The Diaries of Ay'esha

The Diaries of Ay'esha tell the story of Michael Forbin's abduction and training by a member of a secret society named Ay'esha. The avowed purpose of this group of women is to bring peace to the world by training the men in the world into submission and manipulating them into doing the bidding of the group.

Quick Reference

The Diaries of Ayesha

North and South
Michael is put on ice in Alaska, runs for the roses in Kentucky and sets up a stakeout for vampyres in New Orleans

House of the Rising Sun

Author: Dr. Charles Forbin
©Copyright 1997

New Orleans, the Crescent City. Creole damsels,Cajun food,and a mystery that brought Minx and I into the shadowy world of the Undead.

"Michael, how much do you know about vampyres?", Minx asked one evening over dinner.

I thought carefully before I answered her. "I guess I know a bit more than most people. I know most of the common legends of vampyres and even a few of the other stories as well. And I guess I've seen every bad vampyre movie made.", I said taking a bite of garlic bread.

"And what would you say if I told you I knew a vampyre?", she asked, gazing towards the setting sun.

"I don't know. Why? Is it something you're likely to say?"

She looked back at me and sneered. "I'm quite serious Michael. I have a friend who is a vampyre, and she needs help."

"Now that's an understatement! ", I commented.

Further comment along those lines was cut off by the arrival of our dinner and a swift kick in the leg. I curbed my celebrated sense of humor as Minx told me the story between bites of pasta. It seemed that her friend Julia was a practicing vampyre. Not with human blood of course, except on rare occasions, but a vampyre nevertheless. A friend of Julia's in New Orleans was having some problems with the police. Minx didn't have the details, but she had offered to help. And wither Minx goeth, I follow. "So, " she concluded, " I wanted to introduce the two of you and find out exactly what kind of help she needs. If it's legal help or money, that's simple enough to provide. She was just a little fuzzy about the details."

"Well all right. But I'm keeping my collar on when I'm around her.", I said.

"Then let's go.", Minx said starting to rise from the table.

"There's just one thing...", I said raising a napkin in my hand.


I reached out and dabbed the trickles of marinara sauce from the sides of her mouth with the napkin. "Sorry. It was making me nervous."

The house we parked in front of was in an older section of town and couldn't have looked much more appropriate. It was an old Spanish style house and even had small towers on the corners for ornamentation. We climbed a flight of stone stairs and Minx knocked on the heavy oak door with the cast iron door knocker with a thud that echoed down the walkway. I expected the door to creak open and was actually disappointed when it didn't. A long white arm snaked out of a black robed figure and motioned us inside. Minx followed the figure and I followed Minx, and ultimately we entered a candle lit room with a fireplace. Minx kissed the hand attached to the arm and the figure pulled the hood down to reveal a pale white face, surrounded by long dark hair, and the most startling red lips I had ever seen. And a pair of fangs.

"Is this the slave you were telling me about, Minx?", a soft voice said.

"Yes. Michael, this is Julia De Winter.", Minx responded.

I used my best formal manner and kissed the outstretched hand gently and bowed. "I am honored to be in your house Mi'lady", I said politely. She was beautiful in a stark, gothic way.

"Please be seated. I have tea ready if you would like some.", Mi'lady offered. Minx and I both took a cup of tea and waited for Julia De Winter to tell us of her woes.

"Have either of you read the National Star newspaper?", she asked as she sipped her tea.

"I have to admit I enjoy the flying saucer stories they print.", I said in an embarrassed tone.

Julia reached down beside her and picked up a copy of the paper and handed it to Minx. Minx opened it and then said, "Oh." I took it from her and looked. "Vampyres in New Orleans" was the headline

. A quick skim of the article told me that a young woman had been found dead with all of her blood drained.

"OK", I said putting the paper down. "What has that got to do you?"

"The police are investigating my friend Matthew. He hasn't done anything wrong, but the police are harassing him."

"Do the police have any reason to suspect him?", Minx asked gently. "No. My friend doesn't hide the fact that he's a vampyre from the public there. A small group of vampyres has lived in the city for many years. But with the killing and the lack of good leads, the police are beginning to blame the Crescent Circle, the local group of vampyres", Julia said.

"I can provide legal help if needed." Minx said," and I have contacts that can put a good word in with the authorities."

I looked at Minx and she looked back and nodded.

"Well," I said," I was pretty good at playing Sherlock Holmes when I was younger. Even thought about becoming a detective. I guess we could go down there and snoop around a little. But remember, I'm not a professional.", I warned.

"When can we leave?" Julia said standing up.

"When can we leave? ", I echoed. "I was under the impression that Minx and I were going, not you."

"You'll need me to make contact with the Circle. Can we leave tonight, maybe take a red-eye flight?"

"I suppose so. I guess flying in the daylight wouldn't work very well for you.", I said thinking about the trip.

Both the women just looked at me for a moment then Julia explained. "Daylight has nothing to do with it. The red-eye flights are cheaper."

The trip to New Orleans was uneventful and I slept most of the way, although I kept dreaming I was in heavy rope bondage. The center seat on most flights can make anyone feel that way. Although being between Minx and Julia did take some of the sting out of it.

It was sunrise when we arrived, and there was a short delay while Minx and Julia went to the ladies room. I used the time to get some coffee, and arrange for a limo. When they came out of the ladies room, Julia was no longer wearing her fangs and smelled slightly of sunblock. Minx on the other hand was slightly flushed and a bit unsteady on her feet. I helped her into a chair and waited until she looked a bit better before I suggested we go to the car.

"I think I'd like breakfast first, Michael. Please tell the driver to wait for us.", Minx instructed. I escorted the ladies to the coffee shop , and then went out to give the driver his orders. I found the driver sitting on the hood of the car reading a newspaper and sipping his own coffee. I explained the change in plans and advised him to take an hour to get his own breakfast. I went back into the coffee shop and discovered that Minx had ordered breakfast already and was working her way through a platter of ham and eggs. Not a plate. A platter. Julia had nothing in front of her except dry toast and orange juice.

"Not hungry, Julia?", I said signaling the waitress.

"I'm not a morning person. I should have been in bed two hours ago.", she said, yawning.

I ordered my breakfast and made it a point to order my steak rare, just to tease her gently about her eating habits. Minx however was more of a Tasmanian Devil in her eating habits that morning. In fact she even speared part of my steak and gobbled it down as well when it arrived. Breakfast over, I escorted the ladies to the car and Julia spoke to the driver giving him instructions. While Julia was speaking to the driver, I took Minx into a quiet corner and examined her closely , to her vast annoyance.

"Michael, I do not have to let you examine me. You forget who the slave is around here.", she said with a trace of anger.

"Mistress, I have never seen you eat like that before. And I've never seen you with jet lag, even after flying halfway around the world. It's not normal for you, and I notice things like that.", I said looking into her eyes. The pupils were slightly dilated, not much but a little. I wasn't sure why, but I'd sure keep an eye on her.

"Did you take an airsickness pill?", I asked.

"No. I never get airsick.", she scolded. I conceded the battle and we walked back to the car where Julia and the driver were waiting for us.

"I told him to take us to a hotel for right now. I can't call anyone until tonight.", Julia explained, as we drove off.

