there," the Mistress said. "Why don't you go over to Daphne Sinclair's hotel and inform her that we're leaving for Edinburgh tomorrow morning?"

"Why don't we phone her instead?" I suggested handing her the cell phone Nigel had given me.

"I have my reasons Michael," she said putting it in her purse and then reaching for a memo pad and writing down an address and room number.

"Why do I think I wouldn't like the reason if I heard it?" I said taking the page from the pad.

"Because you probably wouldn't. Get along with you, and if you're a good boy you'll get a treat."

"Why does that sound like 'Come back with the man, and I'll give you a shilling. Come back with him in less than five minutes and I'll give you half-a-crown'?"

"I'll crown you," she scolded. "Get moving."

I got.

Miss Sinclair and her party were staying at the Darlington near Hyde Park according to Mistress Minx's instructions, so I asked the desk clerk call a cab for me. As I waited for it to arrive Carolyn passed through the lobby dressed in a black dress and leather jacket and greeted me.

"Where are you going at this hour Mr. Forbin?" she asked pleasantly, nodding to the desk clerk.

"I have an errand to run for Miss Dawes in Bayswater," I said. "Are you through for the evening?"

"Yes, I was going to the cinema," she said. "If you like, I can give you a ride there and back then go to the film."

"Well, I said speculatively," it would probably be faster if I took your offer, but I hate to ruin your evening out."

"It would hardly ruin my evening to do a service for someone," she laughed. "After all, I am a submissive, just like you are. Perhaps more so."

"In that case, I accept," I said turning to the desk clerk. "Would you please inform the Mistress that I'm off with Miss Carolyn on my assignment."

The desk clerk nodded an acknowledgement and I let Carolyn lead me out.

As we drove through the nighttime London traffic, Carolyn asked me the usual questions about serving Mistress Minx, what it was like doing all the things in the Diaries, how long had I been involved with Ay'esha.

I gave her the usual answers and amplified a bit on the joys of field operations.

"Yes, it's exciting in the field. You have the opportunity of being maimed, tortured, murdered, and molested on a regular basis," I said cheerfully. "In fact, if you've got enough time in service, ask for reassignment.

She laughed at that.

"You're a bit cynical about it all aren't you?" she said making a sharp turn.

"No dear, just tired after the last few months. I was pulled from field ops awhile back, and while I'm still a little annoyed about it, I know I just don't have the get up and go I used to have," I explained. "I'm ready to retire to my garden and tend roses."

She slowed the car to a stop and an intersection and looked at me with a wry smile.

"And as soon as the call went out, you'd be up and away and at it again."

"Probably, but I never claimed to be too smart."

"You underplay yourself nicely," she said starting up again. "No false modesty, just an honest assessment, from your point of view at least, of your worth."

I looked at her curiously.

"You've taken classes with Dr Ruth at the Institute haven't you," I accused.

"Guilty as charged. I've read the Diaries and I've heard all about you from some of the other girls that have met you. It's nice to see you are what they say you are."

"Which is?" I asked.

"A very nice man, a very good submissive in your own way, and a loving human being. Fallible but worthwhile. And totally dedicated to your Mistress."

"I'll plead guilty to the last charge," I agreed. "Not sure about the rest."

When we arrived at the Darlington, Carolyn waited in the car while I went up to Daphne's suite to deliver the message. I was walking towards her room when the door across the hall from her opened and Major Moore stepped out.

"Good evening Mr. Forbin," he said coolly. "Paying a call on Miss Sinclair?"

"Yes Doctor, I wanted to let her know that Miss Dawes and I are leaving for Edinburgh in the morning." I explained. "She's very anxious to tour your facilities. Oh and incidentally I met one of your old associates about a year or so ago. Dr. Pappas."

His eyebrows raised at that name.

"Really? How did that happen?"

"I was doing some research on Mad Cow and her work came up. Met her at a farm in Herfordshire. " I said carefully.

"Well if you see her again, give her my regards would you?" he asked. "If you'll excuse me, I have some personal business to attend to."

"Carry on Major, I'm sorry doctor," I said with a sweep of my hand towards the elevator.

I knocked on Daphne's door and it opened revealing Daphne Sinclair dressed in a dressing gown and slippers.

"Mr. Forbin, " she said neutrally." Can I do something for you?"

"Sorry to disturb you at this hour, but Miss Dawes wanted to inform you that she and I will be leaving for Edinburgh in the morning and will contact you from there about the facilities tour," I said.

"There is such a device as a telephone, or perhaps you aren't familiar with it," she answered sarcastically. "We'll be ready when you are. Is that all?"

"Miss Sinclair, when Miss Dawes gives me an order to carry out, I do it. She didn't want to use the telephone for her own reasons. What they are is of no concern to me," I said pointedly. "But let me ask you a question: Is it just me you don't like or people in general?"

She looked like she was going to slam the door in my face at that question and then she visibly restrained herself and grimaced.

"My people skills are a bit weak at times Mr. Forbin, probably because for most of my life I've lived with my father in a castle, with only servants for company. My life has been very routine and controlled and I don't like surprises at all."

"So much for Christmas morning. I'm sorry if I offended you," I apologized and turned to go.

"Mr. Forbin?' she said.

"Yes Miss Sinclair?" I said turning back to her.

"Please extend my apologies to Miss Dawes for last night. I know she was just trying to be a good hostess, and I know I must have seemed rude by not staying longer."

"I will give her that message," I said with a bow.

"And Mr. Forbin? I can't say that I like or dislike you at this point, but your manner is somewhat abrasive at times."

