The Diaries of Ay'esha

The Diaries of Ay'esha tell the story of Michael Forbin's abduction and training by a member of a secret society named Ay'esha. The avowed purpose of this group of women is to bring peace to the world by training the men in the world into submission and manipulating them into doing the bidding of the group.

Quick Reference

The Diaries of Ayesha

Eve of Destruction
Ayesha and Kali join forces to prevent World War Three... but at what price for Michael and Mistress Minx?

It's Slinky

Author: Dr. Charles Forbin
©Copyright 2001

As the song says, there's got to be a morning after, and that morning was no exception as I awoke to find myself between two beautiful women in bed.

The sad part was I was still wearing my underwear and my hands were bound to the head of the bed with a belt.

I sighed and started to roll over when Mistress Miriam awoke and kissed me softly.

"Good morning pet. Did you sleep well after we put you to bed?" she asked.

"I got a little chilly. I'd rather have been under the covers between the two of you," I answered honestly.

"I know I promised we'd make love last night, but we couldn't ignore Saphra could we," she pointed out practically.

"We could have invited her to join us, "I teased.



"Actually, you could have." Saphra's muted voice from under the covers startled the both of us. "I wouldn't have been offended. I don't know that I would have joined you, but I wouldn't have been mortally offended."

Now she tells us. Oy!

"I'll bear that in mind for future reference," Miriam said giving me a quick kiss before releasing my hands.

I rolled forward off the bed and landed more or less on my feet and bowed towards Miriam.

"For my next act..."

"For your next act, you're going to order breakfast for us and check in with Wendolyn. Unless you remembered to call her and tell her we were spending the night here," she instructed.

"Uh, no. I didn't think about it," I admitted.

"I thought not. Order breakfast first though. Saphra, what would you like?"

"Food," came the blanket muffled reply. "Coffee for sure."

"Eggs, bacon, sausage, and Spam," I confirmed turning towards the phone just as an well-aimed pillow hit me in the head.

"No Spam," Saphra warned brushing her hair from her face "Everything else is fine."

"By your command."

"No Michael," Mistress Miriam corrected, "By MY command."

I stopped and turned to kneel before her head down.

"Yes Mistress," I apologized.

"Don't forget again," she scolded. "While Minkin is away, I am in charge of you by your consent. Now get on with your duties."

I got to my feet, bowed towards her and called room service to order breakfast, running promptly into a language barrier. I don't speak German, or more correctly, I have a very limited vocabulary of phrases.

I was about to give up trying in German and say "Sprechen Sie Englisch?" when Saphra suddenly took the phone from me and spoke casually in German to the operator for a couple of minutes, thanked him and hung up.

She turned towards me with a gentle smile, her long blond hair spilling over her breasts as if she were Lady Godiva, her nipples winking at me as she moved.

"I do speak German you know," she reminded me. "You could have asked for help."

"It was his job to do, not yours," Miriam interjected. "That's why he didn't. "

"You take this game a little too seriously sometimes," Saphra said uncomfortably.

I looked at Mistress Miriam and then back at Saphra.

"She plays to win," I explained.

The mood lightened up a bit by the time breakfast arrived. Mistress Miriam instructed me to serve the two of them first which I did gladly, if only to show off a little.

"He takes this seriously," Saphra said as I served her coffee.

"It's what he does. It's what I do for his wife when he's not available," Miriam explained. "Actually I've been his servant longer than he's been mine now that I think about it."

"Well at least you volunteered. I was drafted," I commented dryly.

Miriam scowled.

"I'll let you know when you can join this discussion Michael. Concentrate on your work."

"Yes Mistress," I agreed turning back to the serving cart.

"What did he mean by drafted?" Saphra pressed.

"That is a long and complicated story that perhaps he'll be allowed to tell you someday," Miriam deflected as she buttered a roll.

"If I'm not needed at this time Mistress, I'll make that phone call, then eat with your permission," I asked.

"Very well Michael," she agreed. "You're excused."

The phone call to Wendolyn was short and unproductive in the sense that she hadn't heard anything from her contacts in the Middle East. She was pleased that I had accepted her advice and was doing some sightseeing.

"Did you visit the Dom?" she asked.

"I did. Also did a little experiment there too. You'll read about it eventually."

"I'm sure I shall. Keep in contact Michael. I'll tell you when I have anything useful."

I hung up and turned to my breakfast while the two women got dressed in more mundane clothing than they had worn the night before.

"Any ideas what to do today Michael?" Miriam asked.

"Captains discretion. We can ask at the front desk what there is to do in Cologne. Besides shop that is," I added.

"And there is more purpose in life than shopping?" Saphra asked whimsically.

"Sometimes I don't think so."

There is actually quite a lot to do in Cologne besides shop. There are more than a few museums and one in particular caught my attention: A chocolate museum.

Now I do have a taste for chocolate and it shows on my waist, although it has diminished over the years. I still enjoy a cup of hot chocolate at the Square on foggy nights when Mistress Minx is out of town so I thought it might be an interesting place to visit.

The two girls didn't have any objection other than the expected ones about the potential damage to their figures, so off we went.

The chocolate museum actually wasn't that far from the hotel, near the cathedral on the banks of the Rhine. It was even shaped to a certain degree like a boat, which I thought, was great.

The museum was designed to show the entire history of chocolate as well as how it was manufactured. And by history I mean right back to the bean itself, as they had a small walk through reproduction of a cocoa grove heated to the correct temperature and humidity which caused us all to start sweating from the sudden change in climate.

The museum tour even took us through a manufacturing area when we could see vats of chocolate being prepared for use.

"I don't see Wonka down there," Saphra said as we gazed down upon the factory floor.

"He's probably off to Oompla Loompla land for some more help," I replied.

"I wonder if anybody has ever fallen into one of those vats," Miriam posed as we continued the tour.

"I don't know, but if I did I know what I'd do," I replied.

"What? Dive to the bottom and never come up?"

"Cute. No, I'd yell fire."

The two girls both stopped still and looked at me oddly.

"You'd yell fire?" Saphra asked.

"Why would you yell fire if you fell into the chocolate?" Miriam pressed.

"Because if I yelled chocolate, no one would come and help," I explained with a straight face.

"Michael, you will remain silent until I give you permission to speak again," Miriam groaned.

I just bowed to her will and kept my mouth shut.