"Excuse me, but aren't you taking this vampyre thing a bit far? You sleep in the daytime and we can't talk to your friends, friends who are suspected of murder until nightfall. I'm not exactly nocturnal." , I said with more than a little annoyance.

"But you are cranky.", Minx said with more than a trace of amusement. " Do you need a time out little boy?"

I hate it when she says that.

"No, Mistress. I could use a short nap though. I slept on the plane, but the time zone change is getting to me."

"Then we need to go to a hotel. We can all take a nap, and then when you're refreshed, you can go talk to the police about the murders.", Minx said.

"What do you mean talk to the police? I'd planned on starting with one of the newspapers, maybe the Medical Examiner. But I'm not going anywhere near the police. Besides, I can get more information as a reporter anyway.", I said .

"Since when are you a reporter for anything?", Minx asked suspiciously.

"Since I talked with Mother Diego, you know, the publisher down south of us." Minx looked confused for a minute then realized I was talking about the member of the Matriarchs of Ay'esha that owned a chain of newspapers.

"And what did she say?"

"I pointed out that it would be useful in the work I do for Mother, and she agreed." Minx smiled at the way I talked around the subject of Ay'esha. I reached into my back pocket and pulled out a press pass and presented Minx with it. She examined it carefully and handed it back.

"Very neat. But do you know anything about newspapers?", she asked.

"I worked for a newspaper when I was younger."

"I didn't know that." I looked at her with a slight smile.

"There are a few things you don't know about me, Mistress.", I said teasingly

"But I do have ways of finding out.",was the retort. So she did. And not pleasant ones either.

Julia laughed softly at the byplay between us. "You two make a good team. I can see why you're together.", she said.

If she only knew how we became a team. That would probably cause her to spit her fangs out. Or maybe not.

The hotel we pulled up to was small and set back off a main street. I could see the Mississippi river a short distance away. When we went into the hotel Minx requested three rooms next to each other with connecting doors. The manager checked his chart and indicated that the only rooms available were two with a connecting door, and a separate room one floor lower. Minx and Julia took the connecting rooms and I took the lower, with some grumbling that Minx swiftly cut off.

"You need to be alone anyway, Michael. You're a big boy and if you're going to play reporter,you need a bit of privacy."

I wanted to continue the debate, but I knew it was useless. I just didn't want to sleep alone. I really preferred to sleep on the floor next to Minx's bed. I escorted the ladies to their rooms and then went back down to mine to take a shower and a nap.

Two hours later I was getting out of a cab at the main offices of the leading newspaper in New Orleans. A quick check at the desk and I was directed to the reporter that was handling, in a somewhat less sensational manner than the tabloids, the reporting on the "Vampyre Murder".

"You need to see Bradshaw. Last desk at the end of the bullpen.", the receptionist said. I was slightly surprised to discover that the reporter assigned to the story was female, mainly because in my experience women don't get assigned to crime reporting. "I'm looking for Bradshaw.", I said to the slightly built woman sitting at the last desk.

She looked up from her terminal, took a sip of coffee and identified herself . "I'm Kate Bradshaw. What can I do for you?"

"My name is Michael Forbin, and I'm with the Diego Union", I said showing her my press card. "I'm interested in your so called Vampyre Murder."

She was somewhat suspicious of my motives, and a bit defensive of her sources. "Why would your paper be interested in a murder here?", she said, covering up some notes on her desk.

"Let's just say there might be a connection between your incident here and some in my State.", I said evasively. "Like what?", she said trying to sound indifferent.

"How much do you know about the Crescent Circle?", I said in a low voice.

"Enough. I know that there is a warrant out for one of the members.", she said in a tone that matched mine.

"Would that member happen to be named Matthew?" , I asked.

"Perhaps.", she said evasively Well that told me something I didn't want to know. Now Minx and I were involved with a felony suspect.

"What would you say if I could arrange for you to meet a member who can provide proof of his innocence.", I offered.

She looked around the rest of the bullpen area and suggested we take a walk. As soon as we were out of the building, she pushed me roughly against the wall of an alley nearby.

"I don't know what kind of game you're playing, but it's a stupid one.", she snapped." If you know anything at all, keep it to yourself."

"Do you mind telling me why?", I said , brushing the dust off me.

"Look, I know he's innocent. Don't ask me how I know. I just do. But the cops are all over me." "I take it you're being tailed.", I said looking around.

"Oh yeah. I have a regular parade of unmarked cars everytime I go to lunch.", she said. "The only thing the police haven't done is put a man in the sewer to check on what I flush. "

"I don't know. That could be fun under a bizarre set of circumstances.", I said with a wry grin. She looked a bit startled at that, then grinned. "I'll bet your paper loves you. The only reason they haven't busted me is that I'm way too public to bust. First amendment, and all that ", she said with a slight laugh.

I considered Kate Bradshaw for a moment. Brash, competent, tough and gutsy. "Do you still want to meet my contact? No strings.", I said.

"Fuck yes, if we can do it without getting caught."

"In the words of Darth Vader: Leave that to me. Is your E-mail secure?", I asked.

"So far."

"Give me the address. I'll let you know where and when.", I said.

She took a card out of her pocket and scribbled the address on it. I took it and went one way while she went the other. I took my time walking down the street , looking in shop windows and generally enjoying myself. It only took a couple of blocks before I spotted my new friend. He was a tall black man dressed in an ill fitting suit and had white shoes on. Why do undercover cops always seem to have white shoes on? It's like the supply department wants them to stand out. It only took a minute to find what I wanted. A bus stop. I stepped up to the stop and waited with the rest of the crowd. The bus pulled up and as he hurried across the street to catch it, I stepped aboard, paid my fare and moved towards the back of the bus. As he got on, the bus started to pull out. I stood and watched it leave from the stop, having stepped out of the rear door as he stepped in the front. I'd always wanted to try that trick and this was the first chance I'd ever had to do it. I flagged down a cab to go back to the hotel while my new best friend was on his way to..well actually I had no idea where the bus was going.

When I arrived I went up to Minx's room and knocked on the door quietly, then used the spare key to enter. Minx and Julia were snuggled together in the middle of the bed as I'd expected to find them. I do know my Mistress and her passions very well. Minx stirred at my entry and slid quietly out of the bed and motioned me to follow her into the bathroom.

"What did you find out?", she said getting into the shower.

"Not much. Other than the fact that there is a warrant for the arrest of a member of the Crescent Circle named Matthew. I got that from a reporter named Kate Bradshaw, who also claims to know that he's innocent.", I said in as nonchalant tone as I could.

"What!", came the high pitched yelp. "That was my reaction. In fact I had to dump a cop before I came back." Minx stuck her wet and dripping head out of the shower with an expression of disgust.

"I think someone needs a good lesson in telling the truth.", she said.

"As much as I might like to watch that, I have to give her the benefit of the doubt here. She may not have known.", I said attempting to be the voice of reason. "Would you like your back scrubbed?"

