The Diaries of Ay'esha

The Diaries of Ay'esha tell the story of Michael Forbin's abduction and training by a member of a secret society named Ay'esha. The avowed purpose of this group of women is to bring peace to the world by training the men in the world into submission and manipulating them into doing the bidding of the group.

Quick Reference

The Diaries of Ayesha

Strangers on a Train
A chance encounter with a damsel in distress and an old "Uh-friend" complicates Michael's quiet vacation plans

Petticoat Junction

Author: Dr. Charles Forbin
©Copyright 1998

I like trains. Strike that. I love trains.

When I travel with Mistress Minx or on business for the Bank or Ay'esha, I am always on an airplane. When I'm on my own however, I like taking a train, and seeing the land, stretching out far and wide.

When time for my vacation from the Bank came up, I decided to buy a ticket and just wander around the country on a train for a week. I decided to get the most bang for my buck on the train, and I'd get a room in the sleeping car. I decided to pay a little extra for a deluxe bedroom, mainly because it had a private bathroom.

And there you have it. Nice, simple, and relaxing.

Well, as the poet said "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men, gang aft a-gley."

Mr. Murphy must have been working that day, because when I checked in at the station in Los Angeles, I discovered that the room had also been booked by another traveler, and she actually needed the room worse than I did.

"My travel agent specifically booked a deluxe bedroom for me because of this thing.", the slim dark haired woman argued with the ticket agent, indicating her wheelchair.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry about the mixup, but Mr. Forbin does have a confirmed reservation for the room, and you don't. I'm sure we can make some arrangement for you of course.", the young man said, checking his computer display.

"Unless it's a deluxe room, it won't do me any good at all. The standard rooms are too small, and I do need a private bathroom.", she protested.

One of these days, I'll just keep my big mouth shut, and I'll do much better.

"I can switch rooms if necessary. I would have preferred a private bathroom, but I can get along without it.", I said, looking at the frustrated woman.

"Thank you, but I can get along without you giving up your room. It's their problem, not yours.", she said shortly.

"Okay, just thought I'd offer.", I said, picking up my travel bag and starting to walk away.

I hadn't gotten more than a few feet when she called for me to stop.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Forbin is it?", she said rolling up to me

"Yes. I didn't mean to offend you by offering to switch rooms. I'm on vacation, and was trying to spoil myself a little.", I said by way of explanation.

"I really do need the room, but only until Sacramento.", she said.

"Well, if they can find me a regular room until there, or credit me for the lost use of the room, I can deal with that. It's only a day.", I offered.

I walked back to the agent and explained that I would let her have the room until Sacramento, but then I wanted it back.

The agent quickly booked me into a standard room and offered to call a porter to assist the young woman to the train.

"I can find my own way.", she said, declining the offer, and started wheeling towards the platform, while I trailed behind carrying my bag and hers.

She introduced herself as Susan Bellamy as we made our way to the train, and she apologized again for her earlier rudeness.

"Don't worry about it.", I said." I spent a short period in a wheelchair from a shattered leg, and frankly didn't appreciate being thought of as handicapped."

"I've been in this thing for five years now, since my accident, and I still have problems accepting that people aren't trying to be nice to the cripple.", she said with a trace of bitterness.

"Well I try and be helpful to any young lady in distress. Think of me as Don Quoxite.", I grinned.

The car attendant hadn't been told about the change, so there was a delay while her things were placed in my room, and mine were moved to the new room.

"Miss Bellamy", I said as I started towards my new room," would you consider having dinner with me this evening?"

She looked at me and shook her head softly.

"Thank you Mr. Forbin, but I don't dine with men I just met.", she said, politely but primly.

"Of course. Perhaps in the future.", I said graciously.

"Perhaps.", she replied, rolling the chair into the room and shutting the door.

It was just about noon and the train was right on schedule as we pulled into Santa Barbara and I left my compartment to get a cup of coffee in the lounge car. I wasn't quite ready for dinner, but I made it a point to check with the attendant in the dining car for my scheduled meal time.