She didn't give me permission to speak again until after we left the museum and were on our way back to the hotel to check out.

"Do you think you can mind your manners now?" she asked. "Speak up."

"Yes Mistress," I replied." I just couldn't resist the joke."

"Try harder next time please."

"Aren't you being a bit hard on him today?" Saphra suggested.

"Yes I am. Keeps him on his toes, as he gets sloppy about his place at times. It's a tight balance between his ability to get a job done and his ability to obey when necessary. Right now he has a lot of latitude because of the circumstances, not that I'm ever that heavy handed anyway. It's just a way to keep him focused," Miriam explained. "His wife wouldn't be very happy if he wasn't in peak condition when she returns."

"You sound as sure as he does about her return. The test results weren't final you know."

"When you meet her, you'll know why we're both sure.

We checked out of the hotel and walked back to the railway station and caught the train back for Kaiserslautern and settled into a compartment after stacking all of their purchases neatly in the overhead luggage rack.

This time I kept my hands off Saphra's feet so she stayed awake for the entire trip this time which made her a bit happier than the last time.

I spent my time thinking about the cultural shock that Mistress Miriam and I had been presenting to Saphra.

When you live a particular type of life it become normal, but without knowing what Saphra's background was, we may well have been treading on a few of her beliefs. At some point it was going to be necessary to give her a briefing on our world and welcome to it.

Still and all she was dealing with it pretty well.

The manager at the Hotel Zepp presented us with two messages when we returned, one from Dr. Ruth to call her and one from Dr. Timbrinkle asking Saphra for a date.

"He's getting serious isn't he," Miriam teased.

"He seems like a nice enough guy, but I've got a boyfriend at home," Saphra explained.

"I think he's just talking about dinner, not something more physical," I suggested.

"I'd rather not is all," she said and walked towards the stairs.

"That would seem to be that," Miriam said watching her walk away.

"Apparently. I'd better call Dr. Ruth and see what she wants," I said and walked to one of the public phones in the lobby as Miriam followed Saphra.

She answered on the second ring and after being assured that communications were secure she gave me a briefing.

"I passed the information and your request to Susan. She was somewhat reluctant to contact Lydia's sister but resigned herself to the necessity of doing so. We located her in Chicago."

"Who told her?" I asked.

"Susan selected someone from the local office of Transglobal Insurance who's cleared for Ay'esha to inform her of a possible insurance payment to her. She's on her way to Kaiserslautern now and should arrive there any time now actually. I've been trying to get in contact with you for two days."

"We were in Cologne at the suggestion of Wendolyn Dawes. Since we weren't needed at the lab, it seemed like a good idea," I apologized.

"No apology is necessary Michael. I take it Saphra is still ignorant of Ay'esha per your orders."

"She knows that Miriam and I have a D/s relationship as well as Mistress Minx and I, but so far as the rest is concerned, no. Although I suspect she has some suspicions that not everything is as it seems. I also found it interesting that Wendolyn Dawes was as helpful in creating a cover story as she was."

"That is interesting Michael. What was her explanation?"

"That the Mistress was investigating an antiquities smuggling group in Lebanon that was using the bank to launder the money and was possibly caught in the crossfire between two militia groups."

"Very interesting," Dr. Ruth muttered. "In any case Michael, you will have another security issue on your hands soon enough. And do keep me informed as to your movements in future."

"Yes Ma'am."

She hung up and I opened the door of the phone booth and stepped into the path of a young woman who looked like...Lydia?

"Excuse me," I stuttered.

"No harm done," she said politely stepping around me and walking to the desk to speak to the manager.

That was not Lydia, although there was a very strong resemblance.

I started for the stairs and was called back by the manager.

"This young lady is looking for you Mr. Forbin," he said with a click of his heels.

"Yes?" I said looking into her eyes.

"My name is Camille. I understand that my sister was a friend of your wife," she said by way of introduction.

"I wasn't sure at first, but you do bear a strong resemblance to one of her friends," I stalled.

"There is some physical resemblance between my sister and I," she admitted." But that's about the only thing we ever had in common. Can you tell me anything at all? The insurance person just said there was some chance she was dead."

"It's a long story," I said. "Perhaps we should sit down in the lounge."

I used Wendolyn's story for the explanation but that didn't satisfy her as well as it had Saphra and I was left hanging for answers to some of her questions.

"I don't understand why your wife called my sister to go with her," she pressed.

"I don't know either. All I know is she told me she was going to Paris and then Lebanon on business for the Bank. I didn't even know your sister had gone along until my mother in law mentioned it," I lied.

We were joined at that point by Saphra coming into the room looking for me.

"Miriam wondered what happened to you but I can see it wasn't necessary," she commented.

"Actually your timing couldn't have been better," I said standing up. "Saphra, this is Camille, Lydia's sister. Saphra is our DNA expert."

The two women shook hands and then Camille turned her attention back to me.

"Lydia? My sisters name was Lisa," she corrected.

"Did I say Lydia? I'm sorry, I was a bit distracted,' I stuttered.

I never did think to ask anybody if Lydia was a cover name like Minx. Damn.

"If I can get a blood sample from you, I can start the work for the PCR test," Saphra said suddenly all business.

"Well let me get checked in and we can do that. I'll be right back," Camille said and walked out of the room.

"Michael, I don't know what kind of game you and Miriam are playing, but I don't like you lying," Saphra said tightly.

"Lying about what?" I asked mystified.

"Lydia or Lisa or whatever her name is. You never knew what her name was," she accused.

"I always knew her as Lydia, I never thought she was named anything else. It never occurred to me her name was anything other than Lydia."

"And why didn't you tell that to Camille?"

"Didn't want to admit I didn't know her name," I said sheepishly.

Before I could say anything else Camille returned.

"All set. Let's get this started," she said.

"Michael, I think we'll drive out to the hospital and take care of this matter. Tell Miriam I'll be back later," Saphra directed.

"I think I should go with you," I suggested.

"We'll be just fine on our own," she said with less rancor than a moment before. "I can check the test results and brief you when I get back."

"Is than an order?"


"Camille, I hope you'll join us later for dinner," I said turning to her and kissing her hand.

"Thank you, I would be delighted."

Saphra rolled her eyes and the two of them left.

Now I had to go upstairs and tell Miriam I let the two of them go off alone having no practical way to stop them without violating security.