"No I would not.", she said frostly, sliding the shower door shut as an exclamation point. I went back into the other room to keep an eye on Julia. I guess I'm a lousy judge of character, but as she slept I knew she was innocent. It wasn't her beauty. Lydia is as beautiful as a coral snake and just as dangerous. I knew that evil came in all types of packages just as good does. But Julia, despite her strange fixation on blood and dark clothing , just felt ... good. Minx came out of the bathroom dressed in only a towel, which broke my concentration needless to say.

"Did you have a plan for what to do now?", Minx said as I helped her dress.

"I had planned on a meeting with Kate and swapping an interview with Julia for whatever she had on the murder. But with the cops involved, I'm a little reluctant to do that now. "After all, it wouldn't do for you to get arrested for involvement in a murder."

Minx nodded agreement at that somewhat important point. "or you either. As much as you might like being locked up with a bunch of horny men....", she said with a smirk.

I was saved from further embarrassment by Julia waking up and yawning. "Good evening, or should I say morning?", I said , turning away slightly to protect her modesty.

"What time is it?", she said looking towards the windows.

"About four. When can you call your friend?", I said. "About eight.", she said rolling out of bed. "There is something you should know," Minx said, placing her hand on Julia's arm. " The police have issued a warrant for his arrest ."

Julia sank back down on the bed weeping. "But he didn't do anything.He wasn't even in town when the murder happened.", she wept.

I knelt on the floor at her feet as Minx held Julia in her arms. "Look kid, " I said kindly ," I'm used to tilting at windmills. I've done it for years. But before I expose my Mistress to a felony rap, I've got to know everything you know. Call me paternalistic, but it's what I do."

She looked up at me and tried to smile. "You're very protective for a slave.", she said, through her tears.

"Did you really think my Mistress would have a slave that wasn't a least a little protective? Not for long."

Minx took over from me at that point. "Julia, tell us what you know. How do you know he didn't commit the murder?", she asked.

"Because I was with him. He was staying in my house. When he got back the police wanted to talk to him. ", she said, taking a tissue I offered her.

"But he told them he was out of town, the police must have checked the story with you.", I said. She looked down at the floor and mumbled something.

"What?", Minx asked.

"Matthew lied to the police. He said he was here when the police asked about it, and the rest of the Circle backed him up."

"Why did he lie?", I asked outraged.

"He's on probation. If the police knew he left the state, they'd send him back to jail." I rolled my eyes towards the ceiling.

"So now he's wanted for a murder and has implicated more people by his actions. What a considerate young man.", Minx said with more than a trace of sarcasm.

Julia cringed a bit at that.

"Now, where do we find the Circle?", I asked. Julia looked at Minx and then at me.

"I only have a phone number to call.", she said reluctantly.

I looked at Minx and shrugged my shoulders. "Do you suppose she'd lie about something like that?", I said.

Minx's response was to pull Julia over her knee and start spanking her until she started crying again. "Now, tell us again. Where are they?", Minx asked taking a short break from the spanking. "I only have a phone number, really.", she sobbed. Minx started the spanking again, even harder than before.

"Mistress please,don't. I really think she's telling the truth.", I said

"Michael, I will decide when she's had enough!", Minx snapped over the sounds of Julia's struggles. After a few more swats, I started begging her to stop spanking Julia, pleading for mercy for her. Minx slowed to a halt and then ordered Julia to get up and go into the bathroom and stay there until she was called for. Julia walked slowly into the bathroom rubbing her tortured ass and closed the door behind her.

"I love playing Good Slave / Bad Mistress.", I said with a grin.

"Well, " Minx said with a slight smile, "do you believe her?"

"Yes. She's not really built for that much punishment. So, lets hook up to the 'Net and see what the phone number fits.", I said.

Minx reached for her bag and removed her laptop and hooked it to the phone in the room. "Julia, come out here right now and kneel in from of me.", she called. Julia crept slowly out of the bathroom and knelt head down, with tear stains still on her cheeks.

"Tell me the phone number.", Minx directed. As Julia recited the number , Minx fed it into the laptop and then connected to the computer network for Dawes, Jones,Mosley & Grubbs, accessing the phone company and credit record systems.

"That number is a pay phone at a club named, appropately enough, the Bucket of Blood over in Algiers.", Minx said after a few minutes.

"Then that's where we start looking. May I use the computer please?", I said reaching for it. As Minx handed it over I logged into the anon mail server that Ay'esha uses and sent a note to Kate, telling her to meet us at the Bucket of Blood at eight. In a moment of whimsy I signed it Carl Kolchak.

We had dinner that night at a Cajun place named Sisko's. Myself, I don't care much for spicy food, but oh boy did Minx and Julia hit it. The owner spent a bit of time making sure that everything was right about our food, and kidding me about my soft stomach. "If you ate some spicy food sometime, you'd have more than one beautiful woman with you.", he said laughing.

"What, you think I can handle more than I have now? I'm no youngster you know.", I said laughing with him. He slapped me across the shoulder and went on his way around the room greeting guests and making the place laugh.

"You picked a nice place to eat Julia. How did you hear about it?", Minx asked after a mouthful of shrimp. "Matthew brought me here for dinner one night. It was wonderful.", she said with a sigh.

"Tell me about Matthew. What is he like?", I asked around a mouth full of rice.

She smiled as she thought about her lover. "He's warm and sensitive. He's a history major at the University here. I met him while I was doing research on voodoo. He was already a bit of a vampyre when we met, but after we spent time together he took on more of the lifestyle. He and some other people formed the Crescent Circle. Then he got into trouble with the police. He got caught trespassing in a private cemetery and was convicted. They gave him probation, but with the requirement he not leave the state." , she said.

"What was he doing in the cemetery? Looking for a place to sleep?" , I said. She stared at me with a withering look.

"No , he was doing some research for a paper on Jean LaFitte, the pirate. He said he was looking for one particular grave."

"Why? What was so special about one grave?" , Minx said.

"He never told me. Just said it was important to a theory of his."

I looked at my watch and signaled for the check. "Time we were on our way.", I said.

We went back into the night and started walking towards the ferry that would take us across the river to the Bucket of Blood. Minx and I walked with Julia between us, and I gave into my usual paranoia about dark streets and walked with my hands slightly cupped and away from my body like an old time gunfighter. The walk passed without incident, but I still couldn't relax my guard. I just had the feeling that we weren't safe. The crossing of the river on the ferryboat also passed without incident , but as we walked towards the address of the club , we were joined by a small group of black clad figures that seemed to materialize from the shadows Minx and I instinctively moved to a back to back position and Julia formed the third side of the defensive triangle A long haired young man stepped forward and confronted us.

"Looks like you've got a problem.", he said.

Before I could say anything Julia bared her fangs and hissed. He drew back startled, and then returned the hissing response with his own fangs bared.

"I hope you have the cross and the holy water Mistress.", I said softly keeping an eye on the bizarre proceedings. Julia stepped forward and offered her neck to the man who put his mouth to it momentarily and then stepped back.

"My friends, I am Sebastian.", he announced. "I will take you to Matthew." The group formed a circle around Minx and I and we were led to a waiting van. I wasn't really surprised to see Kate Bradshaw also dressed in black and wearing fangs waiting for us.

"I told you I knew he was innocent.", she said with a decidedly toothy grin.