I also laid a small bribe on him as well.

When dinner was announced near Salinas I was pleasantly "surprised" to find I was sharing a table with Miss Bellamy.

"Well, it seems that fate has taken a hand in our dinner plans.", I said sitting down.

She looked up at me with just the hint of a smile.

"Perhaps. Then again it might have been the tip you laid on the attendant. He was a little concerned that you were harassing me.", she replied.

"Well, it has been said that bribery is a homeopathic art. I need to study art more.", I said slightly embarrassed.

"It's the first time anyone ever bribed a waiter to sit with me. I'm honored. I'm rather curious as to why, though.", she said, spearing her salad.

" You seem like an interesting young lady, and I wanted to spend time with you.", I said. "Most people don't travel by train anymore."

"One of the reasons, besides the chair, is that I can be alone if I wish. I treasure my solitude, and my health makes it necessary for me to have someone in attendance a great deal of the time.", she said, looking out the window at the lights flashing by as we passed through a small town.

"I understand that well enough. That's one of the reasons I travel by train as well. Nobody can find me.", I said.

"What sort of work do you do?", she asked.

"I do research for a banking firm. I also assist the CFO. Sort of a tech dweeb.", I replied.

"I was a lawyer.", she said in response.

"Was? Decided to retire early?"

She grimaced at the food on her plate before responding.

"I was forced into retirement. Now, I live off a trust fund, and do as I please."

I saw the pain in her eyes as she replied, and decided to back off a little.

"And travel the world in style. Port out, Starboard home.", I said lightly.

"Posh with a capitol P.", she replied, and for the first time I saw the humor that was hidden inside her.

"Well at least I know you have the same taste in movies.", I laughed. "Perhaps we can play One-Line Trivia later."

"What's that?"

"I give you a line, and you have to identify the movie it's from. If you get it right, you give me a line."

"And what's the prize?", she asked suspiciously.

"I'll bet you the twenty bucks I bribed the attendant with. I win, you pay me twenty. I lose, I pay you twenty.", I offered.

She picked up her teacup and looked at me over the rim of it.

"You'd better have your wallet handy. You are about to lose twenty bucks.", she warned.

We were still playing as the train pulled into Oakland and the sleeping car attendant came into her compartment to turn down the bed for her.

"We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass!", I challenged her.

She looked blank for a moment and then laughed.

"Ghostbusters. Bill Murry.", she replied.

"How about this one? 'Why are you so good to me?' "

I thought for a moment as the attendant grinned at the game.

"North by Northwest. Cary Grant. Eva Marie-Saint hid him in the upper bunk of a sleeping car room.", I said.

"OK, you win.", she agreed, and reached for her purse.

She handed me the money and I returned it to her with a flourish.

"Thank you for an entertaining evening Mi'lady. You're the smartest woman I've ever spent the night with on a train.", I said standing up.

"I did have fun. It was nice to talk to someone who didn't ask about, well you know.", she said patting her chair.

"I'm a very good surgeon. I can fix that hump for you.", I deadpanned.

"What hump?", she laughed.

I kissed her hand good night, and returned to my own compartment to get some sleep before changing compartments in Sacramento.

My planned night was disrupted by the announcement that there had been an accident on the route to Sacramento, and that the train would be delayed, possibly as long as eight hours.

"We are providing bus service to points North for passengers who need to make connections. Passengers who wish to remain on board may do so, and meals will be provided. We apologize for any inconvience.", the conductor announced.

It occurred to me that I should see if Susan wanted to get off the train for awhile, so I walked back to her compartment and knocked on the door. There was a short delay before it opened.

"Hi. I was wondering that since we were going to be stuck here for a while if you'd like to get off the train and look around the city.", I said.

She looked at me uncomfortably, and declined my offer.

"I'm not really very comfortable in public. I'm sorry.", she said.

She closed the door and I went to check with the conductor before getting off the train.