Miriam didn't seem too concerned about it when I reported in and briefed her on the arrival of Lydia's sister, and in fact seemed pleased about it.

"It's going to be just fine Michael. Saphra wants to run the tests and I don't see an issue with Camille being present. You worry too much sometimes," she comforted.

"It's going to be my ass if there is any kind of security issue Mistress, not yours, so I'm a little paranoid."

"Trust me," she soothed.

"That's also a synonym for fuck you," I reminded her.

She was right of course, nothing untoward happened and the two women returned an hour later, with Camille sporting a Band-Aid over the puncture from the blood draw in her arm.

"Why don't we go to dinner together?" she suggested after she was introduced to Miriam." Saphra has been telling me all sorts of marvelous things about you two."

"Lies damned lies all of them," I said with a sidelong glance at Miriam.

"In fact he's lying right now. Everything he says is a lie," Miriam added archly.

"I always tell the truth," I objected.

"You just leave out the qualifiers."

"This is also true."

Camille laughed.

"Yes, you two do have an interesting relationship."

"Oh if you think she and I do, you should meet my wife. Miriam gets it from her."

Miriam inclined her head.

"I learned from the best."

Over dinner Miriam took point at probing Camille for information about her sister while I sat and listened carefully. My silence seemed to amuse Saphra after a time as she commented on it.

"You're being very quiet Michael. Following orders?" she teased.

"Not at all. It's interesting to hear another viewpoint of someone that I can't say I'm the best of friends with," I answered turning my attention towards Camille, "In fact Camille, your sister can't stand me."

She put her wineglass down and looked uncomfortable.

"My sister got very drunk one night and talked about someone named Michael that she was going to kill someday. She seemed to blame him for breaking up a friendship or something," she said hesitantly.

I looked towards Miriam for some guidance and was met with a raised eyebrow as if to say "Well Spock?"

"I'm the Michael she was swearing about," I confirmed. "When my wife and I got together, your sister didn't approve of me. You commented on Miriam and I's interesting relationship earlier. How much has Saphra said to you?"

"She said you had a Mistress and slave relationship," she said and flushed suddenly." I hope I'm not embarrassing either you."

"Not at all," Miriam assured her. "We do indeed. To be precise we have a D/s or Dominance and submission relationship. He chooses to submit to me. He is owned, if you will, by his wife and submits to her out of love. He submits to me in her absence, out of respect."

"My sister has had relationships like that as well, although they don't seem to be as well adjusted as yours seems to be," Camille said picking her glass up again and signaling for the waiter.

"Your sister and I had one date together. It was interesting," I said thinking of the moments of freaking terror at Lydia's hands. "The last time we saw each other she gave me the cold shoulder."

Actually, she poured alcohol on my balls and packed them in ice but I wasn't going to say that publicly.

"And yet your wife wanted my sister to travel with her. Remarkable."

I had to admit that it didn't sound like it was all that probable when put that way.

"My wife never did give up trying to rebuild their friendship," I said. "It always upset me to have their relationship ruined just because of me."

The waiter refilled her wineglass and she gulped it down and indicated another refill.

"Let me tell you something," she said leaning towards me." My sister is a bitch and part of me hopes she is dead for all the shit she's pulled over the years and all the people she's hurt."

"I won't comment at this point, because you're jet lagged, drunk or both," I retorted.

"I suppose I am a little drunk," she said." I'm sorry if it bothers you."

"It does actually, quite a bit. More than it probably should. Ladies, would you please excuse me? I need to take a walk," I said standing up.

Miriam looked at me strangely and then nodded in agreement.

"I'll take care of everything here. You take your time coming back," she assured me.

I walked through the cold dark streets of Kaiserslautern trying to regain my composure but Camille's drunken words followed me like the spirit of Jacob Marley tormenting Scrooge.

They were the same kind of words my beloved Denise would use when she got drunk, the same sorts of curses.

In vino, Veritas was the old Latin saying "In Wine, Truth."

And no matter how many times Denise apologized for saying things when she was drunk, some things just stuck anyway no matter what she said later.

Denise's father had left her mother when she was just a child and had never bothered to visit her for many years. I tracked him down and persuaded him to attend the wedding and in fact he did give the bride away, but she was still bitter in ways that only came out when she was drunk.

One night she got so drunk she tried to hit me with steam iron thinking I was her father and I had to duck when she threw it at me.

She apologized the next morning and poured the vodka she'd been hiding from me down the drain with her promise that it would never happen again. And she tried to keep that promise and kept trying until the day she died.

And I loved her with all my heart.

But after she passed away I found that I could not deal rationally with anybody who was drunk, that their lack of control over themselves made me irrationally angry. I avoided parties or any other gathering where someone might become drunk.

With Mistress Minx and Mei Ling's assistance as well as some time with Grace Denoblis, I had finally regained my ability to deal with the issue in a reasonable manner.

Until that cold night in Germany.

I walked the streets for hours, the anger building inside me with each step as I tried to calm myself down and get a rational look at the problem.

"She's just jet lagged," I told myself again and again.

"Sure she is. She was chugging wine like it was ice water," the dark side tugged at me, drawing me towards the rage I fought for years to conquer.

"Are you angry at Camille or at Denise? Are you blaming yourself again for something you do not control?" I seemed to hear Grace's voice in my mind.

And the scales fell from my eyes. It wasn't any of my business how Camille lived her life. I could care about it, but I could not control it any more than I could have controlled Denise's.

Every time I thought I'd learned that lesson, I found that I hadn't and it still galled me. It was very apparent that my separation from Mistress Minx had really impacted my reasoning ability. I would have to guard against making any quick judgments for awhile.

My steps slowed and I stopped in the shadow of the Pfalz-Galerie to catch my breath as the first few flakes of snow started falling from the overcast skies speckling my jacket in white for a brief instant before they melted.

I turned my collar to the cold and damp and started back towards the hotel as the wind rose changing the increasing snow to sleet that stung my face like blowing sand at the beach. I was more than a little cold by the time I reached St-Martins-Platz and ducked into the cafe I had visited a few days before for some hot chocolate before continuing my journey.

I again sat and watched the game of musical cars despite the foul weather still amused by the process that would attract more than a little attention if it happened Stateside.

For those of you who came in late, I refer to the ritual for the local boons to all mankind who sat in parked idling cars with parking lights on and when approached for business, would shut the engine and lights off while the client was served.