The drive took us back into the main part of the city and then into the countryside. A short time later we pulled up in front of a old plantation style house set back off a main road. Our host, Sebastian, opened the door of the van and we were escorted inside by the other members of the group. My first impression upon entering the house was that the owner must have stock in a candle factory. All of the lighting I could see was provided by candles. Large patches of the wallpaper was peeling off and I could see cobwebs in the corners. The whole house had an odd smell, like that of slightly damp wood and mold, but masked by the smell of the beeswax candles. I couldn't place the aroma, but I knew I would at some point. Sebastian led us through a double door and into a living room lighted by a fireplace and candelabra placed at intervals around the room. Julia dashed forward upon seeing a young man in a large chair staring into the fire and threw her arms around him and held him. He responded to her caress and then stood up and bowed.

"I am Matthew Keller. Welcome to my temporary home.", he said in a deep voice that didn't seem to fit the thin body.

"I am Mistress Minx and this is my slave Michael. Julia asked us to come and assist you in proving your innocence." , Minx said with a nod. He laughed at that.

"Prove my innocence. I have been tried and convicted in my absence. If I appeared now, I would simply be jailed and charged formally with the crime. The police aren't interested in proof of my innocence anymore. They have a murderer to catch. And since they consider me a grave robber, why not murder? ", he raged.

"Excuse me. You lied to the police about your whereabouts. By now they know you lied. We can get you a good lawyer and keep you out of jail, and you can go back to your regular life.", I pointed out. "That's why the Mistress and I are here. To help you."

"For mortals, you have good intentions. But you don't understand what a life sentence would mean to a vampyre. How long will I live?", he said in deadly earnest. I was coming to the rapid conclusion that Matthew had lost a few tiles on reentry. He really thought he was a vampyre.

Minx pulled the hair away from her neck and to my horror displayed two puncture marks. "Julia and I have shared blood and are bonded.", she said looking at him." I understand your fear. But we have the power to protect you from those who would harm you."

"And your slave? Is he one of us?" , Matthew demanded.

"He will do my bidding. I gave him his life and I can take it from him. Or choose to give him life immortal.", she said staring into my frightened eyes. I started backing away from her slowly. I didn't know what was going on, and I didn't really want to know.

"On your knees before me M-5", she snapped. I dropped to my knees, head down and waited for her next command.

"Look into my eyes and listen to me.", she said intensely. I looked up at her and saw the firelight reflected in her eyes, flickering.

"You will obey me M-5 without question. Do you understand?"

"Yes Controller", I said staring into her eyes. I felt my resistance slipping away under her gaze. It was even more intense than usual, there was almost a mad look in her eyes that aroused my fears of death at her hands. She looked away and challenged Matthew.

"You see, his blood is unnecessary. He is a slave to my will without it." , she announced.

I knelt there frightened of what might happen next. I tried to focus on my submission and my trust in her. I had sworn my submission in perfect love and perfect trust. I knew in my heart she would never harm me. But my mind, that mistrusting part of me, shreaked warnings of pain and death. "michael , breath , focus on my love.", I heard softly. She was still turned away from me facing Matthew. Who had spoken to me? I took a breath and tried to blank out the fear. I was with my Mistress, my protector. She Who Must Be Obeyed.

Matthew stepped back slightly and then stood firm. "You will confine him when he is not in your presence.", Matthew directed.

"Of course. As he has not adapted to my change, he will need to sleep soon. Perhaps you have a place for him?"

Matthew clapped sharply and another dark robed figure appeared. "Take this one to a room and lock him in.", he directed.

"Michael, you will follow this person and obey them. Is that understood?", Minx commanded. "Yes Mistress. I will obey.", I said with a catch in my voice. As I got up and started to follow, she threw her purse at me and I caught it. "Put this in a safe place too!", she said as I followed my guide.

The room I was led to was up the creaking stairs and down a passageway that dead ended at a locked door. The guide unlocked it and I was led inside. It was somewhat disused and dusty, although there was a clean bed in the room. My guide set the candle down and pulled back the hood of the robe to show my companion was a young black woman with delicate features and a set of fangs.

"You will be fed in the morning, and a bathroom is through the door.", she said pointing into the shadows. "Thank you.", I said politely. "If you need anything, please feel free to scream.", she said with a Morticia Addams lilt in her voice , pausing at the door. She closed it and I heard the lock click.

I searched the room as I tried to calm myself enough to sleep. Closet, bathroom, dresser. I put Minx's purse on the top shelf of the closet and shut the door.

I looked out of the grimy window into a grove of trees, illuminated only by pale moonlight. I could hear the nightbirds and in the distance the noise of an occasional passing car. Minx's change in attitude still baffled me. What happened to her? I understood Julia, she was blinded by love. But my Mistress? I considered the possibility of escape. I could break the window and jump down. The lock was an old fashioned one that used a skeleton key. I could pop that open with a piece of wire and creep out. Although with the creaking floor, it would be a challenge for a ninja, let alone me. I wasn't going anywhere. Not without taking Minx and Julia with me. I laid down on the bed and focused on the shrinking candle. It's motion finally lulled me to sleep.

It was just before sunrise that the door was unlocked and Kate Bradshaw brought me my breakfast. "Good morning, I trust you slept well.", she said putting the tray on the dresser.

"As a matter of fact no, I didn't. What in the fuck is going on here?", I snarled.

"This is the Crescent Circle. And as to what is going on here, we are protecting our leader.", she said matter of factly. I got out of bed and walked towards her slowly.

"Your leader has, if you will forgive me, a few bats missing from his belfry. He really thinks he's a vampyre. Now you know better than that. There are no such things as vampyres.", I said as reasonably as I could despite my anger.

She laughed. "You see your Mistress as a Goddess. Do Goddesses exist?", she said .

"She's not a Goddess. She's an avatar of the Goddess. She knows what she is. I think Matthew has forgotten what he is."

"Matthew has not forgotten what he is. Sebastian helped him discover himself.", she said turning away. The scent I had noticed before grew stronger as I approached her.

"Kate, look at me.", I pleaded. She turned and I saw the same look in her eyes that Minx had at the airport. "That's a lovely perfume you're using.", I said softening my voice. She paused for a moment then walked away, locking the door behind her.

I ate my breakfast and tried to remember why dilated pupils,and flushed skin sounded like something I should remember .The scent of flowers. What was it? Another memory fragment drifted through my mind. Atropine is antidotal. Sunscreen. Ointment. I wandered around the room trying to get the pieces to fit. As I passed the window I looked out into the early morning light and saw for the first time the garden below the window. It was overgrown by weeds and littered with leaves, but one area with a variety of flowers was still well kept. I could see a figure plucking some and putting them in a basket. Another flash of memory. A book I'd read in school. The robed figure finished collecting flowers and then started walking back towards the house. I watched until they went out of sight below me. I resumed my pacing until I got too tired to walk any more and sat down. I looked at the dishes that had held my breakfast and almost wished I could ring for room service for coffee. Ring for service. Ring. Bell. Flower. Belladonna! The memory came flooding back. A book on witches I had read talked about flying ointment. Witches flying ointment was made with belladonna. It caused dreams and even delusions. Julia must have used it when we arrived in town, and she probably offered it to Minx. Her lips were always drying out, so she must have put it on her lips. It was a deadly toxin in high doses, but mixed properly it was an euphoric. The question of why still remained. Why would Matthew drug his followers? What had Kate said? "Sebastian helped him find himself." Sebastian. What was Sebastian's role in this affair? The Matthew that Julia described to Minx and I over dinner was not this person I had met last night. I heard the door unlock and turned to face the object of my speculation.

