Another of my favorite web based cartoons from a newspaper cartoonist is
Kevin and Kell,by Bill Holbrook which
features anthropomorphic animals in a world where humans
don't exist, but the animals have human characteristics and a technological
They have also retained their preditor and prey
characteristics as well which has some interesting effects.
A long running series of strips involves the dreaded disease of "domestication"
and the search for a cure.
Two of the characters have this disease, Rudy a wolf cub who is well controlled by his girlfriend Fiona and Rudy's mother Kell, who married Kevin, a rabbit. I know, I know .. read the strip below and you'll understand better...
Another artist that straddles both worlds is Brad Guigar who does a regular strip on relationships called Courting Disaster which just by its nature veers into the realm of kink
(Can you say clueless? I knew you could.)
and even more so Evil Inc which being set in a world of Super Heroes and Super Villians has a twisted sense of humor as well as somewhat lax dress code for the villianesses. Brad produced this T-Shirt sometime back
Sad to say VILF has been co-opted by the True Blood people and it's meaning has been lost.
Here are some examples of the humor and the artwork from his series From Super Hero to Super Villian in 12 Easy Steps
Just for fits and grins, pronounce Phenomenal Lass out loud... she does have one.
Watch for the next article in the series, Kink in Webcomics