Truly curb service carried to it's logical extreme.

When I got back to the hotel, I found Miriam waiting for me dressed in her robe and slippers, reading a book.

"Are you all right?" she asked closing her book.

"Other than feeling like a fool, I'm fine," I said throwing my coat across the couch.

She looked at me with sympathy.

"She feels like more of a fool than you do I'm sure. She doesn't think she made a good impression on you at all."

"She didn't, but I was still rude for getting upset about her being drunk."

"Mistress Minx told me a long time ago that you were very sensitive to people being drunk around you, but it's the first time I've ever seen your reaction to it. It really hurts you to see that," she said rising and putting her arms around me.

"It just reminds me of some bad things in my life that I'm still sensitive about," I said returning the hug. "I hope Saphra wasn't angry with me."

Miriam released me and shook her head.

"No actually, she was rather understanding of your reaction. She wanted to stay up and wait for you but I sent her to bed."

"I take to that you got Camille back in her room without any problems," I said starting to undress.

"Well, not exactly. She's in Saphra's room and before you ask why, Saphra insisted and I agreed. She really wasn't in any shape to be left alone."

"Talk about a viper at ones bosom," I said sitting down heavily. "Do I have the word schmuck tattooed on my forehead or something."

Miriam kissed me gently.

"No, but you do have loving kindness written all over you. You really wouldn't want to take a chance on her hurting herself would you?"

"She's already doing that, but no, I don't think we need to contribute to it," I grumbled.

"Come to bed Michael. I'm sure I can think of something to take your mind off Camille."

And the evening and morning were the fifth day and She saw that it was good.

And on the sixth day ...She created Man ... but she was only kidding.

And that led us to the day

I woke up early and slid carefully out of bed so as not to disturb Miriam and got dressed, then went downstairs for some coffee. I discovered on arriving in the cafe that I wasn't the first one up as Camille was sitting at a table nursing a glass of tomato juice.

"Morning," I greeted her neutrally.

She looked up at me and shook her head.

"It's not a good morning," she said weakly." I made a fool of myself last night."

I sat down at her table and signaled the waiter.

"I didn't say good morning, I just said morning. And yeah, you did make yourself look pretty foolish. But if Saphra and Miriam think you're worth salvaging, who am I to argue?' I said dismissively.

"Thanks, " she said taking a long pull from the glass.

"You're welcome," I replied. "Perhaps we'd better try and start over again. The lab tests should be back this morning on your blood draw as well as the DNA tests we started last week."

"I hope you get the results you're looking for."

"So do I. Of course then it opens the larger question of where my wife and your sister could be. That's being worked on as well," I explained as the waiter came and took my order.

"And if it is your wife and my sister?"

"Then I report back to my mother in law and go home. But it's not her. I'm more interested in if the other body is your sisters."

"Why? I mean I have a personal interest and apparently a fiscal one, but what do you have to gain."

"Nothing actually. I would be happier to find your sister was alive frankly. Her business associates are not as easy to deal with without her presence."

"Her business associates?"

"When I was dealing with her, she was part of an import/export business. My wife is in the investment banking business so there was some interaction."

The waiter arrived and served my breakfast and she ordered coffee.

"There is more to it than that isn't there," she said fixing me with one bleary eye.

I decided to play it in the best traditions of all the bad spy movies you've ever seen. And I've probably seen even more than most. Don't look so surprised, it was part of my training. Think about Three Days of the Condor and you'll understand.

"OK, I'll put my cards on the table. The story about the Bank is just a cover. My wife and your sister were involved in a rather delicate matter involving Middle East security issues and possible stolen nuclear materials. That's all I can say. I've already told you more than I've told Saphra," I said in a low voice.

"How much does Miriam know?" she asked in the same low tone.

"She's got a higher clearance than I do, so she may even know more. I just know my part. The whole matter is highly classified"

"And how do you know I won't go to the news media with the story?"

I smiled at her.

"Go ahead. No one will believe you. Nobody ever does."

"Sounds very cloak and dagger."

"More Spy versus Spy really. So in any case, that's where we stand."

She leaned back in her chair before speaking.

"I know my sister was involved with some pretty odd characters, but being a spy was the last thing on my list. Of course she does have her Terminator aspects."

"Your sister and I haven't always been on the same side either. Think of it as interagency rivalry. In this case it worked out for both agencies to cooperate."

"So why are you telling me all this if you know what kind of person my sister can be?"

"Because you aren't your sister. Look, you might have gotten a bit out of hand last night, and I'm sorry I reacted the way I did, but you just don't have that aura your sister has. I feel I can trust you."

And I did. Drunk off her ass or not, she just didn't have the same edge that her sister did.

"I won't let you down," she said and sipped her coffee and winced.

"That's awful," she complained.

"You're probably not awake enough to deal with it," I said sipping mine and just as quickly spitting it back into the cup. "I stand corrected. I think they boiled a water rat for this pot."

"Any ideas?" she asked pushing her cup aside.

"You like chocolate?" I asked finishing my breakfast.

"Yes, why?"

"I'll show you."

Miriam and Saphra were both having breakfast in the room when we returned from our foray to the cafe with the excellent hot chocolate both in good moods after the walk in the early morning air.

"I see you two decided to kiss and make up," Miriam commented.

"In a sense. Let's just say we had a frank discussion and cleared the air," I replied.

"I see. Speaking of clearing the air, Dr. Timbrinkle called a few minutes ago with a message from Dr. Burnside. He'd like to see us as soon as possible."

"Probably to tell us good bye and good riddance," I suggested.

"Mayhaps. In any case, we'll go as soon as we finish breakfast. Camille, did you want to go back to your room and freshen up a bit before we go?" Miriam suggested.

Camille looked at her for a moment and then agreed.

"Yes, I should change at least. Shouldn't be more than fifteen minutes to shower and change. Be right back," she said and left.

"Saphra, would you excuse us for just a moment?" Miriam asked looking at me sternly.

"Sure. I need to get washed up too," Saphra replied and retreated from the line of fire.

When we were alone Miriam gestured for me to kneel before her and then asked me what I was doing with Camille.

"I went downstairs for breakfast and she was there. We talked and she asked a few questions that I answered more or less honestly," I explained.

"More or less honestly. What did you tell her Michael?"