"Good morning. Matthew would like to speak to you before he goes to bed.",Sebastian invited politely.

"I'm glad he decided to make time for me. I'd really like to apologize for my behavior last night." , I said.

Never hurts to suck up a little. I followed him out the door and downstairs again and back to the living room. The fire had burned low and Matthew sat in his chair looking tired in the pale light seeping in through the shuttered windows. I sat down across from him and waited.

"I would like to apologize for my outburst last night. I'm afraid I wasn't cut out to be a fugitive", he said tiredly with an unfocused stare.

"That's all right. I wanted to apologize for insulting you. I'm not afraid to admit that I'm a bit frightened by all this.", I said waving my hand to indicate the room. He smiled, his fangs showing slightly.

"I was a bit frightened as I started my transition, but Sebastian helped me. I owe him much." Sebastian was quick to minimize his role in things.

"You taught me what my true path should be when you were my student, Matthew. "

"Really?", I said brightly." What subject did you teach, Sebastian?"

"Oh , Sebastian taught chemistry and biology at the University.", Matthew said." He was one of the best instructors I had."

Click,click. Two more pieces of the puzzle in place. "I understand that you were a history major at the University, Matthew. What period of history is your favorite?" , I said with interest.

"Early American history. In fact I was working on a paper on Jean LaFitte. Did you know that much of his treasure was never found?", he said warming to his subject. " But I have a theory as to ..."

Sebastian interrupted at that point to remind Matthew why I had been summoned. "Of course, Sebastian. Michael, your Mistress has told me that I may trust you. There are some items I need from my apartment. My notebooks. I want you to get them for me and bring them back here.", he said.

"I understand ... Master.", I said submissively. I thought my tongue would fall off using that word, but I had assured Minx that I would obey.

"Thank you. You will be rewarded for this service.", he said rising from the chair. As he passed me I smelled the flowery scent again. Sebastian escorted me out of the room and towards the front door. "You seem less angry today.", he said as we walked.

"I've had some time to think about things."

"I'm glad you understand now.", he said warily.

"I understand more than you might think." We reached the front door where Kate was waiting for me, dressed in regular clothes and sans fangs.

"Kate will take you to Matthew's and then bring you back here afterwards", he said. I followed Kate out into the sunlight and to a small red sports car.

"Let's go", she said.

The trip back into town was fast, despite the morning traffic but I wondered what the world looked like to her while she was under the influence of the drug. Her reflexes were unaffected judging from the way she was cutting in and out of traffic. Perhaps the effects were short acting.

"How long have you known Matthew?", I asked as we weaved our way through the traffic.

"A little while. I've always been drawn to the gothic and when Matthew joined the Crescent Circle, I found myself drawn to him. Of course so are a lot of women including your Mistress."

I had learned over the years with Minx that she had the same effect on both men and women.

"Didn't Sebastian mind?", I said neutrally.

"Well, a little. But having Matthew join made him a very happy man."

I leaned closer to her and took a deep breath. No flowers.

"Can we stop and get some coffee?", I suggested. She looked at her watch and then nodded.

"I don't see why not. I don't have to be at work for another couple of hours."

She pulled off the freeway and pulled into a small cafe. The waitress led us to a booth at the back of the place and I ordered coffee and Kate ordered breakfast. It was almost like watching a replay of the meal that I witnessed Minx consume, with the addition of grits. I started to get up and she stopped me.

"Where are you going?", she asked sharply.

"I need to use the bathroom. Did you want to help?", I smirked.

She followed me to the door and watched me go inside. The bathroom was small, a bit dirty, but had exactly what I was looking for. A window. I tried to slide the window up and found out it had been nailed in place. Damn. I used the toilet and went back out and found Kate sitting at the table with a smug smile on her face.

"Everything come out all right?", she asked lightly. "Everything except me.", I said sourly.

"I hope you didn't do anything foolish like leave a message for help in there.", she said without changing expression.

"Why would I do that?" She sneered.

"Sebastian warned me you might try and contact the police and tell them where to find Matthew. Even though your Mistress ordered you to obey."

I actually hadn't thought about leaving a message. And I was glad I hadn't.

"And what if I had?"

She picked up her coffee and looked at me over the rim of the cup.

"Things might be very ... unpleasant for her. I suspect you'd be willing to die to protect her. But risk her life. No. The police will find the real killer soon enough and then Matthew can return to his work. But until then you and your Mistress will be our guests." , she said intently.

"You mean hostages. You know the police are going to be watching Matthew's apartment.", I said changing the subject.

"Yes, but I'm sure you'll find a way to get in and out without a problem."

"You have a lot of faith in my abilities.", I commented.

"Sebastian has a lot of faith in your abilities. He knows that you wouldn't wish to disappoint your Mistress."

"And would Matthew be disappointed if I didn't have his things when I returned?"

"Perhaps. Perhaps not. But it really doesn't matter does it? You will succeed.", she said with just a hint of menace.

"Kate, may I tell you something?"


"I've been threatened by experts. I don't rate you very highly at all."

The ride to Matthew's apartment building was a quiet one. I needed to think about the best approach. His apartment was on the third floor of a small complex in the Garden District.

"Go in, get the notebooks and come back.", Kate instructed handing me a set of keys.

"And if I don't come back?"

"You will."

I walked across the street with Kate's briefcase and entered the elevator and pushed 3. It was a slow trip up which suited my mood perfectly. I exited the elevator and followed the hallway until I reached Matthew's apartment. As I expected there was police tape across the door stating in large black letters that entry was forbidden. Breaking the tape, I unlocked the door and slipped inside with my senses all tuned for the slightest noise of someone's approach. The place was a shambles, but I couldn't tell if the apartment had been tossed by the police, a burglar, or if Matthew was just a sloppy house keeper. I found a set of notebooks on his desk neatly labeled PIRATE RESEARCH. A quick flip through the notebooks showed that Matthew might be a sloppy housekeeper, but as a historian he was precise and thorough. He had indeed unearthed information pointing towards the location of a treasure stash of Jean LaFitte.

I put the notebooks in Kate's briefcase and then went into the bedroom. If he kept notes like that, he probably kept a diary too. The bedroom was also in disorder, beyond even my wildest sloppy bachelor habits. Even the cops weren't this sloppy. But no diary . I didn't have to worry about looking under the bed, because the bed had been torn apart.

I checked the kitchen next with the same results. Although I wish I hadn't opened the fridge.

Shoot some electricity through the thing and life could start all over again.

Last stop:the bathroom. Nothing. No drugs, no salve.

I picked up the briefcase and started to leave and the heard footsteps in the hall. I looked behind me at the door to the balcony and went out. I looked down at the three floor drop and decided not to try jumping.

The briefcase however made a near perfect landing in a newspaper recycling bin. I came back inside and shut the door in time to see the front door kicked open and my friend, the tall black man with white shoes step around the corner with a drawn gun.