"Admittedly. But at times in the context of business you can get more with a two by four and a kind word than you can with just a kind word."

"I'll bear that in mind. Good night Mr. Forbin."

"Sleep well Miss Sinclair."

Carolyn drove me back to Cherry Tree Lane and dropped me off with a quick kiss and a promise to see the Mistress and I in the morning at breakfast then went on her way.

When I got back to Mistress Minx's room she was already in bed and the lights were dimmed, so I started to tip toe to my room when she called for me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," I apologized. "Message delivered. And Miss Sinclair asked me to give you her apologies for any perceived rudeness on her part."

"How did that happen?" the Mistress said sitting up in bed and yawning while pulling the covers up to her neck.

"I used a verbal two by four to attract her attention then treated her with kindness."

"I won't ask how. If I did, I might have to punish you. Are you ready for your treat?"

"Yes Mistress," I said honestly surprised by the question.

"Good. Strip and kneel at the foot of the bed."

I removed all my clothing and folded it neatly and then knelt as she directed.

She pulled the covers down showing her dressed in a corset and garter belt and wearing thigh high boots.

I guess I must have made some sort of sound in response because she smiled at me.

"I promised you a treat," she said. "I haven't dressed for you in a very long time. "

"Thank you Mistress, " I managed to say.

She slid out of the bed and walked to where I knelt and stroked my head and then pulled it back by the hair.

"Your hair is getting just long enough for that again," she said. "My shaggy puppy dog."

"I'm sorry. I just haven't taken the time to get it cut."

"You wear your hair how it suits you best my love. I like it long and I like it short," she said.

I nuzzled against her leg as well as I could while being held and she released my hair so I could rub my face against the silk of the stockings.

"Poor little boy. You have missed me haven't you?" she purred.

"I've missed you for a long time Mistress. Even before you left for Beirut I missed you, you were so preoccupied," I said.

"I've always told you affairs of state come before affairs of state mine sklave, but I'm rethinking that in light of my recent experiences. Perhaps now that my duties will be lighter, I can concentrate on you a little more."

"I'm not sure I'd survive your full attention."

"Oh you would. You just might not enjoy it."

She pushed me onto my back and then squatted above me, the black silk panties outlining the firm curve of her ass.

"Look at my ass slave. I know you want to smell and lick it," she said. "You didn't get to enjoy it when we were in Germany."

"The orderly you jumped on had even less time to enjoy it," I said gazing up at her precious derrière

"Poor baby," she said sitting down on my face cutting off any possible reply.

She sat on my face resting more and more of her weight on me, making it harder to breathe and causing me to become dizzy.

"Yes my pet, smell me. I'm getting wetter because of you," she purred.

She rubbed herself against my nose and chin and I felt the precious drops of her cum flow down my face and heard the soft panting noise of her orgasm as I became erect

"That was very nice Michael. Let's do it again," she said raising off me just enough for me to catch my breath and then sitting down again.

Her second orgasm was wetter and louder soaking my face totally with her juices as she slid across my face and forehead and then sat on the floor.

"Now it's your turn," she said moving to a new position and then taking my cock in her hands and stroking it.

I became even more erect from her touch than I had been from her smell and I groaned as she squeezed.

"How long has it been since you were milked?" she asked, running her nails across the head of my cock.

"A long time Mistress, " I grunted.

"If you can't remember exactly, then it is too long." she said stroking harder.

She teased me and slapped my hard cock on occasional as she milked me, using some of her own wetness for lubrication.

"You'd like to have that cock in me wouldn't you pet?" she said as I grunted from the slow torture of pleasure she was bestowing on me.

"Yes Mistress," I moaned.

"Too bad you're not going to get that, isn't it?' she said squeezing my balls tightly.

"No Mistress, I'm glad you're playing with me," I grunted.

"Just glad?" she said slowing down her strokes.

"Grateful, honored, blessed, oh please Mistress, let me cum!" I begged.

"Not yet, " she said releasing me. "I want you to remember this night."

She ordered me to get on my hands and knees with my head down and then I felt her fingers probe my asshole.

"Nice and clean for a change Michael," she said the pleasure in her voice obvious.

"I tried Mistress."

"You did well and that's what will get you a special treat," she said and then I felt her finger slide in and start massaging my prostate while she stroked my cock with her other hand.

"Oh Goddess," I panted as she increased the strokes.

"Yes my love, give in to it. Cum for me," she demanded.

"Oh no," I groaned.

"Yes, I want your seed Michael. I want to taste it, feel it on my lips."

I couldn't help it. The idea of the Mistress tasting my cum broke my resistance and I shuddered and spurted my cum onto the carpet.

"Roll over onto your back slave," she ordered pulling her fingers from my ass.

I rolled over and she pinched some of the cum off my cock and then smeared it onto her lips slowly and sensuously as if she was licking honey from her fingers instead.

I whimpered watching her suck her fingers clean and then she wiped the last of it off her hand and onto my lips.

"That is the closest that I will ever get to snowballing you my love, but I do like the taste of your cum on occasion," she said her eyes shining brightly.

"And I love yours Mistress, thank you for sharing it with me," I said laying back and closing my eyes.

"I'm not done with you yet my pet," she said softly and then I felt the weight of her body against me and she snuggled into my arms.

I opened my eyes and found myself looking into her warm compassionate brown eyes and sighed happily.

"Now you can keep me warm," she said kissing me quickly and closing her eyes.

"Yes Mistress," I said and closed mine and drifted off to sleep with my beloved clasped to my heart.

Chapter 30 Sections 1 to 3

Flying Home
The Stately Homes Of England
Donald Where's Your Trousers?

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