"That my wife and her sister were involved in a rather delicate matter involving Middle East security issues as agents of the U.S. Government. In short terms, we're intelligence operatives, but shhh. Saphra doesn't know that."

She looked at the ceiling for a moment and then back down.

"You couldn't have come up with a better story, Doctor Forbin?" she asked acidly.

"Simple is better. She already had her doubts about the Bank story, so I figured on admitting to one lie and telling her a better one," I countered.

"I should have brought my hip waders on this trip. At least I know how to play it from here on out, but you will pay for this at some point."

"I expect my karma is going to suffer a few dings."

"So is your ass when the first occasion arises."

"I always pay my dues, Jack."


"Old joke. I'll explain it later."

When we arrived at the hospital the four of us were escorted directly to Dr. Burnside's office by the MP who wasn't as friendly as on our previous trips which gave me the impression that there was a serious issue here.

Dr. Burnside wasn't in his office but a stocky, man with a deep tan and a receding hairline in ill fitting civilian clothes was. He looked at us coldly.

"Mr. Forbin, Ms. Webster, Ms. Markiewicz and friend," he said picking up a folder from the desk. "This meeting has not taken place and you have never met me."

"How IMF'ish," I said annoyed.

"The Secretary will truly disavow any knowledge of this meeting," he said and I saw a glint of humor in his eye. "Officially that is. Unofficially, I would like to know your connection with the two people you are running DNA tests on. Specifically how you knew they were here."

"Before I answer that, you'll need to excuse Ms. Markiewicz and her friend from the room," Miriam said taking point.

The man nodded to the MP who escorted the two ladies from the room.

As soon as the door closed the stiff and cold attitude dropped away from our inquisitor.

"God, I hate having to do that bullshit," he said holding out a hand. "RJ Preston more or less at your service."

I took the hand and shook it.

"We have a mutual friend or two. Thanks for keeping your promise," I said.

Miriam shook hands with him and then we both sat down again.

"I've read the report," he said handing it to me." The remains aren't your wife or her friend. That's confirmed. I can also tell you off the record that some of the people who were supposed to be in the camp we raided weren't there either. So much for operational intel."

"So what's your interest?" Miriam asked.

He stood up and started pacing the room.

"I can't get the story I was told out of my mind. It's too absurd to be true, but then again, here you are."

"Story? I'm afraid we don't know what you mean," I said innocently.

He stopped and grinned at me.

"We can play it that way if you like. In any case we're still interested in the terrorists that crossed paths with our mutual friends. If you can provide any information about them, why I'd be interested."

"How interested?" I asked with a glance towards Miriam.

"Interested enough to provide assistance in their recovery," he offered.

"Where can we find you?" Miriam asked.

"I'll be in Kuwait for the next few weeks. Camp Doha," he said pulling out a card and scribbling a number on it. "If you come up with anything, give me a call."

Miriam took it and slipped it into her purse.

"We'll be in touch if we find anything out."

RJ stood up and escorted us to the door.

"I'll be waiting for your call."

The MP escorted us out to the parking lot where I handed the report folder to Saphra.

"What was that all about?' Saphra asked.

"Seems that there were some questions about our using the facilities that they wanted answered," " I explained and quickly changed the subject "What does the report say?"

She skimmed it quickly and then closed it.

"What?" Camille asked.

"Whoever those bodies are, they're not ours," she said calmly and then whooped in delight. "You were right Michael!"

"So where are they?' Camille asked.

"I don't know. But I'm sure as hell going to find out," I replied.

When we got back to the hotel I called Wendolyn with the good news.

"Excellent work Michael," she said happily.

"Not mine, Saphra's," I reminded.

"The young lady will be duly rewarded, never fear."

"There is still the problem of locating them. I mean, where do we start?"

"Start at the beginning Michael and go from there. I expect you'll be returning to London soon?" she asked.

"As soon as we can."

" I want you back here as soon as possible."

"We'll be back by morning if not sooner," I assured her and hung up.

"Miriam, can you call for the plane please? Wendolyn would like us back in London as soon as possible," I asked turning to her.

"Take Saphra and Camille for a walk Michael," she ordered. "This will take some time."

"Take us for a walk. You make it sound like we're dogs or something," Saphra objected.

Miriam gave her an evil look.

"Now that's an idea. I think you'd look good in a collar and leash and nothing else," she replied.

Saphra started to reply, thought better of it and started towards the door with a smirking Camille in tow.

"We shall return," I said following the pack.

By the time we did Miriam was waiting in the lobby for us, the luggage stacked neatly at the door.

"I've checked us out and made arrangements for a flight home for Camille from London," she said crisply." Our transportation will be here in about three hours."

"Wait a minute," Camille objected. "That's it? Good bye?"

"You'll be contacted if we need you, but from this point on, you're out of the loop. I think you understand," Miriam said flatly.

"Maybe she does, but I don't", Saphra said with annoyance in her tone.

"I'll explain later," I offered.

"Now would be better," she countered.

"This is a little public," Miriam interjected.

"Look you two, I've done everything you asked for and kept my questions to myself. I want to know what's really going on," she demanded.

"Wendolyn told you what's going on in London," I replied.

"Enough strange things have happened since then, where I'm not buying it any more. I think there's more to it than just smuggling."

Truth will out.

"Mistress, I think we're going to have to be a little more informative," I said with a look at Miriam.

"You're probably right Michael. How far do you want to go with it?" she agreed.

"What was really being smuggled."

Miriam looked grim.

"I'll have to justify it with the others later."

"At some point we'll have to give a full account to Papa Bear too. Might as well start now," I commented.

"Papa Bear?" Miriam said with a quizzical look and then realized I meant Wallace. "All right, go ahead."

"Saphra, it does involve smuggling as Wendolyn said. But it wasn't antiques being smuggled. It was the basic components of a small nuclear weapon. Minx and Camille's sister were trying to trace the materials," I said looking her in the eye.

Saphra raised one eyebrow with a Spockian look.

"And you expect me to accept that without question." she said flatly.

"Not without question, no. It is pretty hard to believe if you haven't been involved at the beginning, but that's what's going on," I said with an embarrassed shrug.

"And they were doing this for the Bank. I don't think so."

"No, you're right, it wasn't for the Bank."

She waited for a minute and then prompted "Well?"

"I can't tell you anything else."

She shook her head in annoyance.