"Looking for something?", he said softly, pointing the pistol at my chest.

The handcuffs were clamped a little too tightly for my comfort as my friend, who introduced himself as Inspector Gilbert Castro , continued his impromptu interrogation of me in the shambles of Matthew's apartment.

"You realize that I can arrest you for breaking and entering, and removing evidence.", he said as he paced back and forth.

"Excuse me Inspector. I used a key, and if anybody removed anything, it's you." , I said with witless bravado.

"You broke the seal on the door.", he said reasonably

"It was like that when I got here. Look around this place. Does the New Orleans Police Department generally demolish the apartment of a suspect? Or do you have some new use for the word "search" that I never heard before?"

"I can assure you the Department is not responsible for this.", he said confidently.

"Great. Now would you either unlock the cuffs and let me leave, or bust me and get me out of here.", I said.

"Mr. Forbin, you seem somewhat less than concerned about this situation. If I haven't made it clear to you, you are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. If you give up the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you wish an attorney and can not afford one, one will be provided to you before any questioning. Do you understand each of these rights as I have explained them to you?" , he recited from memory.


"Do you wish to waive your right to have an attorney present."


"Then let's go."

Inspector Castro marched me into the elevator and down to his car, passing Kate's little red speedster in the process. She slid down as we passed, so I couldn't signal her that I'd retrieved the notebooks. The inspector placed me in the back seat of his car, and we set off for Police Headquarters.

;I could see Kate following at a discreet distance. I actually felt better knowing I was being followed. Then I knew she wasn't going directly back to Sebastian. When we arrived at Police Headquarters I wasn't booked right away. Instead I was placed in a holding cell and the cuffs were removed. When I asked about my one phone call, I was told that until I was booked, I didn't get one. It was a long wait until I was released and led to the office of Captain Dunstan by the inspector.

Captain Dunstan was a heavy set man with a flushed face and an attitude that would not pass muster with the ACLU.

"Mr Forbin, I don't think you have any idea what's involved here. You are protecting a suspect in a criminal investigation, and could be charged with aiding and abetting. You were found in the suspect's apartment with his keys. Obviously you know where to find him." , the Captain said.

"Captain, I'm a professional thief. I stole the keys and the guy's wallet from him in a bar.", I said. "Lock me up."

"And how do you explain the press card with your name on it?"

"Made it myself at home. Looks good doesn't it?", I said easily.

The Captain came most of the way over his desk and shoved his finger in my face.

"Listen to me you little asshole. The man is wanted for questioning in a murder case. You know where he is. And by God, you're going to tell me where to find Matthew Keller, or you'll rot in jail for the next two hundred years!"

Beam me up Scotty. "Captain, I can't tell you anything, as much as I might like to. I have to protect my sources you know." , I said sweetly, resisting the urge to bite his finger.

"Then you're going to have a long wait. Castro, take him back to his cell.", the Captain snapped.

As Castro walked me back to my cell he continued to try and get me to talk. Although, anybody who knows me , knows I talk maybe too much. So I talked for him. I talked about what a nice city New Orleans seemed to be, how friendly the people were, how good the food at Sisko's was, and basically anything I could think of to keep him from pressing. I think he was greatful when he locked me up again and could get away from my prattle. I sat in the holding cell and tried to think of a way out. I'd succeeded in getting the documents out of the building. Now I had to get me out of jail and back to Minx. I sat there for about three hours before Inspector Castro brought in some lunch for me.

"You have any words for the Captain?", he said, placing a tray on the table.

"Yes, I have several words for the Captain. But I wouldn't use any of them in polite company.", I said.

The rest of the day passed on leaden feet while I worried about Minx. If Sebastian and his bitch did hurt her, I'd make sure they died slowly. About six the door opened again, and Inspector Castro came in and led me out without putting the cuffs on me. He took me downstairs to the property clerk and had my property returned.

"Ok, Inspector. What's the gag?" , I said as he walked me out of the building. He stopped me before we reached the main door and told me. "We called the newspaper you work for to check on you. A few minutes ago, we got a call from the Police Commissioner directing us to release you. Now I don't know who called who about what, but the Captain is pissed off. So, do us both a favor. Leave town.", he said.

"Inspector I'd love to, but I can't yet. But if I ever visit New Orleans again in this life, it will be too soon."

I walked out of the building looking over my shoulder for a tail, but this time didn't spot one. I wasn't sure what to do at that point. I didn't see Kate's car anywhere. I wasn't sure if I should go back to the hotel, call Kate at the newspaper , or try and get back to Matthew's apartment and recover the notebooks.

The question was answered by the arrival of a taxi. "Mr. Forbin? Your mother sent me to pick you up.", the driver said. I got into the cab and we sped off towards the French Quarter.

Our destination was a book shop, Women's Mysteries, that was closed for the evening. "The dispatcher said to drop you here.", the driver said getting out and opening the door for me.

I started to pay him for the trip and he waved the cash away. "Already paid for and a big tip."

He drove off leaving me in front of the darkened store waiting for... what. The door opened and I heard a woman's voice call me to come in.

I walked into the shop and the door was closed behind me and and older woman with grey hair led me into the back of the shop. A table with a steaming tea pot and an assortment of cakes was waiting.

"Tea, Michael?", she asked sitting down across from me. I looked around the room and absorbed the tranquility of the surroundings and the placid calm of the occupant.

"If I may pour, Ma'am?", I said picking up the teapot. I served her tea and poured a cup for myself. She offered me a slice of tea cake and for a few minutes we both sat relaxing. I could see her point. I had been in a situation that would fog the thinking of anybody , and the tea was exactly what I needed.

I suddenly realized how I must look after a night in a semideserted house and a day in a police holding cell and apologized for my appearance.

"It seemed to me that the tea would do you more good than the soap and water. If you would like to freshen up , there is a washroom through the door behind you.", she said soothingly.

I cleaned myself up and returned to the comforting surroundings and sipped my second cup of tea. "Now, would you please tell me what you and your Mistress are doing in New Orleans?", my companion said gently.

"Would it be impolite to ask who you are?", I said carefully. She smiled and reached out to touch my hand.

"Michael, I have been with Ay'esha for many years. When I retired from my work I opened this shop as a safe haven for those in need. The Mother of Many contacted me when word that you were in custody came to us. My name isn't important, but if you would like, you may call me Mrs. Whatsit.", she said. I smiled at the name. If anyone needed a wrinkle in time, I did.

"Mrs Whatsit, this is going to sound like I'm crazy, but it's true. Mistress Minx and I came to New Orleans because of the Vampyre Murder. A friend of hers, well her friend's boyfriend is the prime suspect in the murder.", I started.

"Then you are referring to Matthew Keller?", Mrs Whatsit prompted.

"Yes, but I don't think he did it. I think a man named Sebastian did it to frame Matthew to get information about a treasure that Matthew uncovered in his research at the University. When we tried to contact him, we were taken to an old house outside of town. We found him, but he's..well I think he's under the influence of belladonna or some other drug. And Minx may also be by now."

"And how did that result in your being arrested?"

"I was trying to get something that Matthew wanted. A set of notebooks showing the location of a portion of Jean LaFitte's treasure."