The last thing I needed was to be left behind.

He confirmed that I would be safe enough getting off, so I went into the station and called a florist and arranged for a dozen roses to be sent to the train.

I woke up at sunrise as the train started off on it's interrupted journey, and made my way somewhat blearily to the washroom down the passageway, and made myself semipresentable.

Well OK, I brushed my hair and my teeth. The rest of me was as usual for my vacations. Casual, right down to my bunny slippers. The train slowed down to a crawl through the fog rolling off the end of Susian Bay and started it's way through the more populated areas surrounding Sacramento, and in the process spent time sitting on sidings waiting for commuter trains to pass through.

I was enjoying my breakfast as the train pulled into Davis and other passengers started waking up and hustling around and otherwise disturbing the pool of calm around me.

As the train finally arrived in Sacramento, I made my way back to my compartment in time to see Susan being wheeled out of her compartment, pushed by a tall thin man carrying her bag and a briefcase. In her lap were a dozen roses and on her face was a smile when she saw me .

I started to speak to her, but at a look from her companion, decided to hold my tongue.

It's not that this guy made me nervous, but he looked like an undertaker on a good day. That is, if they have good days. And what is a good day for an undertaker?

Susan had other ideas however, and casually flipped the brake on her chair, forcing him to stop.

"Thank you for the use of your room.", she said formally. "I hope that you weren't too inconvenced."

"Not at all. I'm glad I could be of assistance to you.", I replied in the same polite tones.

"Perhaps we will meet again.", she said.

"I wouldn't mind at all.", I replied as she released the brake and started rolling away.

Before she reached the open door to roll onto the platform I head her call over her shoulder.

"If you bring the dip, I'll bring the Doestoveski.", she said as she rolled out of sight.

The attendant didn't waste any time cleaning the room and moving my things into it but her parting words were still rattling around in my head as the train pulled out, and they bothered me slightly.

They were from a Disney movie named CONDORMAN, and they were used to signify that the heroine needed to be rescued from her evil captors.

"Don't make so much stew from one oyster.", I thought to myself, as I settled into my new room.

We'd passed just arrived in Redding and I was headed to the club car for a snack when I heard a voice from behind me that I hadn't heard in a long time. And I probably could have waited another couple of years without hearing.

"Michael, what are you doing here without a collar?"

I turned slowly and maintained my composure as other people in the passageway looked at me.

"I renounced the priesthood.", I said turning back to face Mistress Tamara.

I hadn't seen Mistress Tamara since I had worked as one of her "girls" a couple of years before. Mistress Minx had been very annoyed by her treatment of me and it had led to a cooling off of their relationship.

"I see you're still a smart ass.", she said, looking me up and down.

"One of my talents.", I replied, moving to the side so people could get past us as the train rolled along.

"How's Minx?", she said taking my arm and leading me towards the club car again.

"She's fine. Just got back from Europe, rested and ready.", I said, not really wanting to go with her, but being unable to refuse gracefully.

"I'm sure. Is she here?"

"No Ma'am. I'm here on vacation and she's at the office.".

The waiter put a glass of white wine before her and asked if I wanted anything. I ordered coffee and tried not to think about my earlier involvement with Mistress Tamara.

"So, you're alone hmm?", she said looking at me with a glint of interest.


"No what?", she smirked.

"Just no.", I said standing up as the coffee arrived.

"If you don't sit down, I'm going to scream.", she said without blinking.

"I won't say you wouldn't, because you would. But if you do, it won't do any good at all. They'd simply put me off the train.", I replied calmly.

She smiled up at me and then shook her head.

"You have developed a spine since we last met. You win."

I sat back down carefully and regarded her with suspicion.

"Good. You know, I do like you well enough, but I'm just not sure I trust you.", I said honestly.

"You're still upset about what happened. I really didn't know about you and Lydia. Minx told me a little more about it.", she apologized.

Even thinking about that session with Lydia and Tamara made me shake slightly still.