"I will get a straight story out of you eventually, but I'll accept this one for now."

Now why is it when I tell the truth, no one believes me?

I wasn't surprised when Mistress Jazmyne arrived to take us to the airport. I was a bit more surprised to find she didn't have her new slave with her.

"Did Timothy get lost somewhere?" I asked as all four of us we drove towards the airport.

"Oh, him." she said in annoyance." He's back in training again in California. He's always trying to be better for me, even though I've told him he's just fine. This time he's working at a health spa."

I smirked. I wondered what Mrs. Queen's opinion of him was assuming he was in the same place I trained. Someday I'd have to go back there for a visit, assuming I could get Mistress Minx to tell me where the damned place was.

Camille was suitable impressed by the fact we had a private jet waiting for us and even more impressed by the fact Jazmyne was the pilot.

"I learned to fly a long time ago. Now I'm a pilot for hire," Jazmyne said as she warmed up the engines for departure. "You can sit in the co pilot's seat for the trip if you like, but don't touch anything."

"Thank you, I'd like that," Camille said pleased with the offer.

"And you never let me sit up front," I pouted.

"That is because I can't count on you to keep your hands off the controls," Mistress Jazmyne retorted." You may have Space Shuttle simulator hours, but this is not a spacecraft. Besides I think you and Mistress Miriam have some unfinished business in the aft cabin."

"Yes we do," Miriam said suddenly. "Leave the pilot alone and sit down. When we're airborne, we can move to the aft cabin."

I did as I was told and settled into my seat and strapped in as Mistress Jazmyne taxied the plane onto the runway. We were thrust back into our seats as Jazmyne slammed the engine throttles to full power. We rolled down the runway and were airborne almost instantly as I heard the thud of the retracting landing gear.

"Yee hah!" Saphra said holding onto to her seat tightly as the plane pulled up sharply.

"I think she's in a hurry," Miriam said.

"I think she's showing off," I countered seeing the ground falling away below us.

Jazmyne's voice came over the intercom. "My orders were to get you to London as fast as possible."

"Intact would be good," I called forward.

"Come on Michael, you know I know how to crash better than anybody," was the retort which caused Saphra to stiffen and Miriam to grimace.

I should point out to those who came in late, that Mistress Minx and Jazmyne and I spent the night on an Alaskan glacier caused by a forced landing in Jazmyne's bush plane so she was only telling the truth.

It took a little while before Mistress Miriam relaxed enough to unfasten her seat belt, but when she did, she headed towards the aft cabin and motioned me to follow.

I unstrapped and followed and finally learned what was behind the green door.

The aft cabin of the aircraft contained a bed, sheeted in black satin with bondage cuffs attached to strategic points. A small cabinet mounted on the forward bulkhead held a small selection of toys.

"I promised you some play time Michael. I thought you might like to join the mile high club," Mistress Miriam suggested. "Strip and get on your knees slave."

I did as I was ordered and knelt before her as she sat upon the bed and then lay over her lap when ordered.

She didn't hesitate to start spanking me as hard as she could, reminding me that I had disobeyed a number of specific instructions as well as a reminder that my talent for telling tall tales was getting out of hand.

When she stopped I laid over her lap my ass glowing, feeling the warmth as she held me against herself and stroked my hair.

"You can be a very good slave Michael. I'm going to keep reminding you of that until this is all over," she murmured.

"Yes Mistress."

"Now onto the bed on your back. I want to try out some new clamps I saw in the toy cabinet," she said releasing me.

This was going to be a long flight.

The clamps on my nipples were adjusted tightly and then she started applying clothespins to my balls, which isn't always a lot of fun. At least not fun for me. I could hear her excitement at my condition in her breathing.

She removed her clothes and straddled my face, her ass inches above it, and then started slapping my cock gently and pulling on the nipple clamps on occasion. I could smell her arousal and it made me start to get an erection, which I started to control automatically.

"That's right, fight it. You're trying to obey Mistress Minx's orders, but I want you hard. I want you ready for me," Mistress Miriam crooned.

She lowered her ass onto my face and I inhaled her scent and despite my efforts became fully aroused as she laughed softly in delight.

"Lick my ass hole slave, tongue it out and perhaps I'll let you lick my other parts as well," she teased.

I ran my tongue around the soft flesh and then slid my tongue into her tight hole, flicking it in and out as she moaned and squeezed my erection.

I groaned from the pleasure and the pain and then she slid backward placing her female wetness over my face.

"Suck it now," she demanded and I obeyed willingly and happily, content to tongue her until commanded to stop.

After an unknown amount of time she shuddered, covering me with her juices which I lapped up, not wanting to displease her or myself for that matter.

"Very good, slave," she purred. "Now perhaps you'd like some attention yourself?"

I muttered something like agreement, still smothered under her body and was rewarded by her starting to stroke my cock. As she stroked it, she started plucking the clothespins off my balls with her free hand causing me to buck in pain mixed with the pleasure from her attentions.

When the last pin was removed I was startled by her hot mouth on my cock and almost came from that alone, but fought it. When I promise I won't cum in your mouth I mean it. I've got the marks to prove it.

That didn't seem to please her and she started playing with my cock as she sucked and the slid a finger into my ass.

That did it.

I moaned into her and came in her mouth.

She rolled off me, yanked the nipple clamps off causing me to open my mouth in pain and then she promptly spit my cum back into my mouth and forced it down with her tongue.

When she pulled away she laughed at my expression of disgust.

"Next time, you'll try harder to control it," she said in amusement. "I don't mind the taste, but I do prefer to be asked before you do it."

"Yes Mistress," I said trying to concentrate on the tastes of her juices rather than mine.

It was about that time there was a jolt and we banked sharply port.

"Please take your seats everyone. We're running into a little bad weather and there may be some turbulence. I'm going to try and circle around it."

I didn't wait to get fully dressed and neither did Mistress Miriam, we both got back in our seats in the main cabin in little more than our underwear. Or at least I did. Mistress Miriam was clad in nothing but what the Goddess gave her to the amusement and it almost seemed to me from the looks she was giving the two of us, the interest of Saphra.

This would bear or should I say bare watching.

Mistress Jazmyne did an excellent job of storm dodging and we landed at London City Airport just as the leading edge of the storm started dropping a cold fine rain over the City.