To my surprise, Mrs. Whatsit started to laugh. "Oh my.", she finally said."Someone else finally discovered Ericksons grave."

"You know about it?", I asked in amazement.

"A member of Ay'esha , who is a historian , discovered the treasure fifty years ago.. There's nothing in that grave except an empty box filled with scrap metal. A cruel joke by LaFitte, although I'm sure he found it amusing."

I wasn't sure if I should laugh or cry.

"Call the police Michael. Tell them where they are holding her. Let them deal with it.", she said.

"I can't just go to the police. You know how crazy the story sounds. I didn't tell them when I was in custody, because Sebastian might kill Minx like he killed the other girl."

Mrs Whatsit looked into my eyes. "Michael, how much do you love your Mistress? Are you willing to die for her?"

"Yes!", I said. She settled back in her chair and smiled.

"You say that very quickly. Is that bravado, or is it a well thought out decision?"

I stopped to think about it. Was I really willing to die for Minx. A high price to pay for a woman. But not a woman. Minx had given my life back to me and had restored my joy in living again.

When my wife and daughter died I blamed myself for things I couldn't truly control. Under Minx's guidance she had shown me that I was worthy of love. My years following my capture by Minx had been exciting, more that I could have dreamed of. Was it too high a price to pay. Not if she lived.

"You see. It is not a decision to be made lightly. Your life has value as well. She would not want you to die needlessly.", she reminded me.

"Mrs Whatsit, I've done some pretty stupid things in my life. I've climbed down into a canal to rescue a driver in a car, and I was the only one on a train with first aid training when someone was injured severely. I did what I had to do. I didn't think about the danger I just did it." I smiled at something from my first memories of life with Minx.

"If you're afraid you'll have to over look it. Besides you knew the job was dangerous when you took it."

"I'll need a ride back to Matthew's apartment to get the notebooks.", I said finding calm in the decision.

"Take my car Michael. I will send the police to the graveyard to wait. If you do not return by tomorrow night ...", she trailed off.

"Then there's no hurry. If I don't come back, the Mother of Many has my last wishes.", I said kneeling before her. She kissed my forehead softly.

"You do have the courage. Use the wisdom as well Michael. May the Goddess go with you."

I drove back to the alley behind Matthew's deserted apartment. The briefcase was still there in the bin and I placed it in the seat next to me and sat for a long moment, illuminated by a single street light. I still had Kate's business card with me, dirty and torn, with her pager number on it. Back into the lions den. I drove to a phone booth at an all night market and dialed the pager number.

"Hi, you've reached my pager. Leave me a voice message or punch in your phone number at the beep."

Beep. "I'm out of jail and I have the notebooks. I didn't say anything to the police. Call me at .......", I said as calmly as I could into the phone. I hung up the phone and waited nervously.



"I'm glad to see you followed your Mistress's orders Michael. I wouldn't want her to be upset", Sebastian said into my ear.

"Of course not. May I speak to her for a moment please?", I asked quietly.

"I'm afraid to disturb her right now. She's with some of the other ladies, and you know how that can be.", he said smoothly.

"I understand. Shall I come to the house now, sir?"

"Tell me where you are. I'll have Kate pick you up." I read the address off the phone and he repeated it back to me with a slight addition.

"Do make sure you're alone." The line clicked dead.

I went inside the store and bought a cup of coffee that turned out to be as bad as it smelled. A box of envelopes caught my eye. I bought them and a book of stamps and wrote a short message detailing everything I knew and put a letter in the mail to the police.

I felt like I was putting a message in a bottle in the hopes of rescue. At least it would provide valuable information for those who may follow. I disposed of the extra envelopes in a trash can along with what was left of the coffee, as Kate pulled up.

I got in and she sped towards the outskirts of town. "I wasn't sure what to do when I saw you and that detective come out together. I was sure that you wouldn't talk, but Sebastian had his doubts.", she said as we drove along.

"How long have the two of you been planning this little escapade?", I asked watching the signs flash by.

"I see you figured it out. A long time, ever since Matthew started his research. Sebastian and I were just waiting for the right time. , she said with a small laugh.

"You killed that girl, didn't you?"

"She died of natural causes. She merely bled to death from a bite to the neck. Of course, the addition of an anticlotting agent to my fangs did speed things up a bit. It was Sebastian's idea"

"Bitch!", I said thinking of the slow death the girl suffered.

"It didn't hurt. She just went to sleep and didn't wake up."

"Does Matthew know?"

She laughed again. "Matthew is a fool. Sebastian has him under complete control. He doesn't even suspect that any of this is going on and neither does Julia . They think we're trying to find the treasure to get money to get him out of the country."

"That leaves a lot of loose ends.", I said, controlling my anger." Are you going to murder all of us?"

"Of course not. Once we have the treasure, we're leaving. We'll have to lock all of you up, but by the time you break out, we'll be gone."

"Do you really believe that?"

"Why not?", she said , taking her eyes off the road just long enough to look at me.

"You're involved in a murder and a criminal conspiracy. You've seen what Sebastian is capable of. Murder, drugging innocent people, kidnapping . Why shouldn't he dispose of you as well?", I argued. She took one hand off the wheel and slapped me across the face.

"I know what you're trying to do and it won't work. I love him and he loves me."

"It never works in the movies either.", I said rubbing my sore jaw.

The rest of the trip proceeded in silence and when we arrived we were greeted by Sebastian. "You've done well. Your Mistress will be pleased.", he said taking the briefcase.

"Sebastian, he knows about the plan.", Kate warned. Sebastian's geniality disappeared to replaced by menace.

"And who have you told?", he snarled.

"Nobody ... yet.", I said.

"Good. That way we can just go on as if nothing has happened. Any tricks and your Mistress is dead."

"What's a few minutes earlier or later. I know you're going to kill us all anyway.", I said in anger.

"Now that's where you're wrong. The dead girl was a street whore, nothing more. The police can't tie her to Matthew or anyone else. ", he crowed.

"Well that makes you no better than Jack the Ripper then does it?", I sneered. He slapped me across the face.

"There's no need for any more deaths. I'll get the treasure and be gone before noon tomorrow. All I need to do is keep you confined for a few hours and I'm home free.", he continued.

"Don't you mean you and Kate?", I said pointedly.

"Of course.", he said, but I could see the doubt growing in Kate's eyes by her omission from the discussion of his plans.

"Get inside. Don't say anything or you will be dead.", he said pushing me towards the door.

I entered the house with Sebastian and Kate flanking me. I was pushed into the main room where Matthew was waiting with Julia kneeling at his side. "I'm glad to see you have returned to us Michael. You have the notebooks?", Matthew said anxiously.

"I do, Master" , I said staying in character . "May I see my Mistress please?"

"Of course. I know she would be happy to see you and praise you for your service to us. Kate, please take Michael to Minx's room."

I followed Kate down a hallway and into a room that seemed to be a sea of silk pillows and candlelight. There on a large pillow in the middle of the room was Mistress Minx, holding court. One young woman was gently stroking Minx's body with a large fur glove, while another ran her tongue over Minx's perfect nipples. A young redhead had her face between Minx's legs and I could tell from the expression on the face of my Mistress that she was very near to orgasm. I waited, not sure if I should interrupt despite the danger. She may as well die happy. She shuddered and came. She opened her eyes and saw me watching.