"I was meaning to ask. I know you got involved with a young lady during your time with me. Did you ever see her again?", she asked.

"Actually, I did see her again at the company Christmas party. She saw me, I saw her and we kinda did a nudge nudge wink wink routine. She's the wife of one of our VP's" , I confirmed.

"Oh shit.", she laughed.

"That's what I said when they picked me up."

I was telling her about my dinner companion of the previous night when a thought struck me.

North by Northwest.

"Excuse me, but I need to look for something in my compartment.", I said standing up.

"I'll go with you.", she said, rising as well.

When we got back to my compartment, I rummaged through my briefcase and pulled out my Swiss Army knife.

"What's that for?", Tamara asked curiously.

"Just checking something.", I said and used the knife blade to unlock the upper bunk and lower it.

As I did, a note fluttered out of it and fell to the floor.

"Mr. Forbin,", it read," I figured you would be able to find this. Thank you for being a friend to me last night when I needed one. I won't be able to say goodbye to you properly in the morning, but I wanted you to know I found you to be very charming. And the roses are beautiful. Please call upon me when you can."

It was signed Susan, and had her phone number and address on it.

I closed the bunk and slipped the note into my pocket with a smile.

"What's that all about?", Tamara asked mystified.

"Just a note from an admirer.", I said.

She smirked and leaned back in her seat.

"I'm sure. The question is male or female."

"Like you need to know?", I replied tartly.

She excused herself, and I was left to watch the scenery flow by as the afternoon sun started setting for my second night on the rails. Dinner that night was a solitary affair, and I did enjoy the meal despite the lack of company. I was a little surprised that Tamara hadn't arranged to join me, but figured she'd probably found a playmate.

When I returned to my compartment, I found out who her playmate was.

I'd walked in and shut the door behind me when I heard a click and found her standing in the doorway of the adjacent compartment, spinning a set of keys on her finger.

"The attendant was very helpful.", she said, pulling a pair of handcuffs out of the pocket of her leather jacket.

"Now wait a minute..", I protested.

"No minutes and no waiting.", she said and grabbed my wrists, locking them together.

I fought against her as well as I could, hampered by the handcuffs and my reluctance to hurt a woman, and was finally pinned to the floor .

"Now, you can cooperate, and we can play and I know how much you like that, or I can just leave you here in handcuffs for the attendant to find.", she breathed into my ear.

I doubted that. I'd developed the habit of keeping a spare set of handcuff keys with me.

I bowed to the inevitable.

"Yes Mistress.", I said. What the hell. She couldn't sell my ass on a train. Or could she?

A minute later I was uncuffed and she was stripping my clothing off of me, humming to herself. I just let her do it, not helping and not hindering. I felt like a cat that a little girl was playing dress up with, and my dignity was becoming sorely compromised.

A couple of minutes later I was wishing I could scream for help as she lathered up my legs and crotch and took out a straight razor. "Don't move.", she said twisting the blade so the light glinted off the edge.

"I won't.", I replied gritting my teeth as she ran the blade down my leg, carefully avoiding the scar tissue from my accident.

I will never get used to having a hand around my balls as someone uses a sharp object close to something I consider near and dear to me.

Even if I don't get to use it very often.

My waist became even more compromised as she slipped a corset around me and cinched it up tightly. I groaned like an old mule as she tightened the lacings making me short of breath.

"You've lost a little weight.", she said looking at me critically.

"I've been trying.", I said, conserving my air.

She ordered me to stand still as she slipped one black silk stocking and then the other onto my legs and attached them to the garters.

She reached into a bag she had brought with her, pulled out a set of black silk panties and thrust them at me.

"Put them on."

I slid them up my legs and settled them in place. They pulled my cock upwards, which didn't please her at all.

"That will not do at all.", she commented." Pull them down."

I did as I was commanded as she rummaged through the bag and pulled out a cock ring that could be locked in place. In a moment she had my cock and balls , locked the binder around them, and then pulled them backwards with a leather lace so that my cock was pointing into the crack of my ass. She then tied the end of the cord through a loop of the corset lacings.

