The Diaries of Ay'esha

The Diaries of Ay'esha tell the story of Michael Forbin's abduction and training by a member of a secret society named Ay'esha. The avowed purpose of this group of women is to bring peace to the world by training the men in the world into submission and manipulating them into doing the bidding of the group.

Quick Reference

The Diaries of Ayesha


Vengence is mine saith the Lord


Toucha Toucha Touch Me!
Pete Tchaikovski's Blues
Hotcha Cornia (Dark Eyes)
Amazing Grace

An unsolved murder and the return of a damsel places Michael and his Mistress on the trail of a killer

The se-X Files

Flying Purple People Eater

Michael and Mistress Minx have a Close Encounter of the Third Kind
 - or do they?

Adventures in Paradise

The Ballad of Gilligan's Island

Michael and Mistress Minx get away from it all

Fear is the mind killer

The Candyman

Michael finds his breaking point

Are you sitting comfortably? Then let's begin...

The Princess and the Wizard

Is love immortal? A tale for a winters night.

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