"Come to me slave. Kneel at my feet.", she directed lazily I knelt and looked into her eyes. They were dazed by the drugs and sex. "Have you done well?", she said stretching like a cat.

"He has done very well Mistress", Kate said from where she was standing." He should be rewarded."

"What would you like for a reward Michael?", Minx asked sitting up. I stared into her eyes and tried to make her aware of my fear.

"I would like for us to leave Mistress.", I said intently.

"Why? Have you been mistreated?", she asked.

"No Mistress. But you asked what I would like for a reward. I swear by Denise that is my fondest wish." Her eyes focused as the words sunk in and she started to stand , only to be pulled back down by one of the slavegirls.

"Not yet, please Mistress. We want you.", she crooned.

"Perhaps Michael should spend some time alone with the girls before you go.", Kate suggested. Before Minx could object I was half led and half carried into an adjoining room and the door was closed behind me. The three woman who had brought me into the room stripped me of my clothing and pushed me into the pillows on the floor. I tried to fight them, but they took it all as part of the game, and ultimately I was pinned down by the black woman who had locked me in the night before.

The women snuggled into my naked body and I smelled the scent of the drug on their skins. The candlelight glinted off their fangs as they opened their mouths to suck on my terrified body. The drug and their own arousal started making me erect. I was relaxing despite myself. One girl slid between my legs and started teasing my erection with her mouth as the black woman on top of me shifted position so that I was smothered under her tight ass. I was awash in female musk and flower scent. The scent started becoming oppressive. Then I felt it. A sharp nip, then another. I felt a warm trickle on my leg and tried to throw the girl off my face, but my arms were pinned down by her weight. Another nip, and this time I felt a warm mouth over the wound sucking. The girl on my face rolled off me and pulled my head back to drive her fangs deep into my throat.

"I shall give you life eternal.", she crooned as she held my head against my struggles. She delighted in my terror as she slowly moved her fangs towards my throat. I was transfixed by fear and then she sank her fangs into me.

The pain was unlike anything I've ever felt before or since and I screamed in agony and shock. The door flew open and Minx, as naked as an Amazon warrior of old broke into the room and threw the girl off of me, then slammed her in the face brutally. "Get away from my slave or I will kill you all.", she hissed crouching like a mountain lion, ready to spring on it's prey.

The girls backed away from this fiend that had appeared in their midst and retreated to the other room while Minx tried to stop the bleeding wounds.

"Don't bother.", I heard Kate's voice say." I made sure that their fangs were dipped in an anticoagulant. He'll bleed to death soon. A pity. I sort of liked him."

"You'll die first.", Minx said springing onto her. Minx slammed her to the floor and started choking the life from her as I lay bleeding on the pillows. She was stopped only by Sebastian clubbing her in the head and stunning her.

"You couldn't have done things the easy way could you?", he said in rage." You could have died together in comfort, but now..."

"No one is going to die", I heard Matthew say in a stronger voice than I have ever heard before from him.

"And how do you plan to stop me Matthew? You're nothing that I haven't made you, and I can destroy you just as easily. You're no vampyre, you're merely a mortal with delusions.", Sebastian bragged.

"My followers will..."

"Your followers are a bunch of drug addled fools. They are under my control, not yours. and soon they will be dead as well. Get in that room with the rest of them.", Sebastian ordered taking a gun from under his robes. Matthew was pushed into the room and the door was locked.

A few minutes later the rest of the members of the Crescent Circle were pushed into the room and the door was locked and bolted. I crawled towards Minx, leaving a trail of blood behind me. If I was going to die, I wanted to be with her.

I laid there next to her while Julia tried to revive her. The black girl who had bitten me tried to apply pressure to my neck wound with little success and I became colder and drowsier. Minx slowly sat up and looked down at me with sadness in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Michael. I never intended for you to die this way."

I forced a smile as I grew weaker. "I was offered life eternal. But I'd rather not live forever anyway. Not without someone like you to share it with."

"I love you.", she said.

"I know", I whispered as the blackness and cold carried me off to oblivion.

"Michael? Can you hear me?", I heard Minx say.

I was warm and there was a light filing my vision. Were we both dead?

My eyes started to focus again and I could see ceiling tile. Ceiling tile in heaven? I took a deep breath and the world started focusing again.

"What?" I croaked out. "You're in the hospital. We broke out of the room before the fire Sebastian started took hold. Everybody is fine now. I called the police on the cell phone in my purse and you were flown here and given a transfusion."

I concentrated on her words. "There was a cell phone in your purse? Why didn't you tell me?", I groaned.

"You could have looked. That's why I gave the purse to you. I thought you'd look inside."


"I'd never look in your purse Mistress. It would scare me too much."

She smiled at that. "Sebastian was arrested when he showed up at the graveyard. I'm still trying to figure out how the police knew to be there."

"I had some help from a friend.", I said drifting off to sleep again.

The next time I woke up I had a policewoman sitting next to the bed.

"Lovely Rita, meter maid", I mumbled. She turned and smiled at me, a pleasant smile, and one without fangs.

"Inspector Castro has some questions for you. He's waiting outside." She walked out of my field of vision and a moment later Inspector Castro walked in.

"Mr. Forbin. I don't understand everything, but I'd like to thank you for helping to solve the murder.", he said.

"Did you get everything you needed?", I asked trying to sit up.

"Yes, Kate confessed to everything and agreed to testify against Sebastian. Mr. Keller has been cleared of all charges of course. So other than you testifying at the arrainment, we're finished with you."

"Inspector, who knows about the whole story?", I asked reaching for the call button on the bedside.

"So far only a few people."

"Keep it that way. I don't think that my involvement should become public. I'll do a sworn statement, but I won't appear."

"Very well. We'll keep it that way. But why?"

"Oh, I guess I'm thinking of the Lone Ranger. Who was that Masked Man?"

He smiled and left as I drifted off to sleep again.

Two days later Minx and I were at the airport being seen off by Matthew and Julia.

"I'm sorry that you were almost killed.", Matthew apologized for what seemed like the five hundredth time.

"Matthew, you were duped. It happens to everyone. Concentrate on publishing the paper on your search for the treasure. It has all the elements of a great mystery novel.", Minx comforted.

"I'll see the both of you when I come back.", Julia said." Matthew and I are going to have a nice quiet time together before I leave."

Our flight was called and we boarded the plane and strapped in for the trip home. I had been assured that the puncture wounds would heal soon and that there would only be a slight scarring on my neck from the near fatal bite.

As we flew home, Minx looked into my eyes and I heard a soft sigh of contentment. "You're a hero Michael. You saved my life and the others.", she said softly. I blushed slightly.

"I didn't do much. Just almost got killed myself."

"Well the next time you say I'm behaving strangely, I'll listen."

The flight attendant came by and asked if we would like a drink. I ordered coffee and then asked Minx what she would like.

"I'll have a Bloody Mary.", she said showing her new fangs.

I swear , someday that woman is going to drive me bats.

Sections 8 to 10

Camptown Races
House of the Rising Sun

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