I winced as she pulled the panties into place, and my cock started throbbing from the restraint as well as the feel of the silk across the head of my cock.

I was still dealing pretty well with everything I thought until she pulled a skirt, blouse and wig from the bag as well.

"Hold it!", I protested.

"If you want those balls unlocked, you'll wear what I tell you to wear for as long as I tell you to wear it. If not, you can just keep wearing that thing until we get to Seattle. And you can't piss wearing it.", she said smugly.

I never seem to learn when to make a Mistress take NO for an answer.

I let her finish dressing and bewigging me, and then the tedious job of the makeup started.

Now I say tedious, because I DO NOT LOOK LIKE A WOMAN.

Well, I look about as much like a woman as Dustin Hoffman does without the Tootsie makeup.

Tamara was determined to do it right this time, and I found myself chained to the toilet in the bathroom as she shaved my face and applied a facial mask despite my grimicing nonverbal objections. She removed the mask after the appropriate period of time and started applying the powder to disguise the somewhat less than smooth plains of my face. As always the brush tickled my nose and I wanted to sneeze, but knew if I did it would piss her off.

Eyeliner and lipstick completed her work as she slipped the blonde wig over my head, and then unchained me.

I got dressed as she directed and then slipped into a set of mercifully low heels that she provided.

"Now, if you keep your voice low, no one will even know you aren't a woman. And if you continue to cooperate, I'll let those little toys of yours out of their cage and give you a nice reward.", she said.

With that, she unlocked the compartment door and motioned for me to leave.

To be honest, I can deal with the underwear and I can deal with the corset without too much trouble.

But having my balls bound made me even more clumsy as I walked than usual. And I don't think I walk like a woman very well at all anyway. When we passed the car attendant he looked at me strangely for a moment and then went back to his book without commenting.

Mistress Tamara took the lead and I followed her to the observation car so that we could see the passing scenery through big windows. It's also the main social area of the train, so I knew she was trying to see how much she could embarrass me in public.

We sat down in a corner of the car and left me alone for a few minutes while she went down the steps to the bar.

I'd managed to detach myself from my embarrassment when an older man sat down next to me and introduced himself as John. He was obviously under the influence and in the dim lighting couldn't tell I wasn't what I appeared to be. I tried to ignore him and deflect his advances as much as I could without raising my voice, which would really cause a problem for me.

"I know you'd be fun honey.", he slurred.

"I don't think my girlfriend would approve.", I said softly, looking towards the steps where I hoped Tamara would appear.

"We could invite her to join us.", he said placing his hand on my thigh.

"If you don't remove that hand, you'll never lift a glass with it again.", I warned as Tamara appeared in time to hear the last part of the comment.

"Sir, remove your hand from my lover, before I call the conductor.", she said frostly.

He withdrew his hand and shambled away as Tamara took his vacated seat.

"Tell me something Michelle. Do you always use the same line when someone gropes you?", she asked.

"I'm a creature of habit. Or sometime I use this one. Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.", I said, taking the coffee she brought me.

She didn't say anything else and we watched the forest flow by in the moonlight from above us.

It was nearing midnight by the time she decided it was time for us to leave, and when we got downstairs is when an unexpected problem popped up in the form of the conductor.

We were about to pass him when he stopped us and questioned me.

"Could I see your ticket please Ma'am?", he asked.

Did I look that different?

I started to fumble for my ticket and realized that I was in a skirt and didn't have a pocket for the ticket to be in.

"I left it in my compartment.", I said softly as Tamara grinned behind him.

"What is your compartment number?", he asked taking out a list.

I gave him the number and gritted my teeth. I was sure he'd put me off the train when he realized I was in drag.

He looked down the list and then back at me.

"I don't have you listed here. A Mr. Forbin is listed as the occupant of that compartment."

I looked at him blankly while my brain tried for a restart.