When we rolled to a stop outside of the hanger Mistress Miriam went back into the aft cabin to get her clothes and get dressed as Camille came out of the flight deck with Jazmyne behind her.

"That was fantastic," she gushed. "I wish we could do that again."

"I'd rather not," I objected. "Not that I mind a little bad weather, but I was beginning to get a bit aware of the motion of the ocean, so to speak."

"It's not easy being green," Saphra said and then turned away quickly to hide her face.

"Bad joke, bad joke," I chanted.

"What was that about?" Mistress Miriam asked tucking in her blouse as she came back into the main cabin.

"Nothing I'd like to have repeated," I said.

Mistress Majima was waiting with the car as before and after being introduced to Camille, drove us all to the main terminal for Camille's connecting flight back to Chicago.

After promising her we'd update her as soon as we could, we saw her board the plane for home, but before she left she whispered something in Jazmyne's ear that made her blush and then the two of them embraced.

"Must have been a very interesting flight," I said to Jazmyne as the plane taxied away from the gate.

"It was. She's a very interesting woman and very interesting in flying," Jazmyne replied.

"Flying or the pilot?" I teased.

"Both. I'm going to see her in Chicago as soon as I get back to the States. The cockpit is not very aptly named you know."


As soon as the plane disappeared in the darkening skies, Mistress Majima turned to Saphra and asked her to give us a few moments alone.

I wasn't surprised to hear her say no but Mistress Majima was.

"Saphra, the Headmistress would like to speak to Michael and Miriam first, before speaking with you," Mistress Majima tried again.

"No," was the calm reply." I have some questions and I'd like to discuss them with her directly."

"Majima, I think you'd better just humor the young lady in this case," Mistress Miriam warned." She's more involved than we'd planned."

Mistress Majima glowered at us all and then without a word stalked off towards a public telephone box and closed the door behind her.

I watched as she spoke heatedly into the phone and when she came out she was no happier than when she went in.

"The Headmistress will meet you at your bed and breakfast in two hours. She's ordered me to drive you there and wait," she announced sourly.

"Thank you," Saphra said without flinching from Mistress Majima's anger.

Mrs. Chilton was happy to see us again and assigned us to the rooms we'd had before.

"Was it your wife Mr. Forbin?" she asked concerned." I recall you were going to be running some tests."

"No it wasn't, praise the Goddess. Now we have to figure out where she is," I replied.

"That sounds very difficult," she said. "Where are you going to start looking?"

I smiled.

"As a friend once said, start at the beginning and work until you reach the end. Then stop. Somewhere in the Middle East I expect."

"I was getting ready to settle down for the night, but if I can get you some tea or anything I'd be happy to," she offered.

"That's very kind of you, but if you don't mind my doing it myself I can take care of it," I suggested.

She looked at me for a moment and nodded.

"Clean up your messes is all I ask. Good night then."

I went into the kitchen to prepare the tea, acutely aware of Mistress Majima's anger and Saphra's determination.

I served the three women tea and then removed myself to the kitchen, well out of the blast radius. I was sure that innocent or not, I would take at least a few rounds.

When Dr. Ruth arrived she directed Majima to wait outside and then closed the sliding doors isolating the dining room from the main area.

"Saphra, I understand you have questions for me, " she said in a calm tone. "Please ask them."

Saphra looked at the two of us and then spoke out.

"Headmistress, I was asked to help under false pretenses. I've heard three stories now, none of which I believe fully. I want the truth."

Dr. Ruth looked at her and then at me and sighed.

"My dear, if I told you the truth at this point, you wouldn't accept it as truth in any case having heard so many lies. Would it make you feel better if I told you there were real reasons for being less than honest with you?"

Saphra hesitated before answering.

"All I want to know is if what I'm doing is against the law. How did the government get involved in things?"

"What have you been told so far?" Dr. Ruth asked.

"Wendolyn Dawes told me that her daughter may have disappeared as a result of a smuggling gang in Lebanon. Michael and Miriam have told me that she was involved in tracking stolen nuclear materials and then of course you asking me to help without telling me much of anything," Saphra expounded.

"And did you tell her that Michael?" Dr Ruth said primly.

"Yes Ma'am I did." I agreed weakly. "I told her that a nuclear weapon was being smuggled and that Wendolyn's Bank has nothing to do with it."

"Very well," she said turning back towards Saphra. "I selected you because you have some special gifts that are useful to the Institute. The founders of the Institute do have connections with the government but at very discreet levels. I must ask you to trust me when I tell you that everything you are doing is in a good cause."

"I still don't understand," Saphra queried.

"The founders prefer to function discreetly and I am obligated to carry out their wishes. Have you ever known me to fail to have the best interests of my students as my highest priority? Please have a little more patience and all of your questions will be answered. As to why Wendolyn Dawes told you what she did, I have no idea. I do know she is intent on finding her daughter, as intent as Michael is if not more so. Perhaps she felt it was a plausible story, but it is her story and not the truth."

Saphra just sat silently for a few minutes and then spoke again.

"I'll wait. I'm not very patient, but I'll wait. Do I have to return to the Institute right now?" she asked.

Dr. Ruth smiled softly.


"If they're really going to keep looking for Michael's wife, I may be able to help in some way."

Dr. Ruth looked at Mistress Miriam with a twinkle in her eye and then back at Saphra

"You may continue to assist Miriam and Michael as long as you see fit." She turned towards Mistress Miriam. "It seems that you will have some assistance in the quest."

"Thank you Doctor," I said and knelt to kiss her feet.

"Not in front of a student Michael. You know better than that," she rebuked.

"Habit," I replied.

"Indeed. Saphra, please do what you can to help the two of them. But try not to ask too many questions just now. Trust in them and in me."

And with that she slid the doors open, gestured to Mistress Majima who was waiting outside to follow, and left.

I remembered suddenly that I still hadn't called Wendolyn to tell her we were back in town.

"I forgot to call Wendolyn," I said to Miriam. "I'll give her a quick call and tell her we're back."

She picked up the phone herself on the first ring.

"I'm sorry I didn't call earlier. We've had some issues to clean up," I apologized.

"Where are you now?" she asked briskly.

"My bed and breakfast on Parklands," I answered.

"I'll meet you at the Bank in one hour. I have some disturbing information and I don't want to discuss it on the phone. Bring Miriam as well."

"Yes Ma'am. There will be one more attending the meeting. Saphra is in for a penny, in for a pound as Minkin might say."

"One hour," she said and hung up.

It took some time to flag down a cab but we arrived at the Bank on time and identified ourselves to the night guard.

He escorted us to a conference room where Wendolyn sat waiting with a pile of file folders in front of her.

"Be seated," she said indicating chairs for us.

We sat and she slid each of us a folder.

"This information was developed through some of our contacts in the Mideast banking industry as well as some old friends in the FO," she said. "It seems that two people, one of them fitting my daughters description were seen in Iraq in the last three weeks."

"FO?" Miriam asked.

"Foreign Office, like the State Department," I explained.

"Just so," Wendolyn confirmed. " Just before Christmas a group of people from an organization known as Christians in Action crossed the border from Lebanon via Israel into Jordan after exchanging a large sum of US Dollars for gold. My contacts there tell me that they crossed into Iraq using an old smuggling route and haven't returned since. As there is no legal contact between Iraq and the US or Great Britain citizens due to the embargo after the Gulf War it was obvious that a bribe was paid. A little follow up work tracked the payment to a Christian Militia group in Lebanon with contacts in the Mukhabarat."

"Who are they?" I asked.

"Iraqi Intelligence, or at least a department of Iraqi Intelligence. The full information is in the file I gave you," she explained.

"So the theory is that Minkin and Lydia were kidnapped and taken to Iraq," I asked.

"More than theory. Fact," Wendolyn said heavily. "Someone turned in her passport in to the police in a town called Mahattat Al Jufar near the Jordanian/Iraqi border."

Miriam looked at me questioningly and I shook my head no just slightly. I wanted to hear everything that Wendolyn and her contacts had gathered before saying anything.

"So that's it. They're in Iraq," Saphra said. "We just have to get them out."

"Not quite, " I explained." Since there are no diplomatic relations between us and them, we can't even legally talk to them. And who would we talk to? We can't exactly accuse the Iraqi government of kidnapping. They didn't kidnap anybody, they just let the kidnappers in."

"Quite right," Wendolyn interjected. "I did some research on the Christians in Action organization. They're a rather vocal group, but they've never engaged in any illegal activities that I could find out about."

I had to grit my teeth at that statement as Wendolyn continued.

"So it would seem a small group inside the larger one has less Christian ethics."

"So we need to find and contact those people inside Iraq. How do we do that?" Miriam asked.

"When I started making inquiries in Jordan I was contacted by a person who identified himself as an expediter for Iraqi goods. They offered their assistance in exchange for mine."

"And what do they want?" I asked.

"That's in the file before you and you can review it at your leisure. The Iraqi government ordered some equipment just before the war and it was seized before it could be shipped. They would like, as they put it, their property returned in exchange for assistance in locating Minkin."

"And do you trust them?"

"One of your Presidents said about the Russians "Trust, but verify". I believe in the same principal. I've insisted on knowing the location of the group in question and was told that they are resting comfortably in Maqar-el-Tharthar at one of the Presidential Palaces. They seemed quite confident that they held the upper hand in all of this."

"You sound amused," I commented.

"I am. They seem rather confident that I won't raise a hue and cry over this matter. They are of course sadly mistaken."

"What are you going to do?" Saphra asked.

"What I would like to do is go to the Times and make the whole affair public, but I will have to settle for taking steps after Minkin is safely home. I've already started the wheels turning to have the items they want released from customs hold."

Now was the time.

"Then I'm going in myself to get her and bring her home," I announced.

"I expected as much. I've instructed their agent that you will be handling the matter personally. I'm not sure how you intend to get into Iraq, but I have no doubt you will find a way."

"In, I think I can manage. It's out that worries me," I admitted.

"I believe I can help on that point. I mentioned to you on the telephone of an old friend, a Saudi prince. He is very influential in that part of the world and I'm quite sure he would provide you a letter of safe passage."

Miriam cleared her throat.

"What about RJ?" she suggested.

"Who is RJ?" Saphra asked.

"Saphra, when we were in Dr. Burnside's office, the guy in the civilian suit offered to help us unofficially if we could develop any information. His name is RJ Preston and he told us to contact him in Kuwait. I think if we give him this information he can help," I said looking at her.

"Then it's settled. I will make arrangements for you to meet with the Prince and you can make your other arrangements with Mr. Preston," Wendolyn announced." Saphra, I'm grateful to you for everything you'd done so far. And you won't have to worry about paying for your schooling. I'm going to arrange for a full scholarship for you."

Saphra looked surprised and then shook her head in denial.

"Oh I have more than enough school money. Being a genius has some advantages, but I may need a loan someday Mrs. Dawes."

"Wendolyn dear. You're family now. Especially since this very conversation is technically against the law," she corrected.

"How so?" Miriam asked.

"The United States and Great Britain have suspended trading with Iraq over the Gulf War. If we talk to the Iraqi government in any way or arrange to travel to or ship equipment to Iraq, we're breaking the law," I explained.

"So the choice is do nothing or make a deal and save your wife's life," Saphra said brightly.

"Yes. So if you want out, now is the time, " I warned.

She didn't hesitate.

"Screw them. I'm in."

"Miriam?" I asked.

"She's your wife and my Mistress," she replied and then looked at Wendolyn." Yes I serve your daughter in more exotic ways Ma'am"

Wendolyn smiled at that.

"Girls will be girls. And I already know how Michael serves my daughter, so I'm not shocked at all. Mind you, I'd never let Wallace hear about it, heavens no," she said lightly. "So we are in agreement. Proceed with the mission."

"I'm go, but before I can do anything I need to fly home and talk to a few people," I said thinking of the Mother of Many.

"Do what you need to. I'll get everything set up on my end for your return."

I looked at the three women and thought about the luck the Goddess had blessed me. In a sense I had my own set of Charlie's Angels. That thought brought a smile to my face that Saphra questioned.

"What are you thinking about Michael," she asked warily.

"Just thinking about changing my name to Charlie." I said.

"We're no angels," Miriam snickered. "And your halo is only propped up by your horns."

Well, I always was a horny little devil.

Chapter 29 Sections 1 to 10

Prologue to Eve of Destruction
Everybody Wants To Rule The World
The Bomb Run

We'll Meet Again
It Came Upon A Midnight Clear
Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life
It's Slinky
There's got to be a morning after
Burning Bridges
American Pie

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