"There was a booking error and Mr. Forbin is in another compartment. "

"I'm sorry, but unless you can show me a ticket I'll have to put you off the train."

"Then we can go back to my compartment and I'll prove it.", I said, haughtily.

We were most of the way back with the conductor following me and Tamara bringing up the rear when the train jerked sharply and the lights went out. By the time they came back on I was well ahead of the conductor and sprinting for the relative safety of the compartment.

I got through the door of the sleeping car and realized that I didn't have the key with me and stumbled to a halt in front of the attendant's desk. He looked at me like I was crazy as the wig had partially slid off in my dash for home, and he stood up with a startled expression and then realized who I was.

"You are one strange guy.", he said.

"I'm in deep shit too. The conductor thinks I'm a woman. I need to get back into my room before he gets here."

He grinned and pulled the keys out and unlocked my door, just as the door to the car slid open.

I ducked inside my compartment and started undressing and then pulled on my sweat suit over the corset and kicked the shoes under the chair.

A moment later there was a knock on the door and I started to open it, then froze. The makeup!

"Just a minute!", I called wiping my face with a towel, and looking in the mirror. That took the powder off, but I still had the damned eye shadow on.

I looked around frantically and then spotted my sunglasses. Being designed to slip over my normal glasses when I wore them, they hid the eye shadow but made me feel like Ray Charles.

Oh well.

I cracked the door open and peeked out at the waiting conductor.

"Mr Forbin, is there a woman in your room?", the conductor asked.

"No there isn't. And I resent your inquiry into my private life!", I barked.

He stepped back a bit at the verbal assault as Tamara smirked, seen through a glass darkly, in the background.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but we have someone on the train that doesn't have a ticket and claimed to be a friend of yours.", he said.

"Was she in a wheel chair?", I snapped.

"No, she was a blond woman."

"Then she's no friend of mine.",I said and shut the door.

Oy! I slid to the floor and waited, wincing as my bound cock was crushed beneath me.

A few minutes later Tamara came in through the other compartment and sat down in a chair and lit a cigarette before breaking out in laughter. "You were great!", she laughed.

"One of these days I will get my revenge. Trust me.", I said morosely

"Oh don't be such a party pooper.", she said. "I promised I'd reward you and you do deserve one for that performance."

"Just get me out of this thing and I'll be perfectly happy.", I said getting to my feet and pulling off the pants. She turned me around and untied the cock lead and then released the ties on the corset allowing me to breath again.

"The panties stay on for awhile. I like seeing you in them.", she said.

"I'd really like to piss.", I grumbled.

"Oh all right.", she said, and pulled the panties down to release my trapped cock from it's cage.

I sighed and retreated to the bathroom to vent my now released bladder, but not without her standing with me and holding my cock to my total distraction from the avowed purpose.

If you think I'm kidding, you try and pee while someone masturbates you.

A short time later, I laid in the bed with her on top of me, my hands bound over my head as she rubbed her pussy on my erect cock, mastrubating herself against the head of it, making me moan as I wanted to slide inside her.

She smiled down at my frantic efforts to move to a position to enter her and then finally reached down and slipped my cock into her and I felt her tighten her muscles around it making me spasm in pleasure.

It was sunrise when we arrived in Seattle, eight hours late, but there at last. Mistress Tamara had unlocked the cuffs and slipped away during the night, but left the corset behind as a reminder of the evening we had just shared.

As if I was going to forget.

As I left my compartment for the last time with my bags I heard the attendant playing a harmonica as he relaxed at his desk.

He accepted the tip I gave him without comment and thanked me for ,as he put it, "An interesting trip."

He started playing a different tune on his harmonica as I walked towards the door, but I couldn't place it. I didn't until after I'd gotten off the train and settled down to breakfast, but when I did, I almost choked on my English muffin.

"And that's Uncle Joe, he's moving kinda slow at the Junction. Petticoat Junction!"

Chapter 14 Section 16

Petticoat Junction

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